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<br /> D D ° �G �0� ° D
<br /> I �J �� a
<br /> _ .__ ._�_�.
<br /> 50D18—KLOPP&BARTLF,TT CO.,Prinlirca,Lilho�raphing and Co«nt:�Supplies;Omalie. �� � � �
<br /> F���'� I hereby certify that this instrurr_ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this__ _. . _ 21gt---- --day of--- -$9pt_8tilb8Y- -----------------
<br /> .4, D., 19__11 __, at - --4_.45 - -- -o'clock- - _P__�M.
<br /> -
<br /> ---- -- EugeMe- Beland_$�_wif�, _----- ---- Warranty .
<br /> T� .. Deed. �
<br /> �= ��-�Q�- ��_-
<br /> --- - - - - --
<br /> Regiater of Dee s ���a�
<br /> -- - - - - Sol_t3�tin�buxger - -- - -
<br /> -- -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- � ----- - - - -- --
<br /> �eputy.
<br /> Kno�v All 1Vlen by �'�ese Pr�esents:
<br /> Tnat -Eugene _8e-land -ar�d Ar-media _A.Bala�d; -�i�sba�rfd a�d-��fs, =_-- --- - -- -- -- - -- �_- -- -- -- -
<br /> of the County of____ __.____H81.1_1__ ___ancl State of_.. ________Ne_bT8.Bk8 ------ - - - - - - --- - ----------Grantor____8_, in consideration
<br /> of the sun� of -- -- One Hundred $i__st_y_and_.no�140 - ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paitl, dc_.__ ______ .__hereby GR�1NT, B�iR��lIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ _Sol _�Li11Z__bL1rgBT__ _______________ _ � �
<br /> of the Countj� of_-----------_ .HSll.---------------------. -----_-----and ,�tate of- ----------�tebr�BY�---- --- -------------- - --._--- ---, Grantee------,the following
<br /> - - -
<br /> cleseribecl premises, situated in the Coldrlty of=___________.___._______._ Hall.___-_--------------------and S�a�te of Nebraska, to w�it;
<br /> -----------LQ-�---Qne--Hundr-ed- and _T�o--(142) -�� �ia�r��a�ne- Flac� said-Ha�rt�iorne Pl�ae-�e� subdi�i-�#��--of-s
<br /> --- part_ of___t__h_e__ North -�iQet---Quar�s-r-- -�N.i�.y�---of- -iSac�Gio�a--T�snty--Lw-o---�22}-- -To�rtuab,ip--Flevon---j-11}--------
<br /> North_ of Range_Nine --(9�___�eat-of the 6�h Pr�nc�p��._l[er�.d�i�i?.- -- - --- -- -- --- ----- ------------ - -- -- ---
<br /> ------ --- - ---- -- - -- - - ---- - ------ - ---- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- -- -- --- ---- - -- - --- - - ------ ---- ---------- ------
<br /> --- --- ----- --- - - ---- - - -- - - - --- -- - - -- - -- - - ---- - - - -- --- - ------ - --- --- - -- --- _--- -- --- -- - - - ------
<br /> -- ---- - - -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - -- - --- --- ----- ------ - --- --- --- - - -- - -------------- - -- - --- ------- --- ------- ---------------
<br /> Togethet°u�itii all the tenements, 1ie1°editamezits, and appurtenarices thereunto belon�ing, 2nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___�______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO K4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,wit1� the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__..________hi_fl__________.________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, t�r_d___________fllt@_______________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee______.___that___._�If@________.___hold_._______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____________�f►e________.__haVQ__good right �,nd lawful authority to sel: a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------ - ------..------- - - ------ - - -- ---- - ---- - ----- --- ------- ------------ ------ --------- - ----- -
<br /> -- -- -- - - --- --- ------------- ---------- -------
<br /> ------- --- --- ---- - --- --- ---- - --- - -- ---- --- - -------- - - ------ - ---------------------- ------ --- - ----------------- --------------------- ----
<br /> _---- the- - _- -_ . _
<br /> - - - ---- - .- -And- -- -- -- -�� - ------- - --------- --- -----------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ________.________.________________________.________________________________________________________,______.___
<br /> --- - -- -- -- - --- _--- -- --- - ----- ---- -- - - -- ---- - ----- - - - ----------------- ---------- ------ ------------- ------------------------------�------------------------
<br /> Dated the------ 216�-- --- ------ -----day of S9pt_8Dib8r--- -- -- ---- ----------A. D., 19_1�.---�
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------Flt1g��8---$Q�.�C1----------------------------------------
<br /> -----------------��a��_,_���e_��►�a------------------------------
<br /> -- - - -- -- ------ - T,_4.C_.��iarr_iBOn - ---- -- --
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---- --- --- - -Hal�--------CountY, . On this--- - - -21st- -------------=------day of_-- ------Septe�iber----------------A. D., 191Y----, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public____._ ____________..__.____________within and for said County, personally came_______________________________________ _____.___________________
<br /> ----- - -----Eugene--Beland__and--,Ar_me_d�a_�_�.$ela�c�,._,hu�b:��t---a�d---�i��--------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.B______whose name_fl__________R'r8________________________afFxed to the above instru-
<br /> (S E A L ) ment as grantore________, and________t�7i@y__________severaliy acknowledged the same to be_____'�h�91x_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��tand afC'ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _______�T_8AS3___IBland:___Neb"ratSks_____________-.---_____.on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------ -----T-O.C_.Ha►rrison--------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires-------------------------------------- ----- -------FebTUaty_.10.------------...-----1�_12-----
<br />