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<br /> maliciously destroy or damage prnperty, and agree to keep the exterior of the pro�rty neat, . ::.:-
<br />' ciean ar�fr� of t�sh, lit4e�and junked vehicles. Trustor otherwise cavenants and agrees - - - ...-.-�_-
<br /> � not w do anytl�it�g w distract from the neatness the neighborhood. Further, 'Trustor �` - . - ,,:.�.�'a
<br /> oovenants and agre�s to kee�aU buitdings insured for fire and eatended coverage in an . � . . ,�-,>�
<br /> � amount equal t9 the unpaid balance of the aforesaid Note,with loss payable w the �._'v_
<br />� Beneficiary, and th�Trustor staaall,oa d$maad,deliver said policies of insurance or furnisls - -.-: --_��,�;. �
<br /> proof of such insurance W Beneficiary. Trustor will pay all taxes and assessments against - <: �.��:�
<br /> and amounts due on prior eucumbrances, and if they shall fail to pay insutance `
<br /> said property , � � �-- -'
<br /> premiums or 4xes on amounts due on prior encumbrances, the Beneficiary may PaY the . _; . .�;
<br /> same, an d a U am o u n t s s o p B i d shall become additional indebtedness due hereunder, and in . ;_�r_
<br /> s to which the TrusWr shall be a party,Trnstor will .��,T'
<br /> case of foreclosure or ather proceeding or Trustee in such foreclosure or =�-=
<br /> PaY anY��le aitomey's fees inc�nrre�by Beneficiary `�`�..� =�,..�
<br /> other proceedings to the exeent pernnitted by applicable law. _ ��
<br /> "' to any action affec�mg this Deed of f =�
<br /> v����� :..•
<br />,�;� Should the EenefrciaYy h�reunder lte made a ga�y "-,_�� �;" � r= --
<br />�� Ttust or the tide t�said praperty, the Tn+s�r agrees tha4 all court costs and reas�nable ,:.,t<:;'::;��_
<br /> attnrQe y's fee.s paiafl b y the Benefi c i a ry shall b e c ome a d c l i t ion a l i n d e b t e d n e s s d u e hereunder, �:,�. � .---�- --
<br />.�� � �
<br /> and the'�n�stor he�+eby releases and waives all claims to said property as a homestead
<br />.,;�� exemption or othe�exemption�aw or hereafter pmvided by law. _ 4:;"-'�--
<br /> .� �f .
<br />� It is agreed that in case of default in payment of said princigal or interest or a breach , - ��.��;�;� �
<br /> of any of the covenants herein, or upon any sale or tr�nsfer of the prope�rty by the TrusWr, ` � '
<br /> s�m hereb se�ured and inteaest theraon may, at the option of the ��''��s_=
<br /> then said pnnc�pal. um y
<br /> Be�eS�c�axy, become due and payable at once. Anything in said Not�and this De�d of Trust '" ,'�:� .�__
<br /> to the ca�tcary notwithstanding, upon default, the Beneficiary shall be efltitled to immediate -..,�f .�
<br /> nossession of said property, Wgether with the rents► issues and profits therefrom, and on _ ,� �: '
<br /> failure of Truswr to deliveP sach possession, the Beneficiary shall�e entitled to a secciver for � � i���� _ �>;_�: ;�-=�
<br /> .�,± �
<br /> said�mperty thut may be appointed by any court of competent jurisdictlo�. - • ,�
<br /> AU thE covenants herein shall be binding upon the respective heirs, personal - � ��-`�°`
<br /> re�►resenlatives, auccessors and assigns of the parties hereto. ��- ��:- .
<br /> �F- .=—_-__
<br /> . EaecutcA on this 3Q day of . 1996. =_ :�...�. -
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<br /> � Steven C. Avila ---
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