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<br />__ : _. :. __ _..._..:_ . .:.._�_._ __.__,�. ;-----.--
<br />- __ . . ._- -- .--. __..�? --.—
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this in_strulrlent was entered on Nurnerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- ___---- 23---------------day of--S@p'�ezl11J8T-- -----------------
<br /> :�. D., 19--11_ , at - --__ - 11..�Q-- - --o'clock -__ ._._ A. -M.
<br /> --
<br /> Pattl _�_._Rt�ff_ &_.wife--------_--------------- -- Warranty
<br /> T0 Deed. � �
<br /> - - _���-�- ���-i� _
<br /> - -- ---- - -- -
<br /> Register of Dseds �aaxf���x
<br /> -- Arabe_�l__D_.���i�_ _ _- - - - - _
<br /> - -- - -- -._ __ __
<br /> - -- ------- -Deputy-.--
<br /> Know 1�11 1V�en by Tl�ese Pr�esents s
<br /> That-- - -Paul__�_._�{uf�.--�sl--�tiriz'ti8 -K-•-�Lt�f�- h��__vPi�B�-- --- - ---- --- - - - - - -,- ---- ----- - --- -
<br /> - - - ----- - ---- -- -----
<br /> of the Count,y of------ ___�iOY��T$_.-- -------_-----
<br /> ---and State of---------Ne�l?S3Bk8-- ----- ----- ---_.__------------------------------------Grantor-B---, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of -- �9 HLlrit�_�$_..&__QQ�1Q4 ---- -- -- -------- --- ---- ---------- -- ------------=------------------------------------ -- --------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do.._______ _ _____he�°eby CRAVT, BA_RG_4I�'V, SELL, AND CONUEY unto_.__ArBbel__l__D._L9V�is_____ _____.
<br /> of the County of_----.----- -----�ISlI__._----.--- -------.---------and Siate of ----- _.N� -r38 A ---------------------- -
<br /> ------ ---------------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described prernises,situated in tlie County of__ __ __ ______ _ H&11__ _____._________ __and State of Nebraska, to tivit;
<br /> - - -
<br /> ---------Lot--ThrQ4_-t3-}--of---"�est_. I,a�n_"_---in-thg.__�i�ty--Qf---4r_and_.Island,---as---aurYQye� -glat_�_e�l__�ns�--r_�o�cde�3.
<br /> -- --_ - - -_- - -- - -- - - --- - - -- - - - -- -- --- - - - - --- - - - --- -- -- --- - - - ----- - --
<br /> -- ----- - - _ -- - ---- - - -- ---- ---- - --- - -- - - - -- ----- -- -- - -- - - - ---- ---- - - ---- -- - ----- - - ----- - - --- -
<br /> - --- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - . -- -- - - ---- - - - --- - -- ___ _--- -- - ---- -- -- ---- - ---- __- - ------ -- -- ------- - -----------
<br /> --- --- --- - - --- - --- _ - _ ---- - - -- ----- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -------- -- ------ - --- -- -- -- --- ------- ------
<br /> - - - --- - - - - -- - ------ ------ --- - -. - -- --- - - - -- - - -- - - ------- --- - -- ----- - -- ------ -- - - - - ----- ------ - -- ----
<br /> Together witli all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances triereunto belol��ing, �,nd all the Estwte,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Deniand whatsoeti�er of the said Grantor___________, . _ ' � '" :.' �, of, in, or ta the sa,me, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a,bove-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.____and to_. __________h'�r____.____________heirs and
<br /> �ssigns forever, And________�g._______ ___._.__hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee__________that________V�@________ ___hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that________We_________________ha_VQ_good right and ]awful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------- --- ----..---- - ------- ------- _ ---- - - -_.- --- ----- --- - - -- -- --- - - - ------ ---------- --- ---------- -------------- ------ -- - ------------------------
<br /> --- - ---------- -- ------ -- --- - - ----- -- -- --- -------- -- --- ---- - -- -- - - - - ----- ------ -- ------ -- - ---- - - - - - --------------------------------
<br /> --- --._- - -- -- ------ ----- - - ---- - - -- - - - ------ -------- - ------ _- --- ------ ------------ --------------- -------- -------------- - ---------------------------------
<br /> -- ----- -- -- ----- - -..-
<br /> --- ------ - --- -- --
<br /> -- - And------ - ----- --�!@-- - - - --- -- - -- --------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend t�said pre.rnises against the lawful claims of a,ll persolis whomsoever, _______ ___ ____________________.____________________________________________________.____________________________._
<br /> Dated the------ -- - 31$t----- -- --- --day of- ----- AugLiB�- --- ------ ---------------A. D., 19--11--.
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------P�Lt�.__�_.Rtdf f---------------------------------------------
<br /> _--t�innie__K_.�R�f_f---------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ---- -----I�.E�_._A��an-- ------ -- ------
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -- -I�c�ll----------CountY, , On this------------318�-------------------------day of_-----------AT�g��-----------------------A. D., 19__ll__, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a i�otary Public-------_-_--------------------_---_----------------within and for said County, Personally came----__--_----------_-__----_---------------------__------------------ -
<br /> -------P_�u�.-7�_�Ruff---�n�t__M�nnie--K..Rtt�f�--his--W�f�-------�--------------------------------------------- ------------------=---------
<br /> -- - -------- -- -------- ------------- ------------------------ --- --------- - -- ---- ------ ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_B______whose name_�_______BtTQ__.________________.___affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ( $EAL ) ment as grantor__S_______, and________'�hB3t__._______severaliy acknoi�ledged the same to be______._thB�T________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribe�m�y�and affixed my of�'icial seal at______________________________.___________.__
<br /> ��_�ld__�B1SIlt1:___I��brj___�.Xl___BSi_d__.CQLiri�_yy_on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------------------�----------------------L-�a�-���►�----------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------___------------_ �Q.p�------�4-------------------------------�916------
<br /> �
<br />