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� .,��� <br /> ,� r--� �-_ � -. -- <br /> �� _.. � J D ° �G� � ° D <br /> � <br /> � v� � � d <br />_ _. _ a __ _ _ _ � <br />_ 500{8—;�ZOPY aY BAPTLE2'T CO.,Frin!ing,Litltographing and Courety SuppLies,O�nalie. <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrur2ent was entered on Numerical Index and � <br /> --- ----_- --D1Sa.. BraSf_i_eld_ --2I,21d_-hUSb_a,�1d_. filed for record this__ ____.23xd . _.---------daY oi-- ---- _--.Atigtls-t- ------------- <br /> . �, D., 19_11 -, a,t_ .. -._ _3.;.�0 - - - _ - - - -dclock----- -- P._ ._M, <br /> - - --- . __ - -__ ._. _ - - __�� yVarranty : <br /> � --- <br /> To Deed. <�� ��� <br /> --- - � '-� _—�-f_GL� —_ <br /> _ --- -- - --- <br /> ����� <br /> -------___C��r�ru�le_ �oonro� ___ _-- - ---- - --- _ --- Regi�ter oP Deeds <br /> - --- - - _ -- - __ - <br /> - - -- - --- - - - - - - <br /> Deputy�. <br /> I�n�►w All 16�Ier� by T�ese �'resents: <br /> Tnat _ _ _____Disa_Brasfi__eld__and___W._T. _ BrasPield__her _husband____________ <br /> _ _ _ -- - - ------- ---- -- ---- -- __ - -- -- - - <br /> of the County of_----------- Hall --and Siate of_- .- ---- ___ _ _N6br_3Sk3--. -- --------- -------- ---------Grantor8-----, in cnnsideration <br /> of t,ne su�n of__. - -- Nine hundred & _fi�ty--����--- ------ -- --------------------�- ------------- --- --------------------------DOL��ARS, <br /> in hand paicl, �io-- __---rinreby GR�?i`T, B<�1�G�lIN, SELL, A��'D CONVEY unto--------------__ ._ _ _-------- --------- ------------. . <br /> -- - - - ._ _ _ - __ --- - __ - Gert�de___Coonrod -__- -__ --- -- � <br /> of the CountY of_-------- - Hall ___- --___and State of.---- -- --------- ------- ----------N'ebI'a3k3 -- __.-- - -------- .-- ----., Grantee- ----,the following <br /> c?pseribecl prer��ises, situated in the County o£______ _ _ ___ . __H�.11______._ ___ __ .___ ______and State of Nebraska, to u�it: <br /> ---- - ._ -- - -Lot �?�) �'�r in_Block (�3-1-E_i_gh�y___tnree_�n �e_����-& --Benrie�� '� - -- ------ - --- ---- <br /> -- ---------------- -- -- - --- �+th Addit_i.on_ to_�ra�d_.Islax�d--�$- -�ho�m--b�--�h�---r_�cnr_d�d--�21at----th�re�P: ----- __. ----------- <br /> To�ether witl? aIl the tenements, hereditarnerts, an�i appurtenances thereulito belon�ing, and all the Estate, R�ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of t11e said Grantor_____ _ ___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-c�eseribed premises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to___________her________________ _____�eirs and <br /> assigns forever. And___.__I______ . ___________hereby covena,nt_.____u�ith the said Grantee__ _______that___.______I_ premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_____ __I__.___ __.._________r.aY�___good r•ight and lawful authorit,y to sell �,nd conT�ey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,11 liers and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----- -F�_c__ept--taxes oP 1911 �thich _p�.rcha�er- agr__ees--�o_.P�X - ---- -------- - ---- -- - ------- -- - - - --------------- <br /> -- - -- <br /> ----- -- -- -- - --- - - <br /> - - - - --------- -- ------ - --- - --- - - ---- - --------- --- -------------- - --------- --- <br /> --- - -- -- - -- ---- - -- <br /> ----- - - - - --- - --- --- - --- - - ------------ - - ------------------- <br /> I _ __- - -And----- - ----- --- -- �e- ---- - - - - -------------covenant-------to warrant and <br />, - - __-- _- -- -- - - __ -- - <br /> defend�said premises against the lativflzl claims of all persors t�llomsoevel°, _____F�Cept___3bOVe___ _____._ _ <br />' --- -- - -- - - - -- ---- - - ----- ----- <br /> 2 tYl-- --_ -- -da - -- -..- - ---------- ---A, D., 19---�.1--• <br /> Dated the-- --- --- 9.- Y of__.--- �'LL3�Y - - - <br /> , <br /> WITNESS ---------------------�-�Sa--$�a8�_��ld-------- --------------- <br /> _ <br /> W.T.BrasPield <br />''', -- --- -------- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> - --- - ---- John__R._.Thompson_ - - -_--- - - - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> ----- -- ----�311---- ----County, On this- - 2_9�Y_�----- - - ----------day of-----�lll�-------------------------------A. D., 1911---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a l�otary Public_ _____________________._-_------_within and for said County, personally came______________________________.___________________________________________.__ <br />, ------Di s a__Bras P i el d--and---V�.T_.J3.r_as P i e ld__hex---husb and----------------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> - ------ -- ------ ---- - -- - -------------- - --------- -----�--- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - <br /> --------------- <br />� to me personally known to be the identical person__8.____whose name_�_______c��'�____________________a�xed to the above instru- <br /> I, Inent as brantor�______., and____th�y'___________severally acknowledged the same to be_______�h�l,�__________.voluntary act and deed <br /> �SEAI'� for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> a2-��.0 <br /> IIV' Z�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my ka��and afCixed my ofI'icial seal at_____________________________________________ <br />"� _ GT3rid ISla.21d__NGb _______________.______on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------------------John--R-.---Thomg��p-s�on------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commissioli expires--------------F'�Z?Y----��------ ----- - ---------------------------------------------------------19-1�i---�- <br /> � <br /> � <br />