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a <br /> �� ��� <br /> ,,�� D D ° � 0 ° D <br /> , � o <br />_ 50U48—KLOPI'cf•73ART7.ETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and Cou�zty Supplies,`O+naha: _,_ _,..,,< - ____� -s=--- ,.—.-_- '-_-_. �-- -_—�.___—:-- <br />— : _ _ , _ ._ _,._,.. �_.,_._ __�,__, �,-.-�_ �..,..T__ <br /> _. _._.__ __ _----�---- ---- ---- <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and <br /> filed for record this_________ _ ___ ___9th__ ___ ___�ay of_____OCtOb9r_ <br /> : -- - - - <br /> �, D., i9_ 11__, at-. --- - -- --9•�_ _ .-- -o'clock- -- - A� -M� <br /> - - <br /> 7�_._�az�b_vr.t _ -- - - _ _ Warranty <br /> TD Deed. • � <br /> -- �'��/�r�L- - <br /> - _ . -- -- --- - <br /> �?e�ister of Deeds s�can�¢�d�ica <br /> ---_ _ -Fe__lia_.Bach - -- - -- - <br /> - --- - - -- - - -- - - <br /> -- ---------- <br /> Depu�y�. <br /> I�now A11 IV�.e� by �'�ese Presents : <br /> That - - John �P,_Lambert_,- �ridower, - - - - -- --- -- - --. - - - - --- ---- -- - <br /> of the Count3' of-----------------Hall---------------------.__---_ancl State oi- -------N6bT38ka------ -----------------------------------------------------Grantor------, iri consider<�,tion <br /> of the sum'�--&--110��.Q4-- -- - <br /> -- -------- ----------------- ------ <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------D OLLARS, <br /> in hand paicl, do--- ------------hereby GRANT, BARGFiIN, SELL, AT�'D �'ONVEY unto------Fe__l�.X.__�A�.1'�--------------_.------------------- ---------------...----------.- <br /> - ----- - --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - ---- - - --- -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - - ------ _ - ------- <br /> H311 __and ,State of__._.._______N�braBKa . ________________ Grantee____ _,the followin <br /> of the CouiitS' �f- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -� _ _ - - - -- -- g <br /> described premises,sitliated in the County of___._._.______ __I�a�_l.._ _______________ ___ _______.____a,nd State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> ___ _ ___________ __Fract_i_o__nal_Lots__Fiv�___and.__S_i__a___(__5.__f�__6) _in___Fr. actional_ __B___l__ock_ _Thirt_y__Sia__�36)___in__Lambert !s <br /> -----------_ _----- Additioz�__to_ the---�ity__of _rr_and__Island, --aa -ahQ�n_ b.y_ th�---ra�_ord��t--plat---ths_r_�o�-=-------------------------- <br /> -- -- --- - -- --- -- -- - - ---- -- - - - - ---- - - -- - --- ---- - --- - - ---_ --- - - - - -- - --- ---- - --- ---- <br /> - - - - ------ -- - -- - __ -- - -- - - -- -- _ - - - ---- - - --- ---- -------- - - --- - - --- ---- - - ------- - - ----- ------- - - - - ----- <br /> -- ---- - -- - - -- -- --- - -- --- -- - - -- --- --- ----- -- -- - - - --- - ----- - - - -- - -- --- -- ---- ------- -- - -- ---------- <br /> - - - ----- - - - - - _ -- - - - - - - --- --- -- -_ --- ----- --- -- - -- - - -- - - ------ -- -- -- ------- ---- --- - -- - ---- <br /> -- -- - --- -- - ----- - -- - --- - -- - - ---- - _ - - -- ---- - - ---- -- ----------- -- ----- --- -- ---- - --- -- -- --- ---- - - ------------------- <br /> To�ether witli all the tenements, het�editanients, and appurtenances thereunto belonaing, �,nd all the Estate,R•i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand ivhatsoever of the said Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO .�I%�VE AND TO HOI�D t,he above-described premises,i�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_____________________________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And____.._I____________________hereby covenant__..___with the said Grantee___________that______________I______hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> � title; �hat____ ____I.____ __..______1zavQ_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- -- ----- ---- - ---- - -- -- - ------- - - --------- --------- -- --------------- -- --- --------- ------------ --- ---------------------------------- <br /> - - - -- - - -- --- - - - - - And------ --- -I-- ------- - -- -- - -----------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> t he <br /> defend]D said Premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, _____ _______________________________________________________________________________ <br />', Dated the- -?th- -- - - -----day of_- -- ---0_C_tQbgr- - - - ---- ----------------A. D., 19--1�---� <br /> WITNESS . --------------------John__�.Lamber�--------------- ------------- <br /> � ----�----- ------- -------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> . <br /> ------ ---- - --A_,H.Thompeon - -- --------- -- - -- --- <br /> ---�------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - -- - <br /> - -------- ------------------------ <br /> ---------- <br /> ST9TE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. -----7-�h- ----------------da of_-------------�CtQb9�----- <br /> Hall___________County, On this_ y _._..._____A. D., 19_.1_1___, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Noiary Public_________.__________.___________.___._________._within and for said County, personally came _________.______ <br /> -- --- ,Iczhri--�![_.�e,It1?a87Ctr -�[_1dv�8Ti------------------------ -- -------- ---------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------- <br /> II --- -- ---- - -__ ------- --- -- ------ ------------------------ -- ---------- - - - <br /> --------- ------------------------------------------- -------- ------ ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_________whose name____._____.__________.�.�______________aflixed to the above instru- <br />�'�, _ ment as grantor_________, and______�.�_________________severally acknowledged the same to be__.__._______hi�__________voluntary act and deed <br />, (SEAL) for the purpose therein expressed, n____ <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m 6 <br /> y][�¢�t and afl3xed my of7'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> rr�nd__Island}___in_B3id_County_r______________.___._on the date last above written. <br /> �t.M.Pieree <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />, Notary Public. <br /> _ My commission expires----------- ----------------- ---�e�------lg�----------------------------------�915------- <br />