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<br /> 4., D D ° � 0 �� D o
<br />: _ _ _ __ _ - _
<br /> 50018-KLbPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographirzg and Countd Supplies;Oreahe.. � �� � T
<br /> FR��1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- -------16 yh-----------daY of---SE3t��OTn�E T_, ._-------------
<br /> A, D., 19 -11 , at-- - -- -�•30 - - _o'clock------ --- -- .A-.--�•
<br /> - - -
<br /> Fien.i3�_ i���;ly. & wife-- . . -- 1�Varranty -
<br /> T(� Deed. �
<br /> _ _ ����--��.� - -__. _ ----- --- -_
<br /> Re�igter of D�da G��c�`�e�
<br /> - -- -- - _ ,7ohn--Tr�nt -__ -_ - - -- �
<br /> -- -- --- - - - ----- ---___ - --- - - -- - - --- ----
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> �n��v All NI�� by Z'hese Presents: .
<br /> That - I�an;cy-�ady anci__.�_ff is--Bad�t,. nua'uana _anci__��ie --- -- - - -- - - -- - - - --- - _-- - -
<br />' and State of___ __._i_v'__8_UT_�rYa____. ______ ________ ____________Grantor__$___, in consideration
<br />, of the County of_ - - Flal�._ - - - - - - --
<br />, ofthe sum of-----4.n� _Dolla.r--and---�t_he-r---valuak�l�---con�i_�_�_r_�_t_ion�------- -------���X
<br /> in hand pa,ict, do----------.------here�y GRANT, B�iRGAIN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto------. _ . __J_ehri __T_rQxl�._----------------- ----_._. __..__---- .
<br /> -- -- -----------
<br /> of the County of_--- --- ---- -- i���,l----------- ----- ---_______ __ _____ard State of___ __--T+1e'r�laskct-_ _._ ------------ _--- ------- --.---- ._ __, Grantee-----,the following
<br />' described premises,situated in the County of____ __._ ___._____�i�tll_ __ ._.____ __. --_-___ _________an� State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> -- -
<br /> The_ �to_�_��i---�?e�r�n---acrs-g--o-f--the _�I�.r_th- E�:s�---�iiartex___(�} of---t��- -T��rt_Y_'i E.�st --Quart_er-- (��- of--------
<br /> -- w�ct ion Fo�r -(�� -Toivnsrii�___E'tsv�n__�i 1� _;iQrth nar�o--�Jine_ �_- +�•- -- -- -
<br /> - - ---- - - - --- - ---- - ---
<br /> - - -- ------- - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- ---- - - --- - - -- ---- - --- -- - -- ------- --------- -- -- -- --
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<br /> --- ---- --- -- - - - -- - - - -- - _. - -- _ - - - - -- - -- --- - -- - - - - ------ - ----- -- ------ - ---- - - - - ------ �
<br />' - -- ---- - - - -- - - - -- .-------- -- -- --- - - -- - _ -- -- : - - ---- -- ------ - -- -- - - ---- ---- -- - - -- - ------ --- ---- ---------
<br />'�� - - - - - - --- - - -- -- -- -- --- ------- ------- ---------- -- - - - - ---------------- -- ---- ----- - ----
<br /> -- - -- --- ---- --- -- -- -- - - -- - - --- - -- -._
<br /> Together with all the tenements, heredi�a��ents, and appurtenances tnerauuto belon�ing, a�nd a11 the Estat�, Right, Title, Interest, Do�ver, Curtesy, Claim aiid � �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____&____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part tllereof,
<br /> TO K.4VE AND TO HOL� the above-described prelnises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.___and to_____________._his_____.__ heirs and •
<br />', assigns forever. And_________��___________________hereby covenant_.______wit11 the said Grantee_______ ____that_______;�te____...____hold__________said premises by „good and perfect
<br />�� title; that___________.__W_8______________haY�3____good right and Iawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,Il liens and incumbrances
<br /> ,
<br /> I', whatsoever--------�.�c;��L_. _�ziQ--:.i�.,�_;,_ag�__.�_f__y GQ4-.-Q0---antl--int-e_�_e�t--t�i�_argQn,---�nci_t�xe-s--=��hi�;h--�-ne---sai�l-------------------
<br /> II -�x3nu�.'�--:S�Lltii38--�:�Ci--��►-W C�- -�� :�c t.��.------ - -- -- ----- --- ----- -- --- -- --------- - ------------ - -- - ---------- -- - ------ ---------------------�-----
<br /> II� --- - ----- ---- - --- --- -- - - ----- ------------------------
<br />� - -- - --- --- ----- -- ---
<br />� ----- -- - _ ..:- --- - - -- - -- - - - --- -
<br /> _- --- _ ---And-- - --- SYe -- -- - -- -- -- - - - ----------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> I �i13
<br />'� defend tXsa,id premises against the lawfnl claims of all persoizs i�homsoever, ___________. _.____ _.__________________________________________________________________
<br /> ---- ---- -- --- ------
<br /> -- - ----- -- -- - -- - - - - -- - -- --- -- -- - ---- -------- ---- -- -- - ------------------------------------------------ --- -------�-------------------
<br /> � - - --day of- --- - --S_en��mi��r ----------- - ------A. D., 19--11--.
<br /> L�ated the-- ----- th - -- - --
<br /> \
<br /> tiVITNESS -----------------------'r_io nry--��dy__-----------------------------------------------
<br /> I -- --- -Llf 1�--�il._�'-�Cl�?'---------------------------------------•
<br /> ------- --- - -----------��-:H.._2'�"1_C?I�?��'4•'n-- ----- --- - -
<br /> ss, �
<br /> iia-� �- ----- ----County, On this- -- ------ ��h-----------------------day of_-----�up uur.liJ�-�-----------------------A. D., 19---11--, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public__________________________._______________within and for said County, personally came
<br /> ----- - ,�enxy_---�acly -ancl__�ff ia__;•_i.n�ay,---hus�anu__anc�--�rii e----------------- --------------------
<br /> . --------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person._�_______whose name__ .________:�X'�_____.______________a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> (S�AL} ment as grantor__s_______, and________�_�Gh________severally acknowledged the same to l�e____.�h4�-_..._______voluntary act and deed '
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed z���and afi'ixed my o�cial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> -__--��_ancl-_I51�.:1d-�i�--y----------------------------------------ov the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------------T_-,-U.._�_.f;_a�'_r__i$o n-----------------------
<br /> • Februur�r ZU Notary Public.
<br /> Mycominission expires--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------19�?------
<br /> _ i
<br />