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� �:� � <br /> � —., D _ D <br /> K_ . � � D 0 D .. <br /> 0 <br /> 500t8—KIOPP&•BARTLETT CO..PrinlinB,Lithographinp and County Suppties:Omahn.. _. _ _- -,-._--- _,-- <br /> FR��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical tndex and <br /> -I�rB. I,ydid. A. VOSe & hUBb. --- filed for recorcl triis--- ---- 2_5t.h---------day of_-._ _.. --�A.L1gLi8t-------------- <br /> �, D., 19_ll - , at- - - 2- - ---- -- ---- - - -_o'cl�ck--- __---p_._M. <br /> --- - -- -- -- - - _ _ _ _- -- --- �Varranty <br /> TO Deed. ( (� � � <br /> _._\/!���tir�-\-,�.._-- — — —__._ — — ------- — — <br /> �,--� , <br /> - --- ------ ---- --- Charl�s _C. _ Wills- -- - ---- Regist oP Deeds <br /> -- -- -- ------_ _ _ - <br /> - - -- ---- ,- - -- <br /> Ueputy. <br /> � I�.no� �ill 1VIen by �'hese Pr�esents s <br /> Th�,t ---- - -I,ydia A. - Vose _and $amuel__R._ Vose. �!��e_-ar�d_ _Y�u�'�and,___ -------- ------ ------ ----- <br /> �f the CountY of---- - Ha.11-------------- ----------- -_. -----and State of--------------N6:br3€;�d_ _- ---- --- - ------------Grantor--g---, in c�nsideration <br /> of the sum of__----------------------- _F11'�y'---'____._____e____�__�___�_------ DOI.I.ARS, <br /> ---- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------ --- ---------------------- <br /> in hand paid, cio--__--- - ----hereby GRA�TT, B<1R���I:�, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-------------------- -- -- ------- ------.- ----- ----- ----. .- <br /> - - -- - - Charlss-C•-�tills - - -- -- -- -- - -- <br /> of the County of_--- ----- ----- -- _H311--- - ---- - --.------al�d State of____ ---_ ___ _ ----- ��_b_r_a,Sk3--- ------- .-- -------- ------- -----.-, Grantee--------,the following <br /> described premises, situated in the Courlty of_________ _________H�,11_ ______________ _________ _ __an_d State of Nebraska, to ���it: <br /> ___Th�.�i�,lY--.of__i,ot__�'ourteen---�-14)-.in_B1oc1�-Na.---El$ven--�-11)- -of--Call�g�----- --------- <br /> ---- -- <br /> -- -- --Addi_t_ion_ to__We_st_ �.�w�.� _.�n__a_Q.dition __in .the--City- �f �rand -Is-land -- ---- - -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- <br /> --- -- --- - ---- -- - <br /> - - ---- -- -- - - __ - - _ -- -- --- -- - - _--- - -- ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - --- -- --- - - - -- <br /> _ --- --- - ----- . __-- -- --- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- --- - - - - -- - - -- ---- - - - -- --- ------ - - -- <br /> ---__ -- - -- --- - <br /> _ - - - - - - ._ - - --- -- _ --- -- - -- -. - - - - --- --- --- - - - ---- -- -- ---- - - ---- -- ----- <br /> ---- --- - -- - - - -- - -- <br /> -- - --. _ --- - -- - -- - --- - --- - - - - ---- ---- - - -- - - --------- - ----- - -- ---- ------ <br /> - -- - -- -- - --- - - - - -- ---- -- -- - - - -- - --- - -- -------------- --- --- - ------ ----- -- ------------- -- -- ------- <br /> Tagether with all the tenements, heredita.�ients, and appurtenances tl�ereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, D�wer, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�.__.____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO K.�VE AND TO HOLD �l�e above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______._and to____ ______11�.�t ._________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever, And________W�___. ___-________hereby covenant_______with the said Grartee.___________that________Wg________hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that__________�f�______ __.__11a_Y�_good right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrarices <br /> whatsoever--------------- -- ..----- -- - -- - -- --- -- ---------- - - -- ------ ------ ---- <br /> ------- - -- - - - - ---- -- - - ------ - -- ---- --- ----------------------- <br /> -- --- -- - -- --- -- -- --- - ----- ---- <br /> _ --- -- And----- - -_ - - -- �Y6 --- - - ---- --- -- ----------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> defend��`said premises against the lativful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- - _.- -- ----- - --- -- -- - ---- - - - --- - -- - - -- - - ------- - - - --- --- -- -- --- ------------------------------------- --------------- -------------- <br /> I)ated the- - -- ---2_5th--- ---- ----- ----da,y of_- - ---- -- -- �li��t- ------ -----------A. D., i9--11----� <br /> , <br /> WITNESS ----------------------�_�.:---I+yd�.�--A:--Y4��--------------------------- <br /> ---S�,mu�l--R-•- -_Y_��_�.-�------------------------------ <br /> - ---- - ------- -2�ary- �'--�a�l��� _ <br /> -- -- - --- --- ---�or�n--w_.---�aaa-�s - ----�------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK!l, <br /> ss, <br /> - -Hall--- -------County, On this- ------- -- 2�-- - --------------------da,y of_---------A�l$i,i��------------------------A. D., 19--��---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a I�otary Public_dUly_,_QUaliPi�d____________tivithin and for said County, personally came ________________.______.__________ <br /> - - --- �.Y-d�.�-A.--Yo_��--and__�_amu�l--Ii. Vas�---�tife-_anci---husb-ar�d--------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> to me personally �inown to be the identical person S_______whose name__g____..._�$_______.________________a�xed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor__S_______, and_.____��g_�___.__.__severally acknowledged the same to be_______t.�,g�,r________.voluntary act and deed <br /> ���� for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN ��'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��""and af�ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ______.______$1i�'k�t_t___N�bI'_.________________________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------ ------N_,_�,Foy_------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My cominission expires---------------Jt3Z3r--�-�$t---------------------------------------------------------------------���------- <br />