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<br /> ` 50048-KLOPP&BARTLETT C0.;PrinGing,Lithographing and County Szepp[xes;0-nah —
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<br /> FR01Vl _ I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this- -- - --- -------9��1.---- ------day of_--- q.�'�ObeT----- .------------- '
<br /> ------- ----- ---- - -- ---- - - -- - ---- - ,
<br /> �. D,, 19 Il _ , at- -- -- -- 10-.3Q_ - -- - -o'clock -- - -A-- -- ---M, �
<br /> ----- - - ---J.H.navis---& wif e - - - - Warranty '
<br /> Deed. �/ -- -- - - -- --- -
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<br /> Register of Des ��
<br /> - --- - - --.___.Eruin �-.Shult�z - - - -- - - --
<br /> - -- - - ------------ -- - ----- - ---- - - - ---- --- �
<br /> lleputy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen l�y These Presents: '
<br /> T.hat---- -- -J�H_�I?�.vis__an�_��aa.a�_L_,_��v�.�, hus�an�l___an�._.wif�_ -- - --- - - --- - - - - ---- --------- - - - -------- - -- --------- '
<br /> of the Count,y of_______.______________H811 __and State of__________N9bT�6k3 _ __,_______________________._______Grantor_$____, in consideration '
<br /> �
<br /> of the sum of - -- -- FOI�t_@�1'�__H�iSidr@S� --�ld---n0/14Q----------------------------- ------------ -- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----DOLLARS, i
<br /> in hand paid, do_-- -------------hereby GRANT, BA?�GAIN, SELL, A11'D CONV�Y unto-----ErVi21__C_..ShLtl�z----------------- __. -- ._ _-------- -------------------------.---- . ;
<br /> - -- -- - __- - -- -- - - - -- -- -- - - - . - -- -- -- --. _.- - - -- - - ----- -
<br /> i
<br /> of the Couniy of----- -------- ------.K811_ -,-----.______-- ---------_atld State of_---- ------- _-- - ----------NBb�_2�k-S-------.- -.------ ------, Grantee-----,the following '
<br /> described premises, situated in the Couzity of_______..__H2111-_______________._____._ ..____._______and State of Nebraska, to wit: ;
<br /> • �2�
<br /> -- ---------Lo-t--Numbes__T�Q----(-2-�--B1QCk--Numb�r---8ixt-�r--Nine---(-fi9�---in--�heeler--and--Her�ne��l-s--Se�Qnd---Additian------ �
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<br /> ----------to_,.Gr_an�__�_���ns�---Ne�r�ska,----_------------Sub_�e�t__h�wever-ta--a -balanc�---dua_upan---a--mortgage---Qf_------------ ;
<br /> --------A1ine--Hundr��l---(��00_.��?Q1--DQ_].l�_s__payal�le--to---�he---N_e_br_a�ka---S_�_at�--��i_1_di.ng---and---�iar�--A��ociation_ i
<br /> - ------of__Fremon�,----Nebra�ka,---��i.icY�--bal_ancs--ths---sai�---gran�e_e__ErYin---C.,_Shultz--a�_avmeB---and---agr�sa--�-a--
<br /> --- - --�'aY-� - -- ---- -- -_----- - - - - - - - - ---- - -- - - - ;
<br /> --- ----- -------------- -- --------- -- --- - -- --- --- ----- -- ------
<br /> -- ------ -- -------- -------- - - - ----- -- - - - , -- ------ -- - ---- - --- -- -- - ---- -- - ------- - '
<br /> Togethel°witli all the tenements, hereditameiits, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and i
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_8_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. '
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to________.________hiB__________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_ W6___ ______________hereby covenan�__ ___with the said Grantee___ ______that___._____�9!Q_________,hold_______said pren�ises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_________�[e_.____________ha_Ye__good right and lawful authorit,v to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear af a,ll ]iens and incumbrances , �
<br /> whatsoever-------�----------- ..--------------- ---------- - ---- - -- -- - - -------- -- ---- - ----- -- -- ---- - -- - ---- -- -- -- ---- - -- -------------------- '
<br /> ------- - -- --- - -- --- - ------ --- - ----- - --- -- ------ -- - - --- - - - - - - -- - ---- --- ---------- ---- ----- - - - - -- -- ---- - --- ----------------
<br /> --- ---- --- -- -- - ----- ---- - -- ---- -- ---- - -- - - -- --- -- - -- - ---- - --- ---------- - ---------- -- -- --- ---- ------------------ i
<br /> - ----- -- - -- - -- - - -
<br /> ----_ ------ -- -- - -- --- And --- -wg-- - --- - - - ------ - -----------covenant------to warrant and '
<br /> �
<br /> t he
<br /> defend�D said prelnises against the lawful claims of all persons wholnsoever, ____________ ___.________________________________________________.____________________________._.__..____________
<br /> Dated the- --- --- - --gp- - ---- - -- - --------day of_- -------Q�'�41?@x--- - - ------ -------- -------A. D., 19--1�---�
<br /> WITNESS _S.F�..i�Et91�
<br /> ---------------E�--L.Da_v__�s------------------------------------------
<br /> --T.0��_.Harr_i s_on----- - - - - ------- -- `
<br /> ------------ ------- --------- ---- -- -- - -------- - - - --------- - � -- --------------- -------------------- -------------- �
<br /> ss,
<br /> -------Hall---------County, On this--------------9_"_----------------------day of--------0_CtQbBT-----------------------A. D., i9__11--, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ried, a ivotary Publi�________________________________________________within and for said County, personally came_ _________-___--_----.__-----__--_-__---------------__--_-_--_
<br /> --�-.$.D'd1��.B ST1Q--}'..2T1FC18---I,cs�B-u�.B�----�1.U�8�182�.t3--121(�--�IL�,�$----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- --------------- --- - --------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------- --- ------ ------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- �----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___8______whose nam�g._________�s_._____ a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> ($EA1�� ment as grantor___g_____, and__________t11e_y__._______severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____.__�11eir________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> name '
<br /> IN WITNESS WH�REOF I liave hereunto subscribed my h�and affixed my ofr'icial seal at_._______________________._________________
<br /> ______GT_3i�d__I�18tndi___Td9hr.3skE�____------------_--__-on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------------------------�---Q._�_.I�ax���on----------------
<br /> I Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------ - ---------�ebruetT-�r--1,Q.�-----------------------------------------------19--�----
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> I _
<br /> i
<br />