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<br /> 50D18-RLOPP&BARTLI'TT CO.,Printing,Lilhographing and Counly Supplies.'Omah�. _
<br />=._,,-, -..:.e�-. --,::----_.-,.- _,._ ,..... . -_ ._._ . _. .-- -..,_,_..,_ .._-_ ------ - _-,=::..-. .. _-.- -� - -- .:--.:- :.�---�-- - :_-. . :--.-. _ -_-_.' --_--- - -°---�-_� -----�-- ___�-_—_-�- =-_-
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<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered an Numerical Index and
<br /> - - ----------- -- - -- --- - -- - -- ------
<br /> filed for record this_-_ ------7�h_-- _-___-_-_day of_ __OC�Ob@�-------- ----------------_-- I
<br /> �, D,, 19 1� , at- - -- 4•'�-0- - -- - -o'clock-- -- -P= -M� �
<br /> ---- -- ----___F..E.KanBr-tf--s-iligle - - - -- - Warranty ,=---
<br /> TO Deed. � �
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<br /> - -- egister of Deed �to�c��ex�
<br /> --- --- --- - ----HenrY. Schuff-- -- - - -- �
<br /> -- -- - -- -- - - --- - --- - ------------- -- ----- ------------
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by Tliese Pr�esents :
<br /> That-- - - -Zr F.F.Banexti-- si�gle- -- - --- - - - ---- ------ - -- - --- - --- - - ------ --- -- --- -- - - - -- - - --- ---------
<br /> of the County of------ _----Hatll-----------------------------and State of_-- -----NBk�T 3sk3--------------- ----_..- ----- ------------------------Grantor-------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of - - Fi�ft eel� �iLi�lClr-�d-- -- ------- -- - .-- ----- ----- -------------------------------- ---------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---- ---- -H821?-Y----S_Ch_ll�f------------- ----- -------------------------------------------- - ,
<br /> --- -- - -- - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - --- - - _ - ---- - - -__ _- - - - --- --------- - - ---- -
<br /> of the County of-----------HSll-----.--------------- --. ------ --and State of-- __ NBbr3Bka------ ---------------- ----- - -- - -, Grantee--------,the following '
<br /> described premises,situated in t,he County of___________________________ ___ H.311_..._______ __________.___and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---------------------I,Qt--Tws�----(2-)----�l�ck__Ninety--Atine--�S��-__�ai.lrQad-Aaddition---to--4rand--I$land,---I��braska.---------------
<br /> -- ---- - --- ------ --- -- . . _ -- - -- -_- - --- - - - - - - - -- -. - - --- - - - - - --- - - - ------- -- -- -- - --- - --- ------- ---
<br /> - ---- - _ - --- --- - - - - ----- -- - - - - -- -- - -- ----- -- - --- - - - -- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - ---------
<br /> - - --- - - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- ------ - - ---- -------- - - ----- - -- - -- ---- --- -- - -- - --- ------- - - - - - ------- - - ----------------- --- - - ------ -----
<br /> �
<br /> - ----- --- - --- - ---- --- -- - -- ---- - ---- - ---- ---- -- - -- ------ - - ---- -- --- - - ----- - -- ----- - -- - - - - - -- --- ---- --------------------
<br /> ' To�ether wit11 aIl the tenements, hei°eclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__._ _____; and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any pa�rt thereof, '
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-desc�•ibed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____.__and to__________._hit�---------------------_heirs and
<br /> �ssigns forever, And__.______�____________ _______hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee__.._._____that_________I__________hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____._I____________________ha_YQ_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--------�XC_8_y�t _mor_� }��es---4f--�boi1L �!{(� - - - - ----------- ------- ------ ------- --- ---------------------------
<br /> � �'" 8"6 Y�"�'0o-roQ------------------------------�- �- .
<br /> - --And -- ---- -- �-- ---- - -- -------------covenant-----_to warrant and ;
<br /> t�l@
<br /> defend � said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____.__ ______ ___ ______________________________________________.___________.________________________________._____
<br /> Dated the- - - 7 p- -------- ---- - --day' of---- --OCt_Q_b_��- ----- - ------A, D., 19--11----•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------�',_�''_.�aTl_Q��------ - ---------- ---------------------------
<br /> ----------------------
<br /> - - ---------------------
<br /> �Y,4.Prince
<br /> -- ------- - --------------------- --- -- ----- -------- - - �
<br /> - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --
<br /> ss. N
<br /> ------------- -Ii811-- - ----County, On this- - - - - 7------ - ---- ------------day of_--------OCt ob@r----------------------A. D., 19--11--, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Glourofr����'�----------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came-- ----------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> - --F._F.Kane�---a--single-man- ----------------------- -----------�- --------------------- - ---- - ----------------
<br /> ' - - --- --- ------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------- �
<br /> ------ ---------- -------- --------------------
<br /> COtirit}� �;pu ` to me personally known to be the identical person_ whose name__________is__________________________af�'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL � ment as grantor_________, and________he__________severaliy acknowledged the same to be__hi�________________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> Hall County for the purpose therein expressed. n8m6 ,
<br /> �te br aska
<br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and affixed my oflicial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ______________GTai1d__381Ptnd_______._,._____________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> . J.H.�dullin
<br /> ------------ -------------------------------------------------------- ,
<br /> County Judge 11��
<br /> Mycommission expires-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------•-----19------------
<br /> i
<br />