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:� � � I <br /> ����. . � � ►� � � (�0, ° D <br /> � � <br /> � U a <br /> _ . _ ___ . . ,_��_ _ _ _ <br />— 5db1$-1CLOP1�cC BARTLETT CO.,Prinli�zg,Lithopraphing¢nd Cou�aly Si�pplies:Z�lm¢hn. - _ ` � --- ���—�—���!—"---- ---�--�— <br /> FRON1 I hereby certify that this instr��ment was entered on Nurnerical Index and <br /> �led for record this--- ---218�-- -----------day of___ ---QC.t_Ob_@T--------- __._._---_ . <br /> �. �., 2911 , �,t- - -- - - --- 9•3fl --o'clock--- --. - . ` _ A,_M, <br /> -- ------- .St.ephan--S,Haytuazi--�__.wifs--------- Warranty <br /> T� Deed. '' <br /> -- ����-iva��� =_ <br /> _ _ ..___ _ -- - ------ - -- <br /> Register of eed ��� <br />' - - --- - - Fred__J.2�i1_�.er- - -- -- - <br /> -- - _ --- - ----- . _- -._.-- --- -- -- _ <br /> -- - __ -- - - <br /> Deputy. <br /> I�now �,il I4�eai by These P�esents: <br />, Tnat _ �e, -S�ephe-n--S,Hayman an�l Lizzie__�iayman " H-usban,� and �Y-ife--- - - - ------ - -- _ --- -- --- - -- -- : <br /> of the Couniy of.________ Hetll___.._ ______._ ____.__and State of______ _____..___1`lebr3ska_______ _ _______ __ _______ _ .____.____Grantor_______, in consideration <br /> of ihe sum of_ Five Hundr.ed. �-� � � � � � �-�-•_._,_. , �--•-�-_-��-�-�-� �-�-�-*-_�-�-�-�-� �-�--•__,_._._._... _.__, . . . . . . ._,_,__, . .-�-� ��-�----DO R , <br /> -- - - - - - <br /> -------------------- ----- LLA S <br /> in hazid paid, do---. --------hereby GRANT, BARG_4IN, ,SELI,, AR'D CONVEY unto--_FT_8d--���Qill��._--_ _ .. .__ _ __ _--- - ------- <br />'' of the County of------.---Ha�l--------------- - <br /> -- - -- - --atzd State of- __ Ne��a&k8. ---- - -- -- - - -- -- - , Grantee ,the following <br /> described pren.ises,sittiated in the County of_.__.__._______.-_____._____H31_�__._______ .._______ _____and State of Nebraska, to w•it: <br /> --- --_Lot_ .IJuml�ex- -Thra-e---(3_)_Blo.ck_��-r- Ts��nt-y---(-2-0-)-._in_�talli�h��___Adciition---t4__!���n�---Is_�and------------------ <br /> -__ -_--.acc.ordi,ng- -t-o_�ha_-rec.�rde_d--Uffie-ial-- P_lat__th_e�eof__on._file-_in_-ea1d--Hall---C-oun�yr_--l�ebraska.-_-_--_-_-- <br /> --- - - --- --- -- ---- --- - - --- --- -- --- - - --- - - - - - _ -- -- _-- --- - - -- --- - - - -- -- - --- - -- - - -- ------- ------ ---------- <br /> --- --- --- - - - - - ---- - - - --- --- - -- - - - - -- - - --- --- - --- -- ------- -- - - - - -- -- --- ---- ---- - ---- --- - ----------- <br /> Tobetlier with all t1�e tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurito belori�ing, and aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, llower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Gralltor_______.___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO R%1VE AND TO HOLD the ahove-described preniises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to____..______�3$___._____.______heirs and <br />, a,ssigns forever, And______..__�e_..___________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___.._____that____�$__________.hold__________said prelnises by good and perfect <br /> title; �hat__._____!tYe___.__________ha__Vegood right and lawful autherity to sell arld convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lietis and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------- - -�-- ------------ - ------- -------- ----- --- - - ------------------ - -- <br /> ---- --- ----- --- -- ------------ -------- - --------------- -- --------------------------- <br /> __ ----- - ---- ---- -- ---- --- ---- - - ---- - -- -- --- - - - ---- -- -And---- - w8 - --- - -- ----- - ---------covenant------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend�o said premises against the lawful claims of all persolls ivhomsoever, ____.__..___._ ________________________________________________________________ <br /> ------ - ----- --- - - -- ----- - -- - -- ----- - - -- ------ - -------- - -- --- - ---- - -- ------ ---------------------------------- ---- ------------------------- - ------ <br />', Dated the-- - ------ 29 --- - ---- - ---da,y of_- ---5@j?�-------- - ---- - ------ --------A. D., 19_ll------� <br /> WITNESS ---------------��_�p�l_@�__�_._HB�SfLa�S1--------- ---------------- <br /> ---------Lizzie__FiaXman---- <br /> - ----------------------------- <br /> ----- -- ----- -- D.D_,0_!��ne -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- <br /> ST,ATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> __ Hall -- ------County, On this- --- ---2�--- ------------------day of------- �eF'�--------------------------A. D., 19-�-�----, before me, the <br /> undersi�*ned, a Notary Public_______.___________.__________________________within and for said County, personally came____________�________________________.___ : ' <br /> -- --S_�Qghen S.�ia•,,tman--and__I,�zzis- -H�a�m3n-----�------- -- -------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__B______whose name_H______STe_______________________.affixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL) ment as grant�r_._�__.__, and______._t�_@_y_________severaliy acknowledged the same to be________�h8�.r._,______.yoluntary act and deed <br /> j for �he purpose therein expressed. <br />� name <br />� IN Z�JITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my h�id and aflixed my ofTicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> -----------�_4QS1--RiY_5-�--------------------------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------A_..A,_Q!Kane--�---------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------- ------------------- ---- -------------Jany_---,_.--19---------------------19-12_.__. <br />