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� r��..� <br /> �- � � � � o (;� � � o � � <br /> � �� �� ❑ <br /> ___. _ _ . --_-_--=-= =— _ _ — _ <br />— 50DI8—Ki,OPP&BARTLBT'l CO.,Printin�,Lilhogra��hing and County Suppties;O+iaa'aa. <br /> FRO�I I hereby certify that this instrurlent tivas entered ot1 Nurr.erical index and <br /> filed for record this_----- -_--3_1_st._.-- ---clay of- ----Au�ust <br /> �, D., 19_ll , at - _ 9_.50 - - __ -o'clock - ._. - .._ _.- -_Arl�l. <br /> - --- ----------- ---- - A�rc�on__r�..�1i_c1�er___�__v�rif_c-- Warranty <br /> ` TO Deed. • <br /> - - -- -- --- - - <br /> ��"'- - - - - <br /> Ptia gi s t er of De�s ����c <br /> - - - Fr�.nk--Fuel.�.. -- - - -- - <br /> _- -- - ---- -- -- - --- -_-- -_ - <br /> De�uiy, <br /> Know All 1VIen by T�ies� Pr�esents o <br /> That-- --.___An�n;on_._�I.._;�i��e-r___anc� CarQline ��..�i�cker _ _- -- - - -- - - - ---- -- -- -- <br /> _ husbanc� _and wi-fe-- _-- - - _ -- - -____ - - - <br /> of the Countv of_--- -xAll.. .------- ---and State of-----ZJ_8br��3k_�. _----- --_ _----- ----- --- - -------- - ----------Grantor--�--., in consideration <br /> ofthe sum of- -- -S.ev_Qn Huncired-- -- _ - - - -------------- -- -- ---- ------ - --------- -----------------------------------------------------------DOLI.ARS, <br /> in hand paid, cio. __ ___ __-_-_.he�°eby� ��.���T, B��G�IIv, SELL, AA'D CONVEY uxlto_ _._ ______FT�nk__ Bue_ll__ _________ __ _ _ <br /> of the Coun�y o�___ .F�all_____ _ .____. _ . and State of__..iv'e1�Ta�k.a.___ <br /> � ---- --------- ------- ------- ----------._----, Gra,ntee------,the following <br /> describecl prentises,situated ir�the Coui�ty of_________ ____ _____..__�ia�,l.__ _____________________and State of Nebraslca, tv i�it: : <br /> Lot PZzun',�er Fiv�►_ (5_} in, nlock 2_3_�'ber__Fifteen____�15�____in _H,r,Cia�k_'s__Acldition._to rrand__Tslanci____ ' <br /> -- - _ Nebr�s�:a,, as. sUrveyed_r�?l�t_t_Qa ar�d. _r.ecor_dQd_..---_ _ - - -- -- - - - - <br /> - -- - - -- --. ------- --- - <br /> -- - - _ - --- _ - - - - - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - ------ - - - - --- - -- --- - --- - -- -- -- - - - ---- - --- -------- - --- ------ -- <br /> -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- --- --- - ---- -- - --- - - - ---- -- - - _- - - -- --� --- -- - - - - - ------- - - --------- <br /> - - - -- -_ - - - -- - - - -- --- ----- - -- - - --_- - --. - --- --- - - -- --- - --- -- - - -- --------- --- - - - ---- ----------------- <br /> Together with all tile tenenlents, IZereditaments, and appurtenailces thereunto belofl�ing, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._�_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sarne, or any part thereof, <br /> TD H9VE A�'D TO �IOLI? the above-described premises,with the 2ppurtenal�ces, unto the said Grantee_______and to___... ____his______..____.._____heirs and <br />'' a,ssigns forever. Ar.d__..._________�"fe________hereby covenant_. _____with the said Grantee__.______that_______We__________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___.___t��_________________ha__V8_good right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all lieris and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------- - ------ -- _ --------- --- ------- -- - -- -- -- --- --- -- - - <br /> -- - ----------------- -- -- - ---- --- --- - ---_ -- -- ------ ------------------ <br />' -- - - - --- -- - ---- - - - - -- - - --- -- - - - -- - - --- - --- -------- - - --- -- ---- - - - - ----------- -- - ------------- --- - ------------- <br /> . <br /> - --- -- - -- - -- - --- --- ------- -- --- - - -------- ---- ----- --- ----- --------------- <br /> --------- ---- - ----�---------- -------------- <br /> - --_ - -- - - -- - - --- --And-- -- - ---- --- -- tr,te -- -- ------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> - ---- the <br /> defend t�Csaid premises against the lati��ful claims of all persoris ivllomsoever, _____________ ________ _.____.___________________.____________________________________________ <br />, �ated the---�t�re27ty-2_d�n�Yl.-----------_------,_day of_.--------- -l�ugl�.st----------- -----A. D., i911-----. <br /> WITNESS --------------------Anunon---�.�V i�k e-r----,--------- <br />' ------------------�_ar_�1ine__.14L�_i_��er------------------------------ <br /> Jar.ies E.Dill <br />' ------------------ -------- - ------- - - ------ - ---- - -- - -- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />; ,- �ss. <br />, r�all-----------County, On this-----------��h--------------------day of_--------Augu_$t------------------------A. D., 191�.----, before me, the <br /> ------------ - -- - - <br />' undersigrzed, a Notary Public________________________________..____________._within and for said County, personally came <br /> ----- Atnmon_N_��f_ick�r--�nd--�aroline_-�.i._�i.Gke�,----Y?i-�---?�i��----------------- ------------------------------------------ <br /> - ------- --- -- ------ --- ----- ------------ -------- ----- -- ----- ...------------ ---- ---------------- ------------------ ------------ ----------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.S_____whose name.�_____s'�xQ___________.______________affixed to tl�e above instru- <br /> I, 1���+J ment as rantor__6_______, and______they _______severall acknowled ed the same to be_____thei�'__________. <br /> g y g _ _ voluntary act and deed <br />�G for the purpose therein expressed. <br />�� IN WITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto subscribed m�d a,nd afl'ixed my of�'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> .________r r�.nd__I sl�n�____i18b_.________________________.________on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------- -J-, 11-------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------------ ------------------------------`-7-��------16th-------------------j91� <br />