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� ���� � e�� <br /> � D D <br /> D D 0 D a � f �t. <br /> = _� _ �: � __- _. _� � _ _- __ _ _ _ _ _ — __ <br /> 50048 KLOPP&BARTLFTT CO Prxntxng,Lxlhographang¢nd Countv Supplaes�Omahe ~ ! __ <br />----__.�_._r._._..__.--t��__e___._. . _ — . _. _..-- _ , .—. _ — --- -: — - . _.. - ------ <br /> FROIVI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this----..------ -.1_5�h---------day of_-- -AuguBt------------ --------- ; <br /> ---Po_se�xar�s-���ao� a�d -w��e- �-- ---- - <br /> :�, D., i9.._ll__._, at-- -_ 10- -o'clock- _- -- -A�__M. <br /> - � - - -- <br /> -----Fred_ I�i_.Ho�:lie�es�_and-'�t'�fa. _. .._ -------- Warranty _ ; . <br /> Deed. � p <br /> TO --�/��c�h-�� ------ ' <br /> _ -- -- --- - -- <br /> �to g i st e r o f ne e �t����x ! <br /> - - --- - - - -F�_i_at ilcla__I�uellax---- - - - --- ' <br /> - - - - - --- - --- - -- - ----- - - --- -- --- - ---- <br /> Deputy. <br /> - - -__ - -- - _ - -------- -- - - _ -- - - i <br /> Know All 1VIen by T�iese Presents: � <br /> That-- __w� �oB�c_rans--P�,.AQO-t -and BssBia-�t-.�toat;--h�$ba�c�--a�c�-w�#'�- - ----- ----------- - -- - ---- - --- - ------- -------------- <br /> - ancl_Fred -?�Z_.Ho__�.lia'�er�an�t. Anna_Ho_llis����- hu_sband and--wife -- - --- -- -- - - ---- -- -- --- ------ --- <br /> of the County of----------------�5�11..-------------------- -------and State of---------i�eLr�ska----------._.----,------- ------------------------------------Grantor-----_, in consideration i <br /> of the sum of-- -Th-r-e-e--Hundre_d--Snd Se_t�enty--f ive.- --------- ---�---------- ------- ------ ------- --------------------------------------------------- -------�------------DOLLARS, ; <br /> in hand paid, do--- ----------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL,; AND CONVEY unto- ---��t-ilcia_-�dusllBr------------------------- ----------------------.--.---------- - ; <br /> -- --— - - -- - - - - ---------- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - . - -- - --- - - -- - ---- -- -- --- <br /> of the County of--- --Hall---- _- ----- -__and State of_..._---NS_b_r.38k3--- - ---- ------- , Grantee--------,thefollowing , <br />� described premis�s, situated in the Courzty of_____.___.__________.____H�3.1__________________________and State of Nebraska, to wit: ; <br /> _I,ot---I�1umt�sr _4ne_ --�1-}�ex---�evar�---(-��- i.r�---F�nnio---8rae---Aciciit-i-o-n--t�-- �r_and--I$�------------------------- <br /> i ----hall---_Coun�_y.__P�+ebrasl��,----_a_s__�ha _s_azae---is---laid__d_oti�n__and__cle_scrik�ed--�n_t.ha:--pl-at---czf---ariid--Ad�iti4�t-----_-_- j <br />' _no�V_on. �'ilQ--�.n_�hs_.s.ec_Qrds s�f._said_ Hall Cozznt�r,- -N.ebraska. --- - - -- - - - ----- -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - ----- <br /> ; <br /> ------ ---- - -- - � - -- - - --- <br /> -- ----- - - --- - -- - - - - - -- - -_ - -- - ------- - --- _- -- ------ � ----------------- --- --- � <br /> -- - -- ---- - -- - --- - --- ------- - - - - - - --- -- - --- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ------ - ----- - - - - - - ------ -- ; <br /> - - .--- -- -- - - - - - - - ---- - - -- -- -- - - ---- -- --- - - -- - - - ----- --- -� --- - - -- __. --- - - ------- -------- ----- <br /> � � <br /> -- ---- - - ---- -- --- -- <br /> --- -- - - - -- --- ------ - - -- - --- - -- - -- - - - ----- - - --- - .. - ------ - - -- ---� -- ----- <br /> I Tobether witll all the tenei��ents, hereditalnerts, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and aIl the, Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.g__.___., and of either of them, of, in, or to the same,, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_________h�r_._____________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And___._____�h�y_________hereby covel�ant_____with the said Grantee.________that____th�_y__________hold______.__said prelnises by good and perfect ; <br /> title; �hat.____._they_____________ha_Ye_.good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances ; <br /> � <br /> whatsoever----------- -- ------...- --------------- --------- ---- -- -- - ------- ------ - ----- - --- ------ - ----- --------- - --- -- -------- - ----------- --------------------------------- <br /> ------- - --- ------------ ----- - -- ---- - -- ------ - --- - -- - --- ---- - ----------- -- ---- --- ----- -- --------------- ------- --- ------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> --- ---- -- ---- - -- -- - ---- - i <br /> --- ---------- - --- -- ---- - --- - -- -- -� ----- -- - ----- --- - And---- -------- ----- -- --th ey-- ------ ---------------covenant-----__to warrant and ' <br /> the <br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, __.__._ _____._______________________________________________________________________,_____________________.________ i <br /> Dated the---�-- - -24th ------------- ---------day of ------ ---�Y- ----- - ----------------A. D., i9--11---� <br /> WITNESS -------------RQ 8Q_���xl�.__FL_.R_Q_0�------------------------------------------ <br /> - - -----B�_s_sie---�t_._RoQt--- ------------------------------------- <br /> -------- -------- ----�I_._L_. _ra e : <br /> �' 8u- --- ---- ------- -- ----- ---- Fred TYi.Holli ster <br /> ----- --,�nna_�o�,l;ist_��--------------- -----�--------- ' <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ; <br /> ss. <br /> ----------- -Fi�Z1--- ---County, On this- - ------- 24�h-------- -----------day of_--------��-Y----- ---- ------------------A. D., i9_-11---, before me, the ! <br /> undersi,ned, a Notary Public-_----------_---_-_--_--------__-----_---------within and for said County, personally came-- ---_--------_-_------------------____--------------------------------- j <br /> ----Ao_s8��ar�a---P.-.R04�+--y-F�$�lE� iIP-iR�ot -,----Fr-ed I�-�Helliat€-r---��c�---------------------- ------------ ' <br /> ------- ------Anna___I_�o lli s'�_er------- ---- -------------- --- - -- - -------- �_---------------------------------------- ---- -- - ---------------- '. <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persons_______whose name_$_____�e___________________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> ! (SEAI,) ment as grantor_B_______, and_____________'�hey.__severally acknowledged the same to be__.______�heiT______.voluntary act and deed '� <br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed, ' <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscr•ibed m�y�and affixed my oflicial seal at________________________________.___.___.__ � <br /> � <br /> ______�_ood---R2-ue-1^�----ivebTs------------------------------------on the date last above written. ; <br /> � <br /> -------�--- ------�I:L_,_S�rague--------------------------------------------- ; <br /> Notary Public. ; <br /> My commission expires----------------------------------- i_l;_arch------27th-----------------------------------19�-�------- ' <br /> i <br /> i <br />, <br />