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<br /> 500�8—Ki.OP1'&^BA�i7'LE'lT CO.,Printi;ag,Lit➢eogr¢phing amd Cou�zty SupPlies,•O�nchc,. �� ' �� � � � �
<br /> �R0147 I hereby ceriif'y that this instrument was entered an Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---- ----- ------21 -_----------_da o£ -__- - Ati fl'�-_
<br /> N�.cy_�t. -Say�'e_ __ _ -- 3 � - ---
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<br /> :�, D., 19_11- , at- - - ._l.].;?�0 - - _ - --__.._.__o'clock - - -A.--1�7.
<br /> ---._----- Warranty ----
<br /> - __ __ _ _ _ -- •
<br /> I -- _ .
<br /> TO � Deed %� '� / ,�
<br /> - --- -���:`:�.��-��z� - -
<br /> -- - - - - - -.
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<br /> ---- __ -- --Theod�r.�_ P,- B��hm ___._--- -_ _ _ Register o2'�De�d�
<br /> -- - - - - - - -
<br /> -- - - -
<br /> llepu�y.
<br /> a�ow �il l�en by T�.ese Presents:
<br /> That--_ I� N�.t�.c3y �_ S?SYrg� __ - __- -- - - - - - - --
<br /> of trie Col?nty af-- - --- __._Me1g8 _ ---- --- -------._ .--and State of------- - _ - - _ __-----Oh�4 ------- -------...._- ---- -----------Grantor__ _.--, in r,onsideration
<br /> �f the surt� of- -- ____- - - - __ S1Xt�' t�6fl��-.--- - ---- --- - ------ ---- ------- --- - - ------ ------ - - -- ------ - ----DOLLARS,
<br /> in harid paicl, do_ _ _ --_.__�ereby GPA'�Z', B�1I�GAIN, SELL, 4ND CONVEY unto- ------------- ----- ----- ---- --------- —
<br /> --- - - -- - _- -- -_Theodo_re _P. _BoeYlm ----- -- -- - . _._ - - --
<br /> _ - - - - - --- - ---- -- -- .
<br /> H311 __and St�te of _ 1�T�1����k�_______ , Grantee_______.,the followin
<br /> c�f the County of-- - _ -_ _ - - -- - -_ ' _. - - - -- - - - - g
<br /> described prelnises,situate�iu the Cou�ty of____ � ��11 _____ and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- ----___ Lot-s---numbered_ F3ye_(-5�---and-_Six-- (.6_)- in__Block _numb_�r_ �wo --�.�__)__�n_�ogg�_and--_H311's-- --_--_-
<br /> - ------ --
<br /> -- ----_ As�d�_�iQn. to__�rand_ I���nfl, _Neb. - __ ---- - ---- -
<br /> Together with all the teremerits, heret�itamerts, and appurtenaiices thereunto belori�il�g, and ail the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />' Demand whatsoever of tlie sa,ic� Grantor.___.______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'', TO H..4VE AT�D TO HOL.i� the above-described premises, with the appurtena,rices, unto the said Grantee________and to___________��g.____________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_.__ ________I____ ___________hereby coveflant_____with the said Grantse___._..__that_____.j_____.____hold_______saicl premises by good and perfect
<br /> titI�; that___._______I________ __ _______ha4_e__gooct rigl:t and ?awful authority� to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- --- ---- -..--- - -- --- - _. _--- - - - -- ----- - --- - - - -- --- ----- ---- -- -- ---- _ - - -------- -- ------ -- -- --- -------------------
<br /> - - - _ __ . - And----- -- - --I - -- ---------_covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> the ,
<br /> defen�8 said premises a.gainst the latic�ful claims of all persons whomsoever; _____________________________________...___ ___________ ____ _ _
<br /> -------------- - -- - - - - ---- -- -- -- - - ---- --_..-- -- ------ --------- - ------- - - - --- -------- - ------ --- ---------------- -- -- ----
<br /> Dated the-- ---- 20��'1 - - - -��Y �f- - - _.-- -- -F@hM�3T�------ ------A, D., 19---],�1,__,
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------1�T_�,TiC3t---�•---`��-�3n'�---
<br /> -- - --Ka'�_�r_ine--L.--.�llen---- -- - ---- - ---
<br /> --- -- -----Zena_All�n --- - -- - -- - - - - -- -- ------- -------- ------------------------------------ ----------------
<br /> STATE OF O�jp
<br /> ss.
<br /> I' -------���.�� . ._- ------County, On this- - _20-t�1--- ------ ---- ----------day of -- -----B2b- -- ------------------------A, D., 1911----, before me, the
<br />' undersi�ned, a IVotary Public______._____________________.______________within and for said Gounty, personally came_______________________________________ ________________________
<br /> i - ----- ---- - ----------- ------�3IIC�--M•- S�YI'� --- ---------- -- --�-----------------------------------------
<br />� - --_-- - ---- - - --- --- -- ------- - ------- - --- ---------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------
<br /> ----------------
<br />' to me personally known to be the identical person_._________whose name_._________j,g_______.__.________________afl'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor_____________ and____�p�g___________severally acknowledged the same to �e_______,_11@.r_,__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> ���'} for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> �r��_
<br />' IN WITNESS �JHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my-�and afiixed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ---------P_�s`��-�----Ok��.4--------------------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------------�.A.��'8----------------------------------
<br /> r Notary Public.
<br />, My commission expires------------- - ------- ------.TL�.�,,X- -7-------------------------------------------------------�9-11----- M21$8 CO. 0.
<br /> I,
<br />