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� <br /> ����� <br /> � D D ° �� 0 ° D <br /> �� o <br />�� 5�ai$-$LUPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and Count,y�uppZies:O+riah¢. : '-- "'' <br />_ � <br /> _ _ _____ _—._ ��-- —_--.—— - <br /> FR01�1 I hereay certiiy that this instrument was ertered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this---, -------13�h-- - ;lay of-------OCtOber..--,---------------- <br /> �, D., i9 Il__, at-- ---- - -- --- - - 3_ _o'clock-- - -- - P� -M• <br /> - ----t�'8�---LydiBt--A_�Vose__&---hus_bazld_ Warranty ' <br /> TO Deed. �����<%���/��_ ��,1/_._ - <br /> - -- - - ---- - ------ -- <br /> Register of De s �'��1�, <br /> - --_- Charles__C.�il�.s - - -- -- <br /> _ - ---- - - -- _ --- -- <br /> --- - - Depuiy.-- <br /> I�no�v All l�en by 7'�ese Presents: <br /> Th�,t__. ._ , -LX�li_a_A.Xa_se--and__Samuel--8_.V�se, _�[_if�--and -Husband - ---- -- -- -- ------------ -- -- - - --- - ----- --- - -- -- <br /> of the County of_--------------------Hs11- ---------------------and State of--------NBbT aske�-----, . ---------------------------Grantor__$,_, in consideration <br /> of the suni of -- TW921'�_�_�'i_Y_6__.{25_.�Q� --- ---- - - --------- ------- -- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ----------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do____ __ __________hereby GRANT, BAI�G9IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto______ChF�l�B__C_.��.118-_____-___-___________._ _ <br /> --- -- ------ --- - <br /> of the County of_--- ------- ---------H�'3.11 --------- --------- -----and State of_----- ----Nebr_�Bk� - -- --------- -_._..._- ----- ------- --------, Grantee----_,the following <br /> described premises, situated in the County of__.._..___________Hall __________ _ _ _----------____-and State vf Nebraska, to wit: <br /> -- --_-The._North---Seven_-anc��_-f�e�--_(7�)----of_--�-he-- Sout�i__oz�e_ _half__of---],o�__-Nu?nber___�our_�een-_-(14-)--_--_--_ <br /> -- _ _in__.Block_ _�levfln �11)-_9f_Callege--_Addition- -to__West---La�rn,---an-Addit_3on,-in_-the---Cit�r_-�f---rrand-_I_s1$nd <br /> - - - ---- - - -- ---- - - -- - - ----- ---- - -- - - ---- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- --- -- -- - ----------- -- - - --- -- <br /> ---- ----- ----- --- ---- - - - ------ -- -- -- - _ --- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - ---- - -- - - - ---- ----- --- - - ------- <br />' - - - ---- - --- -- ---- -- -- -- - - - ---- -= - -. - -- __ -- -- - - - -- - -- -- - --- - ----- -- - -- ----- ------ - -- ---------- <br /> - -- . ------ -- - - ---------- - - - - -- ---- -- -- - - - -- - --- -- - - -- -- ---- - -------- -- --- -- - -------- --- ---------- -- --- ---- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, a11d appurteiiances thereunto belonging, znd all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Crantor_�___.__, a�id of either of them., of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H�1VE AND TO HOLD the above-described prerlises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._______and to____________________h18____________.heirs and <br />�, assigns forever, And____..._�e..___ _____.____hereby covenant_.______with the said Grantee___._____that_____�4te_______________hold..______said premises by good and perfect ' <br /> title; that___________?lsie_________ _____ha�e_.good right and Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br />, whatsoever---------- --------...--------- -- - - - -- --- - ----- --- - ---- -- - -- - -- --- --- ----- ----- ------ -- ----------- <br /> ---- ------------ -------------------------- <br />' - ---- - ---- ------ ------ - -- -- - <br /> ------- --- ------ --- -- - ------------- --------- -- - -- ----- ------ -- - -- ----------- -------------------------- <br /> ---- - --- - ------ --- --- -- ---------- - -------------- ------------- ----------- --- -------------------- ------------------- <br /> I� --- --- - ------- ------------- <br /> - ---- - --- -- --- - --- -And------ ------------ - -R'8- ----- --- ------------covenant--- ----to warrant and <br /> the <br /> clefendSD[said premises against the lawful claims of all persor�s wl�omsoever, ____________ _____ __________________________________________________._____________________________________.___ <br /> -----�-- ---- - - - -- --- - -- --- ------- ----- - ------- ---- -- -------- - - --------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------ ---------------------- ------ <br /> Dated the---E18V8z1�h---- ----------- - -----day of_ ------4��0}�_4'-� - - -- - -- -- ------------A, D,, 19-�-�------• <br /> WITNESS --------------------M�r�-,---I'y_d i.�__A._V086.-- <br /> --------------------------S�uuel__R,__V_o_se-- _------ <br /> ------- - --- ------Ana on__M.O�i s- --- - --- --- - <br /> ---�-- - ----- ----�illi�__D-.Ri�ga-- ---- -- � ------------------ -- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> --- <br /> _Hall County, On this____E1_e_venth ____________________day of______�Ctober_________________________A. D., i9___1�._, before me, the <br />' undersigned, a Notary Public___________________.________.___.__.____________within and for said County, personally came <br />' ---------I,yr�ia---A.YQas--and--S�m.ue_l__R.�_Y_a�e,----�if_e--.and__husb-and,------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personaIly known to be the identical person_.H______whose name_8___arfl______________.____._______affixed to Lhe above instru- <br /> (SEAL� ment as grantor___�______, and__.__.thfly_____________severally acknowledged the same to be__.__.____�he_ir_____�__voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> n <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto subscribed m and afl"'ixed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br />� __________.___BuTk@_�_�t____�e3A�_A���,_____________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------------------------------__N__.C_�FQY_----------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------------------- - - --July__�21s----------------------------------19_12----- <br />