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<br /> D ° �� 0 ° D
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<br /> 500k8—K.Z.bYI'&-13A7{T7.F,TT CO.,Printinn.L4thopranhinp an�l County Se4pplies:O�nalae.. " ' _ _., --__- _�. ,.,
<br /> � � FROli� 1� hereby rertify tha�t this instrument was entered on l�i�merical�Index and
<br /> Ben�_amin F._ SCUdd�r_&_4�I_1_PE;._ ______ filed for re,cord this____ ___ ___22rid ____ ____da,y of______ _�UgI,LS_'�-- ___-_ ---- -
<br /> �, D., 19.11. __, ��t -- - _9 ----- - ---dclock -- .-- -A,_M,
<br /> -
<br /> ---
<br /> . -- - - - _ To ___ __ ___ _.. - _.. _ _� Warranty
<br /> � Deed. !� �
<br /> ' �
<br />� -- -- ,���� ��� - --- ---- -- -----
<br /> Re ister oP �ds
<br /> --- -Hattie Z. A_ltensee _ --- __ _ - g
<br /> - - -- - --- - --- --
<br /> - -��puty-:-
<br /> I$�o`v 1-�11 1Vleri by These Pr�esents:
<br /> T�i�,t---- --I.1_ Ben�_amin___F.__ S_cudder--and_�'lora--A,___S�udd�r_-,- �shand__and_ _�tife,------_ _.---_-- ----- --------- -- - - -
<br /> of the Coun�y of--- - ------ Hall ------ar1d State of-- ------------_. - .NE;br._- -------- ------- ----- ------------Graiztor-------, in considera.tion
<br /> of fhe sum of-----_ ------ -0222_ HLl71�reCI---F1fty __��1�Q.4U_�---------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------- --- -------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, �Io--- _hereby GRANT, B��IZ�AIN, SELL, g1��D CO1�iVEY unto_ .__ ____Hatt_ie---��._Alte�ee-----_ ____. __ _-- ----------_.
<br /> of the County of__ .----- ---FZ'Orit iLY' --and State of_--------- ---- _-- ----- �.!T�br�--.._. . _- -------_._---, Grantee-------,the following
<br />'' described premises, situa,i;ed in tlie Goul2ty of____. __._______.__ Hilll __a.nd State of Nebraska, to ��it;
<br /> -- - _ __�ot �._in Scud_si�r.'�- as�di�_i_on_�o __the_ to�rn-o�' Ilonigha�, -�'e�ar. - - - -- ____.__ - - - - -- -- ---- --- ------
<br /> - -- - ---- - - - -- - - - -- - --- -- -- -- - - -- - - --- ---- - - - - - - ---- -- --- - - - . --- ---- - - -- -- --- - --- -------------
<br /> -- - --- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- -- -- - -- - _ ---- - - ---- --- - - -- - - _ - - - -- - -- ---- ------ - -- - -- --- - ----
<br /> - ----- - --- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- --- - -- --.- ---- -- ---- ---- - -- - ----- __ -- - --- - - -- - ---------
<br /> - ---- --- -_ - -- - - -- - - - -.. - - -- -- - - - - - - -- --- - . - -- --- -- _,_. ------ -- - - - ---------- --- - - - - -----
<br /> --- ---- --- -- -- - - - - - -- - - --
<br /> _ - -- --
<br />� T�bether�vitn aIl the tenem. ents, hereditarner#s, and appurtena,rices thereunto belon�ing�, and all the Estate, R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____ ______, and of eithei° of thenl, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H4VE 9TdD TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.______a,nd to_________.__.. F.��T___________.__.heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_._____.�e_____ ______.____hereby covenant________with the said Grantee___ _______thati_______W�__________hold______.said premises by good and perfect
<br />� title; that___.___�e___-_-_ __._______ha_d___gcod right a,nd Iawfui authority to sell and convey the same; that they a.re free and clear of all liens and incumbraizces
<br /> t
<br />'' whatsoever------- -------- -- _. - - --- -- ---- - -- ----- ------ -- -- - --- - - - --- --- ---- - - -- - -- --------------------------------
<br /> --- - - -- --
<br /> - - --- -- --- ---- --- - ----------- ------------- ------------- - --- -- -- -- ------------- - - - ----- -
<br /> I --- - --- -
<br /> --- --- - -- - - _- - ----- -
<br /> � �p - --And----- ---- -- .W@ - - ------ -----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> - -i� --- - - - _ - - --- -- - __ - - -
<br />'i
<br /> i defend�said premises against the lau�ful claims of all persons ivllomsoeti�er, ________ __. _. ___ _____ ________
<br /> - - ---- - - --- -- - ---- -------- ---------------
<br /> Dated the---- - -26th -- - - - --daTl of - - -JLil� -- ---
<br /> - - ----------- -------A. D., i9--1�---�
<br /> WITN��ss ---------------------Ben�amin---F.---SCUdd6I'
<br /> - -- -- - ----------------------------
<br /> - -------- -- Flar_a-=A-�--_S�u�.dex�-------------------------------
<br />' ---J ohn Schwyn- -- __- - ---- --
<br /> ----- ---- -- - - - -- --- ----
<br /> ss.
<br /> - - --Ha,ll-----------County, Or this-------------------26th------------day of �l�.,y_.-------- -------A. D., 19__ll._, before me, the
<br /> � undersi�necl, a ldotary Public------ ------------.---------------within and for said County, personally came-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> __ ______ Ben�amin_ F.___Scudder_and__Flora_A.___Scudder__husband__and_wiPe_________________________________
<br />' -- - -------- -- - ------ - - - -- - - ----------- ------------- ----------- _ ---------- ------------------- ------------------------- --_��---- ---- --- ------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�____..whose na•me__B_.______8T8____________________affi�ed to tl�e aboye instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__8._______, and____.__'�h��___.____severally acknowledged the same to be___._____�Yl�_12'________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> �s�� for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN �[VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and af1'ixed my oflicial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- - -----Don._phan-�- Nebr.---��_---------------------
<br /> ______..on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------- -�TQ�1�1--�GhvY���-------------------------------
<br /> 14'otary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------M�.r.---z��rl_- ----------------------------------------------------1916-------
<br />