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� <br /> � ��' � , _ . <br /> _ _ � � ; ;OoD <br /> . D D o <br /> : � � � <br />_ _ _ �_ _4: _— _— -, =: � _ _ <br /> 500�3—KLOPP&13AItTLF,'TT CO.,Printing;Lilha9r¢phinD and County Supplies,-OinaFc- � ! <br /> �`R0�'�2� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurrerical Index arid <br /> filed for record this____ ________ath________..__day of__S_e_p�ettlbe.�_______.____________ <br /> -- - - - -- - - -- _ .-- -- -- -- - -- <br /> :�, D,, 19_11 , at- - -- - --_ -1..4� - - - o'clock. ----- - _ ._ __P.. -M. <br /> ---- .aar_i3. J.P.,_B�uri:ann �x_livauana___-- Warranty _ <br /> �� Deed. <br /> Q . �-��� < L� - - - -- --- -- - <br /> Register of Dee ��y�� <br /> - - l�nclr��r J._r3�l.�r - - ---- <br /> - __----- - - - -- - - - _ ___ --- -- -- - <br /> - - <br /> Ilepuiy. <br /> I�now All I6�Ien by T�e�e �'resents : <br />� That___ - _ j�1Gr_�e-- J..R_,B�iim_ann- -anci--C�car---Fauz�ann__,�vife--ans�__nusban�-- ------- ------ -------- <br /> ° „ ._______Grantor_�____, irz consideration <br /> of the Countv of_--- ---. _Hal-1-.-- -------- ------------------and State or-----_.�.�_��E?Tat�k3------__ _------- _----- - - ------ - <br /> of the sum of - --F'or_t_y _Eibht--Hunclr_e�i-- �4$QQ_)_ - -- ----- ---------- --- -- ----------- --------------------------�-------------------------------------DOLI.ARS, <br /> in hand pa.iu, do_ __ ___ ________htt�eby CRA�,'T, ��1R�.4IN, SELL, 4i��D C0�'VVEY unto_______Anc�ew__J.Ba;ter <br /> - - - - --- - --- - ---- - -- <br /> of the G'oun�� of___ -- ------- ---rIall. ----- _.-__---- - --- --------arzd State, of------ ------Iv�;�r_�sk_3----- . ---- - --- -- ---- -- ----- ------- --------, Grantee------, thefollowing <br /> descrihed pren:ises, situared in t1�e County of_____ ________. _ Hall _________________�,nd Stai;e of Nebraska, to «•it; <br /> --_The_ .Easterl;�-_Q_n� .h_alf__..��-� - Qf__L�t-- -T��ro----k�)�eve_nt�--4i�ht---�-�8)- --of--the- Crig_inal--taW�r�----na�¢---- <br /> -- Cit�, --of_-rrand---I_slanc�- -accoxcling-_�9__the or_i��:�nal___n�a�--_�herQQ�-•_-_--- - - __ <br /> ------------ -- -The---�rer��.�es _h��_aby---��_r�vo-y-ed be_in�-re�_tangular___�i_e�� --o-f--graun�i,- -hay_ing--a--f_r_an�ags----a�---- <br /> --- 3�--fe__�t--on__Second. fitr��t �n�1--13�--�e�t_--de�p- ts�--the--alley in__s_ai_d _£1��_k . ---- ---- --- -- - - - -- - -- -- <br /> -- -- -- - _ - - - - --_ _ - _ _ _ - - - --- - - - - ---- - -- -- -- - - --- . ----- - - ---- - - -- - --- ----------- - -- ----------------- <br />' -- - - - - --- --- - - - -- - _-- - - - --- - --- ------ ----- - --- - -- - -- -- -- - - ------ - --- - - - --- - - - -- - -- -- - ----- <br />' -- - -- -- --- --- --- - - -- <br /> ---- - -- - - -- --- ----- ----- ----- -- -- - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - ----- - --- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --- <br /> Together tivith all tre tenen�ents, her2ditamerits, and appurtenarces t�iereunto belon��ing, �,nd ali the Est�,te, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand tivhatsoever of the said Grantor___�______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sarne, or any part thereof. <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOZ-D the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_______hi�____________________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And____..______`�°ja____..___-__hereby covenant______u�ith the said Grantee__________that___._ __.??�e__.___.__hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that____________:1_g_____________ha_ve__good right and lau�ful authority to seIl a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of �11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--�------------- ----- - -- - - - - -- - -- - --- --- --- - - ----- ----- -------- ---- ---- -- - - ---- ------ - - --- --------------- <br /> - - --- -- - ----- - -- - --- -- - - - --- - - ---- - - -- - -- - - -- ---- ----- ---------- ------- - - ----- - - ---------�--------- - --- - ------------------------ <br /> - - --- - -- ---- --._. <br /> -� -_-- -- -- - - - -- --- And------- - -- Y�te- -- --- -- - ---------------covenant------to warrant and <br />` the <br /> defend.� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, _____.__________________________.________.____________________.________________________________________________._ <br /> -- - - -- -- --- ---- - - - - - -- ---- ---- - --- -- ---- ---- -- ----- - --- - ------ ---- --------------------- -------------------- ----- ---------------- ------ <br /> Dated the- - - ------ -8th--- --- - --- --day of-- - - Ser�t 8mb er- ----- --------- ----A. D., 19_11----• <br /> WITNESS __niar_i e___J_,R_,Baunann <br /> ---Qs_c_ar---�aumann--- - ---------------------------------------------- <br /> --- - --- ------ - --�'�,x-.Thomp�on--�-- ---------- <br /> ----- --- - -- - ----C_.H_._�isnck ------- ------------ ---.._ ._ - --- --�---�---- -------- -------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. 8t'r� <br /> - - Ii�ll ----- ---County, On this- - -------- --- ------ --- ------------da,y of_----- - 'r'e�t_embQr------------------A. D., 19_ll__, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a I4'otary Public.________ _____.______..________.______within and for said County, personally came <br /> �--- <br /> _2aiar ie--J ..,Bauni�nn _anci---Osc_ar---Aaurnanns---w�f e--�--hu�k�and----------------------------- <br /> ---___. _ --------------- <br /> -- --- - -- -- - ----- ---- - - ---- ------------ - - ------ --------�--- ..._--- --- -------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ -------------- <br />'` to me persorially known to be the identical person__S_____whose name__________�e__________._________af�xetl to the a�ove instru- <br /> ment as grantor_s--------, and_________t�1s_y________severally acknowledged the same to be________th@_�_x________.voluntary act and deed � <br /> I ��E�'� for �he purpose therein expressed. <br />� I7 ca,tTi E3 <br /> IN IVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and af�xed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ________.____sr_and---I-s1�nGl�---y-ebr_-_----_----__-----------on the date last above written. <br /> -----------------------------c-,.H_._?��e nc y------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------ �:ia;t--��----------------------------------------------19--13---- <br />