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� <br /> � . <br /> e� ���� <br /> � D � ' �D ° 0 ° D <br /> � L. ❑ <br />� 50018—K[,OPP&BARTLETT CO.,PTintin9,Lillaographing and County Suppfies;bmahc:- '' �` = —=' _� =-- _ - - 1 — <br /> FRQM I hereby certify that this instrurlent tivas entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this-- -- _ lOth------------day of -- O�t_0�er----- ----__------- <br /> ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ - �- , <br /> �. D., 19 �1. --, at -- -- - ----- -11 o'clock_._._. - -- --_,l1,_.__M. <br /> - --------------iN_��liam H_._ThompBC�n_.&__wife---- Warranty <br /> T0 Deed. __�/%_.�����_ - - <br /> - ----- --- --- -- <br /> Register Qf Dee a�a��� <br /> --- -- Henry _P_._Sandexs. - - ------- - <br />�'� -- - - _ <br /> - - - - -_. _- -- - -- --- <br /> Deputv. <br /> - -- <br /> - - --- ------- -- - - - -- - -_- - - <br /> I�now All l�en by T�iese Pr�e�ents s <br /> Th�,t - -- �i_ll,��t_H..Th�mpsc�n_and_ N�ttie I.ThQrr�san, - -- - -- -- --- ----- ------ - -- --- - -- -- <br /> - - - - -_ --- -- _ _ _ husband__and__�ife_ -- -- <br /> of trie County of____ ____ _____and State of___ _ ____ __ _Ngt?raRka -____ - ---_-_ -_ ____ __ .________ _ ________Grantor__8___, in consideration <br /> Hall - -- <br /> of the sum of Eight Hundred - 8Q0 '-}--.._ ------ - - -------- --- - ------ ----- --- ---------- ----- <br /> ----------------------- -----------------DOLLARS, <br /> i� hand paid, do____ _____ _____hereby GR�?VT, BARG!�IN, SELL, A��TD CONVEY unta__�iBriTy__P..$Srid�rB_ �-_____ __ ° <br /> of the County of____ ________ Hall ___.._ _._ _ . _____ _____and State of________ ___ _�1eUr.�18k8____._. _ _____, Grantee_______,the following <br /> d�scribed prernises, situ�,ted in tlze Cozin_ty of__ _____ _._ ___ _Fi�ll___ _______ ._____ _..____________and State of Nebraska, t� u•it: <br /> -- __ - ---All__of__Block_ �'Qrty_--E��- --�44-�---in__➢�a��aer.'-.s---SecQnd---Addit_ion--tQ_ �he__C_ity--�-f--Q�_anct---Zsland,----- <br /> -- -- in--said____C__ountX} - as---sho�n _by_ the__xeeordec�- -p�.�t---th��.ao�t.--on__fi_le---in---tha--of��ce--o�---the------------ <br /> -- - - - County Clerk _of__said_G�unty: -- -- - _ _ - - - - --- --- -- - <br /> - - - - -- - __----- - -- -- --------- <br /> --- -- -- ---- _ - _ --- - -- --- - -- - -- --- __ - - --- -- --- - ----- - --- - - - - ----- - - - ------ ----- ---------- <br /> ----- - - _ - - - - --- - - - -- ---- --- - - - - --- ----- --- - -- - . - -- ------ -- -- --- -------- - - ---- -- - - -- ---- - - ---------------.. <br /> Tc�gether witli all the tenements, tiereditamerits, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and : <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.fl_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or a,ny part thereof. <br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described prernises,i�ith the appurtenances, unto the sai� Grantee_ ______and to_______hi8______________ _ <br /> ____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And_________�8_ ______________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee_________that______vP9___________hold_______saicl premises by good and perfect � <br /> title; that______________j+1/e______..___ha._Vegood right a.nd lawful authorit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------_-8?�C__e_�t__�lze-_-tase�a___th�r.�Qn__f_or.._1910---,and--slevs�----�hinh-_�he_-gsant aa---assumes_-and--agr_eae------- <br /> - --- - ----- t o_PaY -. ---- ----- - - --- -- - -- ----- -- - -- - ---- -------- --- - ------- ---- -------- ---- ----------------- - <br /> -- ---- ----- - - ------ --- - - -- - ---- ---- ----- - ---- -- -- - -- --- - --- ---------- ---- - -- ---- ---- - - - - - ---------------- - ---------------- ------------------- <br /> - -- -- ----- - -- -And---- --- - -�8 -- ---- - - --- - - -----------covenant--------to warrant and <br />' the , exee _t the aforesaid <br />' defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persol�s whomsoever, ____._ _.____p_.___________________________________#3Xe�_._____._______________________________.__.____ <br /> --- - --------- - ------ --- - -- - - - -- - - - ---- ---- -- -- - - -- -------- ----------- --- - -- ---- ---- - - - ----� ---- --------------------------- -- ------------ <br /> Dated the-------- -- 9th --- -- - ---- - - --day of_---- OC�Ob_eT-- -------- --- - - --------A. D., 1911---- • <br /> WITNESS --------------------7P_3�lli�i_.F3..Th�mp�san-- --------,------ <br /> ---------------N�_�_�ie--Z�_Th_Q��on----------------------------- <br /> ---- - -- ------ - - --- C_,_H_._�l�_nck- -- ------ -- -- - -- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> ---------------H311 ----County, On this--------------9-th-----------------------day of_--------OC_tqi�Br---------------------A. D., 1911----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public---------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------,------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------R_i_11_i�n---H._Th�r�a�fln----�nd.-1da�_�t_is- I.ThQmpaon------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- -- ---------husband__and---wife---- --------- <br /> -- ----- -- ------- ------ --------- ------------ ---------- ---- - ------ ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person____�_____whose name______�_s._______, .___affixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL� ment as grantor°__�_______, and__._.___�8.�h___________severally acknowledged the same to be______�hHir____________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. n�e <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�3and afC'ixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ---_--_--_�r�id---I81�1c�-----DIflbS--_-_------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------------------------------�.H_,.��z��k----------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> Mycommission expires---------------------- - ---------------- ---------�.Sa�r-----------1�-------------------------19...�.3--- <br />