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<br /> _ �__ -_ _- - ___ _ __.
<br />— 5003S—FCLOPP�cf:BAR2'LE1'T CO.,Prinlin9,Litho,r�rap)atin.g utzd Cou�tly Supplies;O�zaltc. � �� � � � � �. . . � �
<br /> FRO7�T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for recorcl t;his--------- _7t�--------------day of----$�nt_�r�b.e-r-------------------
<br /> -- ------- -- -
<br /> �, D., 19__li_, at-- -- -- --- 2_.�5_.- --dcicck - -- -- --- �� -IYI.
<br /> - -- --E�.tgane-- Bel�d -�-�ai�� - - - -___ i�Varra�aty _
<br /> TG 1Deed.
<br /> ��� - �-� - - - - - -- ._ -
<br /> - -- -- -- -
<br /> Register of Deeds �o���e�+x
<br />' - F_rand_ _Sha�?hercl----- _ - - --- -
<br />'I -__---- ---- - - - -_ .-- -- -- -- --- -----
<br /> llepuiy�,
<br /> I�now All 16�en by '�'hese Presents:
<br /> T1�at_ _ --- _Eu�ene _Bs_land--and .Armedi_a__A.neland--,-�usi�and_ and---���if e-----------------------------------
<br /> , .iall ----and Sta.te of- -- -- --i+ebraska - - - --- -- ---- ------ Gra,ntor--�--- in consideration
<br /> of the Coiint3 of_. --- - - -- -- - --------- ,
<br /> ot'tne su�n of- -------One_Fiunclreci---r if.t-y---�nd---n%,QQ-------------------------
<br /> ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand p<�,icl, do___ _ _ _______1�ereby GR,�NT, BFiRGAl�, SELL, :�I��D CONVEY unto_._______FrarLk_._Sh__e__;�heTd____________.______ _
<br /> of the Count,v oi--- - -----_._ --- Hall-------_ ------_ ----and ��tate of_-- _ -----iie'��3ska- ----- -------------- . _ -- --------------------- Grantee ---,-,the following
<br /> clescribed premises,sitlzated in the County of_.______. .__. ________na12________.____ ____._ _____and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />� -- Lots ?v�ur;ib.�rQd Ei.f�Y-f;Ye (��)_ and ,_Fi_fty-six -�5�) in �ia:at���r-�� P-1�a�a,--t�-s__s�id-�ia�vt;r:-o�n�------ ----
<br /> Place i�oi__no _� _s�a�clivlsi:on of _a___��rt__ of __tlze ��orth� �es�__c�u_�lter ___�l�_��J_,��,� ____of___Section i���snt_y-____._
<br /> ----- t_�ro -(�2}_ _in T�:rnsni�?--�_l�yen �11)J- -ly�r_tl�.--Qf_ _I?an�e i�i�e- -(_�_)---i�to�t.,o�- --thQ .Sixth---��-='-'�----P.r_inciz'a1--
<br /> -- -�.13r_icli-�n� -- --- -- - -- - -
<br /> _ . -- - -- - -- - - --_ - - - -- - - --- - ----- --- -- - ----- - - - - - --- -- ---
<br /> - - - - - - __ - -- -- --- - - - -- - - - --- - -- - - - - -- --------
<br /> --
<br /> - - -
<br /> - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - --- - -- - -- --- - - - -- - - ---- - - - -_-- --- - ---- ------ -- ---- - -- - - - - ---- - -- --
<br /> ------ - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -- ---- - - - - - - - ------- --- - - - - - - - -- ----------- - -------- -- - - --------- ----- ----------------
<br />� Together wit�i all the tenement4s, hereclitarnPnts, a�nd appurten.ances thereunto beIon�ing, and all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wrlatsoever of the said Gi°antor________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO K4GE AND TO HOLI) the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_________his_ _ _heirs and
<br /> I �ssigns forever. �lnd.________'�Y'_e___________________hereby covenant__ ____with the said Grantee_________that_________�NB-----.__hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____..__„te_____.______ha__VC_goad right and laWful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---- --------- --__- ------- - - - ---------- -- -- - ---- - ----- --- - - - - --- -------- -- -- - ---- -------------- - --- -- - --- - ------�---------
<br /> ----- - -- --- -- ---- --- - ----- -- - -- - ---- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- ---- ---- --- ----- -- --------- -------- ------------------------ ---- ----- - --�
<br /> - - ---- ---- - -- - --- --- - - -- -- - - - - - -- . - -- .And---- --- - - - - - -- - _wE3---------------------covenant-- ----to warrant and
<br /> t:23
<br /> Idefend t�said premises against the lawtul claims of all persolls tivl�omsoever, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,-----------------------
<br /> I�a,ted the----- - ?3'Gh - - -- ---- --- - --day of_-- - -Jtily--- - -- -- -- - ---- - --------A, D., 19--��---�
<br /> I WITNESS -------------------�.i�ene--Be�.-�?t�.---- ------------------------------------
<br /> �---�lri:��di�--A..I�_el�n�l----�--------------------------
<br /> ------ ---------- -T-._C.C_.'r?ar_r_i_son-- - ----- - ------- -
<br />'� ss,
<br /> --------- �all ---- -----County, On this-- ---- 2 y tl�---------------------day of-- -------------���.�7-X----------------------A. D., 19�1-----, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary 1'ubli_r,___ ___________________.______________within and for said County, personally came_________________-______________________
<br /> -Eu�ene--Fss�.an.�._�nc�--E.r_��cii�__A�H_e l_and,------hus�and---an�__�r_if�------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�_______whose name�____________a.:'�.__________.__._._affixed to the above instru-
<br />', �SEAL} rr�ent as grantor__s_______, and__________thsy-------severally acknowledged the same to be_.______�h�ir_______.voluntary act and deed
<br /> I for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> ' � her n o subscribed m and afTi d m fCi ' 1
<br /> I Il� u ITNESS WHEREOF I have eu t �D� xe o cia seal at___________________________________________
<br /> Y Y --
<br /> ___�x anci_S�13nd�.___iv_ehr3sk_3.__----__---------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> I
<br /> ----------------------------------_T_.9_._C_.��x�'_�s fln.---------------------
<br />; Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires----------------------- -r�;o_12ti�-?'X--------��----------------------------------------------_191�------
<br />;
<br />.
<br />