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<br />— � 500�$—$LOPP&BARTLETT CO..Pranling,LiGhoprapni�ag and Cv�cnty Sapplies;Oniolae. � � � �� �
<br /> FROn�l I hereby certify that this iilstrurnent was entered on Numerical Iridex and '
<br /> filed for record this.. 12th-----------day of_ __ Au�u�t----.--- __._----------
<br /> �, D,, 19 _11___, at_ - -- - -- -- -'��_�5 - ---o'clock-- _ --- P• -lbl.
<br /> _ _ - --1�i�lia�-�.�y�z�,--�ntnarrieti _ Warranty �
<br /> T� Deed. ' .
<br /> _ _ ������-_ - - - -- - - -
<br /> -- - - -----
<br /> _,egister of De s �a��
<br /> __ _ _- --- ?�iartha _h.�nycz�x _ --- -
<br /> _-- - - - ---- - --- -
<br /> -- --- ----
<br /> llepu�y.
<br /> Know A.11 1V�exi by Tlaa�se Pre�ents :
<br /> T11at --- 'J�i lli� F.,�yan� unr_�arr_i ed ___-- - --- - - - - --- - --. - --- - --
<br /> -- -- -- - - - -- -- ----- --------
<br /> of the County oi-------__------- _ __ -H�11 _------ - ---------and State of--- --.--__ Ne_l�r�Sk�._ -------- ___---- ----- -------------Grantor-----_, in consideration
<br /> iof the sum of- T=,�o-HlzndxE3_d ��J4 -lOD __ -- - --- ---- ----- -------- - -------- - - ----- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> i �, � �
<br />�� in �iand paitl, do_8s_________I�ereb;� G.t�1�T, I3PI��G�IN, SELL, dP,�D CONVEY unto_________T��.rtha_FI.Sny�er______
<br /> __ _ _ - ----- -- - -
<br /> of tlie County of_--- ------- -------- riall _----------------- _a.nd State of__ .._i�,'e i�_t_aska -----__--- --------- ------ -------- ---------- -------, Grantee------ _,the following
<br /> described premises, situate�in ttte Coafity of___ ___._______ __Hall __and Stat� of Nebras_ka,, tv wit: �
<br /> --- i o�_s .One_--��}--and_Ti�4_-(2}_ _ in._Hlock--P�ina---�-5-�-__s�f--$�gg-s-&- �i.i-11-'-n---Add�_t_i_on_.t o- -��_and. I_sl�nd,-- - --------------
<br />' ,_ T1e�raska,_-_as surye;l$d., ---plattQ_�1__and__recvrcted.--_--- ----- - -------- --------, -------- ------------------- ----
<br /> . _ - - - -- ._- - -- - --
<br /> - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - ---- -- -- - - ------ - - - ---- - --------- ----
<br /> -- --- - --- --- _
<br /> To�ether with U,il the tenements, herediiamel�ts, and appurtenances t11er°eunto belonging, and all the Est�,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoey�er of t�ie said Grantor_.________, ' , of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HnVE AND TO HOL.D trie above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______anrl to________her______.________ ____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And___ __..I_____ __________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___________that______.I________.___hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that.______._I____.__________ha_Ve_good right and lativful authority to sell a,nd convey the sa,me; that theyare free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumhrances
<br /> whatsoever--------- --- -- ---- - --- - - -
<br /> - - -- --- - --------- - ------ ---- - --------- ----- -- - - ------- - - -- ------------ - - --- ---------------- .
<br /> I ------ ---- ---- - -
<br /> - - -- -
<br /> -- -- ----- -- --- ------ - - -- --- - ----- - - _ -- --- ------- ---- - -- - --- ----------- --------------- -
<br /> - - - - ----- -- - --- --- -- -- ---- - - ---- - ----- -- --- -------- --------------------- -- - ------------- --- -----------------
<br /> - -the - - -- -
<br /> - - -- - -- -- - _ - - -
<br /> - -- - .-- �nd--- -- -- --- --I ---------- ---- -�---------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend t�said premises agail;st the lawful clain:s of all persoiis tvhomsoever, ---- ---- ---._--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -- -------- -------- - - __..__ - - -- -- ---- - --- - --- - - - -- -- - --- ---- -- - - ---------------- ------------------- ------ - -- ----- ------------------- -------------- ------- --
<br /> Dated the--- - 114h_ - ---- - -----day of_ -- -Au�ust �-- -- -- - ----- --- ---_.A. D., 191Z---- �
<br /> WITNESS ------------------��illiarti__�_.F�yan-, -------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------
<br /> I,.r.Allan
<br />� �
<br /> �ss,
<br /> -----H31�.----------County, On this-----.._.--1_ _1_th__-----------------------day of_ August------------------------A. D., 191�----, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a I�otary Public--------------------------------------------tivithin and for said County, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- - --- �i 11�am_F,._,Ry_an�---�nr1�_r_r_i_�c�, - --------- -- ---- -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be tre identical person_________whose name_____________38_______________._____a�xed to t�ie above instru-
<br /> �SEAL} ment as gran�or_________,, and____he_____.________��'e]i�acknoi�ledged the sarne to be_________h��i___________,.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN ti3�ITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscl°ibed���and af�'ixed my ofl'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> �'r�a__�_��.�Aa__l��_�?�:___�i�___�'s��._�__(�0�2��_y_______on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------------- --------------L_t_r.Allan--------------------------
<br /> 1Votary Public.
<br /> My commission expires--------------- --- ------------------------�4P�---2�----------------------1916---_.
<br />