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� �� <br /> D � D ° 0 ° D � <br /> � � <br /> � <br />= _ _ __ _- -_ _. . _ ___ �, <br />_ , 50048—Ki.OPi'&L'ARTLE4'T CO.,Printing,Lithopraphinp and County Supplies,•O�naF.e. ^ v ~ <br /> FR0�1T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> _ filed for record this-----__ 24�h _-----------day of---------$e��Q��1�19L-- ---------- <br /> . �. D., 191�. � at- - --- 9 . ..'_ - --- o'clock--- -- ,A, _M. <br /> - _ '�[illiaJg.R.FsEt�1C�s� t�irigle--- Warranty � . _ . _ <br /> Z�� Deed. /J'J � �� <br /> -- ��%_�%�r�-=-���22_�__ ._ <br /> - -- -- ---- <br /> Register of nee G�i�xi�bc�c <br />' - - - Ellen. Xalker ., - - <br /> -- ---- - - - -- - <br /> - - - -Depuiy. --- <br /> I�na+w 1�11 1VIer� by 'I'hese Presents: <br /> Th�,t---___ i�illiam �.grancis, Single,_ . - _ _ • -. <br /> of the County of_______ JSCk80ri _-_-_--__.__ <br /> ----_____and S�ate of--- - Mi8�30t1Ti _------- -_ ___------- --- --- ----- --- ----------.Gr�,��vor ---, in consideration <br /> - - - -------------------------------------- ----DOLLARS, <br /> of the sum of -- -- N_.210._Hi�AS�r�C�._ -- - --- - - ------------- ----------------- -- ------------------------ <br /> in hand paicl, do_ @8---------rereby GRA_?'IT, BAI�G�IN, SE��L, AR'D CONVEY unta-- -E�19ri--1P81keS------------------------- _--- _------------------------------- <br /> of the County of-- -------- --_Ha11,_--- _--_ _----------------a,nd Sta,ie of ____ ------�T@br3s�kE3- -- -- --.., Grantee------,thefollowing <br /> clescribed premises, situated iri the Cotznty of______________ �i811___ _ ___ _ _ and State of Nebraska, to c��it: <br /> - -- - <br /> -- -----. --- ------Lo�__EiSh-�---t�-)-_ in__Alock---Thr-e-e---�3-}_-in--f#idenne- Add�tiar�-t4 t�s Yi���ge--af Doni�han--- ------- - <br /> -- -21ebr�ka_according--�o__�Cha_a�e�orclQd--P.l�t--tbere�4f--- ---_- <br /> --- --- - - --- _-- <br /> � <br /> --- -- -- -- - - -- _ _ - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - ._ - -- - - - -- - - .. --- - - _ - - - ----- - - ------ ---- -- - - -- - -- ----- <br /> -- - -- ------- - - - ------ - -- --- --- -- - -- - ---- - ___ __- - - - - - - - --- - --- - -- ---- --- - - - ---- <br /> -- -- - - - - -- --- -- -- - - ----- - - --- --- - ------ - ---- -- - -------- - -- - - ----- - ------------- - -- ------ --------- ----- <br /> Together with �,ll the tenements, herecIitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,R-ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, and <br /> Demand whatsozver of the said Grantor_____________ � ' - .� ., of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />'�i TO K4VE AND TO �IOLD t1�e above-described premises, with the appurtenances, nnto the said Grantee__________and to________________h___@__T__ _._ _,______�eirs and <br /> assigns forever. And_______Z__._______________hereby covenant__ .__with the said Grantee_____ _____that___.._.�___________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that____________Z--__.___ ____ __ha_Vg.good ri�ht and lativful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of�,11 lielis and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- - - ----- - ----- ---- -- --- - ---- - - -- - ----- ------------- - - - - - ----------- - ---- ------------------------------------- <br /> - -- ------- -- --- - --- - - _ - -- -- ---- - - - ---- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - --- - ---- - --------- - ------ - --------------- - --------------------- <br /> ---- - --- -- ---- - ---- --- - ----- --- - - ----- - - - -- ---- -- -- -------- - -- -- - ----- -- - -- --- ---- -------- - ------------- ----------------- <br /> ---- - -- - And----- -__. - -- I -- - --- - --- ----------------covenant--- ---to warrant and <br /> clefen�� said premises against the lawful claims of all persorls wliomsoevel�, __.__________________....__.___.___.___________________________________________..___ _ <br /> -- - -- - - -- ------ - - - _ ----- ----- - - -- --- - - --- -- -- - -- --------------- -------- ------- ----------------- ------------------ --------- <br /> Dated the---- - --5th-- - - ----- -- -day of_- - ---- - Sept..8mb9�------------- ------A, D., 19--11-----• <br /> I�I WITNESS --------------------��11��?l___����2'iC�t_3_---------------------------- <br /> -- ------ -- -------------- ----- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> - - ._:.-- ----------------------------------------------�------------------------- <br /> STATE OF ����G�7.�,� <br /> �ss. <br /> Ja�k8Q21_.--------County, On this-------------5th------------------_day of--------8@px.�3Ili�H�-----------------A. D., 19_ll---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a iVotary Public_______________.__.__________________________within and f'or said County, personally came_________________________________________________________._________________ <br /> --- ---- -- ----- -�illiau�__R�Francis--- - -- -------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_ whose name_________________�8___..________________af�ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor_____________ and_____he__._.___________severally acknowledged the same to be_________h�.8____________.voluntary act and deed <br /> �SEAL} for the purpose therein expressed. n8�18 <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��l and affixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ______K�naaB__City�___in___s8id__Cour�'�yi._____._._on the date last above written. <br /> _ 1�,O�Ma.r_�h-------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> ' My commission expires------------ -------- � ----------�-- -------Jur1e---lst-----------------------------1`�-14----- <br /> I <br /> I <br />