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<br />— SOD18—KLOPP c@ BARTLEY'T CO.,Printing,Lithographing and Cou�ity Supplies,�O+naFe. � v - ^
<br /> FR0�7 _T. liereby certify that this instrurnent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> flled for recol°d this------�th--------___-------day of__Sept_�ril'��-x---- .-------------
<br /> A. D., 19_11 , at- - -- - --- 4...�Q -----o'clock-- ---__ ...P_._M.
<br /> -
<br /> .Iv:iae_ --'�ahr in�ex _� _rius�and____-- Warranty _
<br /> ---- T� Deed. � �
<br /> � ����?f� -�
<br /> -- � ' - - --
<br /> - - - -
<br /> Fe ister of Deed �%��
<br /> Emil- F.Roe-se-r------ ----- --- - . �
<br /> - - - _ --
<br /> -- ---- - - - -- . -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�.riow Afll Idlen by T�ese I'resents v
<br /> �'11at - i��3ae__�ahri.r�er._anc� J-.�i.��h�_��z�a-r -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - _ _ -- - _. .--- ------ - - _.. - - ---- ---- -
<br /> _ -_____ vvife_. ancl__husbanci- -- -- - -- - -
<br /> of th_e Coiint� of-- ---- �i�•l_?____- --_- - --and State of__ -----i�8-bl�ska_---_ ---..---. _. _ -------- -------- - ---------Gnantor--�--, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of --,r�.vc_T�o3z�.arid_�Fo�.1.a._ .Fsutic�xed. �'� ��-���"_.�--- - - ------------- ,------------------------------------------- - --- --------- --------DOLLARS,
<br /> itl hand paicI, do____--- . ---_hereby GR�1%VT, B��.t'�G_AIN, SELL, A�'.D CONVEY unto_-----E�1i1_ _E_.F�o�_�8�----- --_._.--- -
<br /> - - - - -- - __ --_..- - -- _-- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - --- - ..._ -------
<br /> of the County of_--- -.._--- ------H�11---- ------___- -.___ __and State of_----iv'8__l.�'aska------... -------- - _._-- -------- ------------ ----- Grantee----_.,thefollowing
<br /> _
<br /> das ribed remises, situated in the Ccitnty oi_ _____ ___ ..- _ . F�al_1______ __________ --- _-------and State of Nebraska, to ti�'it:
<br /> c � - -
<br /> P
<br /> ._.Fract�.onal--T�Qt__ FivL- -(5)__ in _F31o_ck--TvrQ --t�-)---Qf__�lm F1�c_e. Aciciition_Lo--�he--�-it-y- of---Gr-�n�. I�iand---------
<br /> - T_lebrask�.,__-- --- ---------- -
<br /> ih�--��e�t�.rly_ Fif�y-f.QUx _.�5�_�__�e.et-- of__fr�.�t_i.on��, __�_o_�---Four --(4-)---i.n--Flo_ck__Ten---(10}
<br /> - of--�harTe-s--�asr�ar�s- Ac�c��-t i-on--tA_ the----city'--of -�xand-I.slanci,--- i�_e��raskas--,ar.d_ _T_he---�id.es��r_ly--One--�n�----
<br />, --Tisto- te�t_�s---(1--?�10) -fset---of--fr�c.�_ion.wl---I,o�----f_our---(4-}_--ar.cl--al?--Qf--f�_a�tion�l--L.o�--�'i._ve----(5-}---in__Flack Ten
<br /> --_�1U)_--of__��1M�r-!-s---;zuU.--Divi.s_ion__of-_LQ_t_ �evs-n----(_7_}__._of__uhQ--�-o-un,ty---�ub._�iivision___of._the_---5-,E-,�---of---the_._
<br /> --S.7P,-�---of._�ec��on--16,---T.avcnship---11,.._ivo_rth,_--nas�g_e--Q,.--�,t�a�-- -�_th__P__._I�i.--------------------_--------- - - -
<br /> ---- - ---- - - - --- --------
<br /> -,-----Sa�c�_ �r�ct-s--c�rl'uin�d__making---_on�--cQn�let-e---I,ot---y�i4h---u-_�s_ont�gQ---flf--�z�---f-�-sL---on---��v;�_�_io�---�'t_ree_�_.
<br /> and 1�2 feet---on---T;i�cii_s_on--St_re_et--in---�aid--C�-t-y-,--------------------------
<br /> Toge�her witi� all t1�e tenements, her•edital?ients, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�_____, and of either of theln, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE ATdD TO HGLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grante2________and to__________________hi s____________heirs and
<br />, assigns forever. And___________I�!8_ ___________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__ _.______that_______w�____.____hold________.said premises by good and perfect
<br />� title; that________.______ti'tQ._________haY�__good right and lawful authorit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- ------ --..- - ------ -- - - -- --- - --- ------- ---- ------- ----- -- -- - --- -- -- ----- ------
<br /> ------ - -- - --- -- - - - - � - - - - - --- - - - - -- - --- --- -- - ---- --- ------- -- - --- ------ ------ --- -- ---- - --- -- -- -- -------------
<br />'I - ---- - ---- --- --- -- ------ - -- - ------ ------------ ------ --- -----�- -- ------ -- ------------------- --- --- ---�---------
<br /> - - - - _ And-------- -'�r6- - - - -- --- �----- -- - ------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> t ri� , , �
<br /> defend�'o said premises a.gainst t:he lawful claims of all persons tivl�omsoever, ____exCE3;?t___t�xes__fo�'__t}ie,_ve�___1911___anu__tr�ereafter
<br /> - --- ---- ------
<br /> --- - --- -- --- -- - --- ----- -- --- -- --- .._- -- --- - -- ---- - - ------ ------- - --- - --- ----- ------- - ------- -- -- ---------------------------------------
<br /> I?ated the----- -- -5th_ ---- - ---- ---day of_--- Sept.et:'r�QT -- ------ --- --------A. D., 19_11__.,_,
<br /> WITNE�S ---------------------i�i�.�__!�c'��'�I?g_�-�'------------------------------------------
<br /> J.xi.�uhr i n�-e-r--- --------------------�-----------
<br /> ---- ------- ----L,_�,sr iilin�er --- - -- - - --- -
<br /> - >
<br /> ss.
<br /> --
<br /> -----'r?all---------County, On this--------------5th--------------------day of___.�e�t8r�.bei----------------------g. D., 19_1Z---, before me, the
<br /> undersignad, a No�ary Public---------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />� _ i��e rahr_?�z�g�r---a_r_.c�_�?_..�.r�hrz�?��r- -- -----
<br /> wif e and husl��nci
<br />' --- ---- --- - -- ------- -� ------- --------- ----- - - ---- - - -- ----- ------ ---- . _------- ----------------- -------------- ---------------------------------
<br />'; to me personally known Lo be the identical person8________whose name__s___�e_. .______.___.affixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL} Inent as grantor_�_.____., and_____.�xl��___,__.__.severally acknowledged the same to be_____ylZ@�r_____,_____.yoluntary act and deed
<br /> i
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I� IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed �n�'t�d and aft'ixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ______._____rr_��cl---Is18x1d--iuebx-------,------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------�•R-��3r inin�er----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------- - � i.iar_�=---ln-----•--------------------------19--1�----
<br />