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<br /> 50048—KLOPP&$ARTLSTT CO.,Printin.,q,Lithographinq and County Supplies;O+nalec � � "� � ' � « � � �� ��
<br /> FR01�T I hereby certify that this instrulnent ivas entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- --- --2��2�---- ------day of- -----A�i-gLl�� - - ------- -
<br /> --- --- - Har�ry Joehnc�-� wif� - - -
<br /> �, D,, 29_ll , at_..--- -9.cD-_ -- -- ----dclock- - --- .- - - . _ � _M,
<br /> .. .
<br /> __ _ - _ _ -TO -
<br /> __-- ------- _-- Warranty
<br /> Deed.
<br /> -���-�_�� -- - ----- ------- ___
<br /> �a��
<br /> Christi-an--J�ehnek- &--Fr-anc�.s-_Jo�hr� k R�g st�r oP D�eds
<br /> -- - - - - -
<br /> - -- -- , ----
<br /> Ueputy,
<br /> K.now 1�11 �en by Tlgese �rese�ts :
<br /> �hat--_-- - -- __WE,_ Henry _�'o_ehncl� arid_�argar_e�ha. �flEh�ickj- �:is �riFe, -- --- - ___ . --- -- -__ _ ----
<br /> of the CoantS' of--- - -------���.�-- ------_- -------__ -- ------and State of-------_____._ _--- _--- -----�T@b�'381f�: ------- ----------- Grantor--a---, iri consideration
<br /> �f the sunl of- -- ---- ---_ThY'�G__21Li11G1�'�d--QfJl-10-C?------- - ----- - -- --------------------- - � ------- ------ ----------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa,icl, clo------- ---1�erepy G��ivT, BARG-!�IN, SELI,� A..I�'D CONVEY unto_ __ ---------- _ _ _--------- --------. .
<br /> _---Chxi�t�.�_ JQehnc� _�nd__Frances--Jo�hnek ---his__wi-P$- . ----- - ------ _ _ --------
<br /> _ - � t - --- - - -- - - - --- -_ .
<br /> of the Courtv of_-- - -------- ------$d,g�ria,W----------- ------- - aj�� St�:te of_---- - ---- ------------------ -----M1Ch1g�i3--------_--------------------, Granteeg---._, the following
<br /> described prernises,situa,ter�in t_he Cou�lty of_.______ ___ _____.H�.11____ _..__ ____.._ ____..___and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- Z�t--s.eu_�n -t 7� in_ Blncx �'oux -�?�) a� a-���icx�s-A�c�����n- �o-Gr--��- Zslar��, �t�b�ae��a,- - ---- -- --- - --
<br /> -- as surv'eye�I_�-Pla�tted and__r_ecQrd�d=-- --- - - - -- _-- - -- - -
<br /> -- - - _ - --- - - --
<br /> --- ---- - - - --- - ----- - -- - - -- -- - -- - _ - - - -- -_ --- ---- - - - - - ------- -- - - -- - ------- -- -- - --- ------------- - ---
<br /> ---- - - -- ---- - - - ---- --- -- -- -- - - ---- ----- -- -- - - ---- - - ---- -- - -- - -- - - --------- --------------
<br /> -- -- -- -- - ---- --- - -- - - - --- -- ------ --- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - --- -- - - --- - -- - - -- --- -- -- - - -- ---
<br /> --- --- ----- - - -- - --- - - - - ----- --- - --- --- -- ----- -- - - - ----- - - -- - - --- - ----- -- --- -- - - - - ---- ---- ----------------- -
<br /> Together witn all tlie tenernents, nel�eclital�zents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all tl�e Estate, Right, Title, Inte,rest, llower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demar�d whatsoever of the said Grantor_R___ ___, n�' nf°•+'� � , of, in, or to the same, or any par't thereof.
<br /> I Z'0 H_4VE AND TO HOLI� t�'�e above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee8____.and to_____Lhe�2'__________________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And__________ __lt��____________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee$._____that.______w�____________hold________.said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____.____Y1!�-_.___._________ha_v�_gaod right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free arld clear� of all liezis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - ---- -- - -- - - -- ---------------------------- - --- ----- - - ---------- -- - - --- -------------
<br /> ---- - ---------- --- -
<br /> --- -- ------- -- --- -- --- ---- -- - - - ---- --- -- -- _-- ----- - -- ------ ----------- - -- ---- ---- ---------- - --------------- -------------------------
<br /> --- -- ----- --_ --.__ - -_ --- - - - --
<br /> - - -- - And--------- ----.W�-- --- __ - --- -- --- ----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> ��"��-
<br /> defendi�o said premises against the lati�ful claims of all persozls wllomsoever, ____._________,_..._ _
<br /> --- - - - --- -- -- - - - - ------- - -- -- ------- - ----- --------------
<br /> --- -- ---- -- - .--- -- _ - - - ------- ---- ------- ---- ----- - -------- - - - ---- -- - - ---- ---- - ------------------ --------------------- ----
<br />� D�,ted the-- - 2���'L_ - - ----- - -----da,y of_-- - ----- - ALig1iSL ----A, D., 19--1�1----�
<br /> tiVITNESS --------------------H�11TJ�---T-4@21t1CIC- -----------------------------
<br /> -----------------M�.Tga,Y'E th3--�_O�,'hACk------------------------------
<br /> ------- ------ -- --JOhn--�llan ----- -- -- -,--- ---- - -
<br /> -- --------- -------- ------ - ----- ------- --- ---- �
<br /> ss.
<br /> I'� --------- H�,11 ------- �--County, On this- ---- - �-Jx�- -----------------------day of_---------- AUgLi��y--------------------A. D., 19--11--, before me, the
<br />�i undersign.ed, a Notary Publi�-----------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ----xenry-Ja�hncic_and__�argar-e�ha 1-ae,�r�c�-,----hi-s---�v-i��,--------------------------------------------------------------
<br />'� - ------ -------- ------ ----------- --- -----_ -- -------------- ---------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------
<br /> - ----- -- - ------ -
<br /> I'I to me personally known to be the identical person�________whose name__�_______�r�_____________________aff'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> merit as grantor_S________, and_____�hE3y----_------severally acknowledged tt�e same to be___.__t�$�;�.____,.____voluntary act and deed
<br /> (Syqy� for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> ���e-
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___5����___��l�:d,___ln.__�aid_c_ounL,�r_._________on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------- -----------��?u'�.__Allaa�l----------------------
<br /> - Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------.J�Si.--�-�----1�12--------------------------------------------------------- ----
<br />