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D LS, (� D I�, I0 D <br /> LJ � L _J � \ L� ❑ <br /> _ -- : _ '--_- —__.—�_--____-- —__--- <br /> 500d8—Ki.OPP��BAItTLE4'TCO.,Printin L€tJao ra hin ¢�zdCounly.5u `— — �� T� <br /> 9� 8 P D PPGies;C�nahca- -� _ _,.--..-- <br /> FR01V1 I nereby certify t11�,t this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and <br />' filed for record this----____ .._1_ _7_th-------. _day of_---A't�1�,8t---- ----- ----------.------ <br /> 3, D., �911 - , at --- - -- . __2_._15_ . _- _o'clock-- - - P. -�'7• <br /> -- - <br /> _ _.5..C_,Fiu�3t.ori � wife __ _ _ -� Warranty - <br /> Z�� Deed. ��1���-c�� ``� <br /> -- --- - -- -- - - <br /> Re g i s t a r o f Dea ds c���nea�C <br /> _ _ Th Qma�__4'Connt�r ____- <br /> - _ _ - - - -- <br /> - - -- --- -- ---- - - - - - <br /> llepu�y. <br /> � Know All 1V�ea' by Tl�ese Presents. � <br /> Tha,t -__��QJ S_.C..Hus4on._and--Anna--A,iius4o�_ -- - - - -- ---- _ - -- - --- -- --- _.- - ---- --- - <br /> (_hus'uana__and tivife- -)_ __ <br /> of the Count,y� of------_ I���,1 _ ---ard State of--- ----1Vel�raska_- - - - .--- _ ____. __.__-- - - .---- ---------Grantor_-A---, in cnrsideration <br /> of the sur�� of- -One-.HLia'1Cir eEl a�'ld nO�l{30 __. _ -- --- ------ --- ----------------- --------- ------------------DOLLARS, <br /> iri hard pa:d, do___ _--- -------hereby (,RA_�i, BARC_�I�1, SELL, Aiy'D CONVEY u��to-------�'h_O.�l,218__Q_!�Qnrit3r---__._____----- ---,_------ ------- -------- <br /> of the County of--- . ---------------Fiall----_ _ --- ---- --.----- _and State of_..._- --N_9_�f3Ta.&ka----------- ------- ---- _------_----------_..- --------, Gr�,ntee -------,the following <br /> clesci°ibed prer7?ises,situa.te,r iri tI�e Coul�ty of _.___________ _______��11�__...__________._____and State of Nebraska,, to wit. <br /> -- - ---East p__rly--lla.7,�- -of Lots-�umbes__I�in�---(-9)_-----and---Ten- �-10�__i_n__B1QC-k---T�N_o_ _(2} __in �fes�'-a--Subciiviaion__ <br /> __ _._._.of_�art__of_ �dQrth_�P_es_t--�ua-r-t-ar--��--So-uth _East---Quar-f;ex- -a� -Sec�.��t�--idum'oe_r---T�ant�___ �24}__-T-o�rnshig-- <br /> -- �um��e_r _E_levan__(11} �Iort.h__o� Range _?,IZax;wsr__lline---(°-}--�es�__.�f--t�le_._�__P_.l:i.-- -in--rr_and_ Islan�i,-------------- <br /> --- 2��e�ra_s__ka,- -ii�1,1_ Coun�y, -as._ �urveyec�,---�lat_�_e_ci__and re_cQrcied._-- ------- ----------_- --- --_._ <br /> --- __Excel�t_ .�uk��sc.t_ t_o_ the- -Rail__Road__x.i-ght_-of- w�� -��_-any}._ ac�-a-ss-�Y�e---s-o-�.t�e�l3r--end o�--s€�ir1---c�e-ac;�_ibed <br /> - �r�mises, _- -- -- --- -- - - - -- -- - --- - - --- - - -- -- - <br /> To�ether with aIl the tenements, hereclit,anlerits, anc�appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clainl and <br /> Demand t�ha,tsoev�er of�.he Gralitor_� ___., and of either of theln, of, in, or� to the same, or any part thereof. � <br /> TG �3VE AND TO HOLI1 the above-described prem:ses,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______.__and to__________h_is____ ____ __________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. �nd__.__..._v78___ __.________hereby covenant_ ______with the said Grantee___.__.__that____itYe _______hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___ '?�!�____ _______________ha_Y�g�ood righ� and Ia���ful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that they ara free and cIear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever - - - ._._- ----- --- - -- - -- ._ _ - -- - - -- -- -- -:-- - - - <br /> ----- -- - ---- - -- -- - -- ---- - -- -- - --- --------- - - - - -- - ------ ----- ------_.---- ---------------------- -----------------�- - <br /> - - --- - -- -- -- - _And----- �(e --- ------ - -------------- ------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend t,�csaid prerlises against the lawful claims ofall persol�s whomsoever, ___..__E3xCt3pt___a8__.3bOV_6____r_�88rVE3_d___�_____________________________ ___ ___________,___ <br /> Da,ted the- ---- -- 17th -_ _ --- ___day of --- _ ��X--- - --- ----- -- - -- -----A, D., i911-----� <br /> WITNESS --------------------'�-'--t c-.ilu8-��?1------ <br /> --------------------------- <br />' - --- --------Anna__A,_Huat�n--------------- <br /> -- - --- - -- ls-��'ar�l__��.�.3ins - - -- _ -- - -- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK�, <br />�'� ------ --- -i�2�_7.1 - ---Count �ss, On this 17�h--- - - --------day of- -------- ---�a3t---- - --------A. D., i9�.�.----, before me, the <br /> Y, <br /> undersigr.ed, a �Votary 1'ubli_r,______________________________,_________.______within and f'or said County, personally came___________________________ <br /> - ----------------------------- <br /> S.C.Huston and A.nna A.Huston <br /> - -- -- - ----- --------- ----------- ------------- ------------------------------ --------- ----------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- <br />` ----- - - ------ ------------------ --------- ---- ---------f h_��b�nd__�nd---��if�----}----------- ------------------ ---------- ----------------------- <br /> to me personally linown to be the identical person._S_____whose name__B__�_�___________________________af�ixed to the above instru- <br /> (�EAI,} ment as grantor�__________, and___���0y_____________severalIy acknowledged the same to be__.________�x18�.T___.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> n r�e <br /> IN jVITNESS WtIERL'OF I have hereunto subscribed my�dcand af!'ixed my oft'icial seal at_____________________________________________ <br /> I' ----r�3sld---I-�-l��c�----2�eb-�'-. --- --------------------------on the date last above written. ' <br />', ----------------- --Ba��ard---x.Paine------------------------ <br /> �Totary Public. <br />' My commissian expires----------------- -- ---------- ---------- -------------�1oy---10--------------------------19.��?------ <br />