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� � <br /> Ds ' D\ °\ � 0 ° D <br /> � � � _ o <br />— 500�8—KLOP!'&BAIZ�'I ETT C,O.,Yrinti�ap,T ilhographinp and CounL�Sup7�lies:7ma'ne. �: -_-_---_ ---- <br /> FRO1�T I herehy cerrify that. this instrument was entered on Num.erical Index and <br />�� filed for recorcl this--- --__l��h----,-------day of_------Au�tts�------------------ <br /> A, D., 19. 11 -< at- --. - - - 2_�30_ --- --o'clock_._._ - --- P•-M. <br /> - - - ----- --- J_ohn F.Anstc3tt, _ �i�gie __ -- Warranty <br /> Deed. � , ,� <br /> TO � ' � <br /> �!%�-t'��i1f�.�e/iC-��i - <br /> - - -- - <br /> Register of Des' s �x�'�x <br /> ---- - - C.�,�Iansen - _ -__ -- - - � <br /> --- - --- --- - - - -- -- - ----- . -- - - - - - - -- <br /> llepu�y. <br /> I�.no� A11 I�VIen by Tliese Pre�ent�� <br /> That - -John__ F,.Anst��� �singls} ---- _ - -- -- - - -- - ---- - -- • -- --- -- <br /> of the County' of----------_ -i��l�._-- ----_ _-----ancl State, of---- ---Iv'e'r��'�Sk�------- ---------- --- ---- - ---.--- ------ - ---------Grantor------, in corisideration <br /> of the sum of- -_One---D_411�r__arul.-oth�-r----v�lu�ble--�-o-na���r-at-i-o�-s ---- -----------��tx <br /> in hand paicI, cto._E3�--------hereby GR4?VT, BAR.G%�IN, SELL, �ND �O�IrtiEI' urito_ _�_._C_.�iansen--- .--------- -.--_-.- - - <br /> _ - -- -- - -__ -- - - - _ - <br /> -_ _-- -- -- - - _. ___---- - - - - - <br /> - -- - -- - -- --- <br /> T + <br /> ry �lebra ka <br /> of tlie Vounty of_--- - _------------- - __.c_i_all_-- -- __---__ __and Sta�e of___ . -1-- -------s___ ---- ----- _ _ ______------ -----, Grantee------,the following <br /> c�escribed prernises, situa,ted in the Courrty of_____ _________. _ _ _Hall _____ __. __ ___ _________a.nd State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> -- -----I,ot_s _nur.?i�a_rad_i±in� --(9)___Ten--�1Q-)---ancl--El�yen_--�11).__in_�Ia��v�h.Qrn_e---P_lac_�._ '����g __a__rar-t---of__the----------- <br /> - Northwest---Qu_a�ter__ of-- S_ec_tion___TE�_en�;�--t_�ro__��2� in---T_ovrnshi�--Ele_uen.__�11)---Na�r_th--A�nga---�t�ne__ (9}----_-- <br /> �est-- o�--t�e_ Sixth- -Prin�_i�al _��,---acc_or_c�ing--to--+,�he---re�_or_dQd__P_la.t--qf__ s_ai.�d-------- ` <br />, -- ---Ha�=r�hox�e--P1ac�---nQS�r---Qn--fi.le -and_.of--r_ecc�r.d--in__the-�he---C.o_unty__�lsrk---of---Hall_�_uunt-y_,--- ' <br /> - -- - - - . -- -- _ _ - - --- --- ------ - -- ---- -- ---------- - -- --- - ----- - -• -------- ------- ---- <br />� To�etherr with a11 tlie tez�em_ en.ts, hererlivalnents, and appurtenarces thereur�t,o belonging, and alI the Estate, Right, Title, Znterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand Whatsoever of the said Grantorr. , and of eitlier of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TD H:�PE ANI� 2'0 HOL1) the above-described preniises,u�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______and to___._______hl�_._________________heirs and <br />� <br />� a,ssigns forever. And______..__I____. ___________hereby coi�enant________with the said Grantee______.___that________�__________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___ _.____Z____.___________I�a_VO_good rig�it and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbralzces <br /> whatsoever------- - ------ -- - --- -- -- - ---------------------------- -- --------- -- ------------- - - -------------- ----------------- <br /> - -- -- ..._ --- - - --- --__-- --- - - -- -- -- - --------- __--- ------- -- - -- - -- ------ - --- ------- - -- ----- ---------- ---- ------------------------ <br /> - --- - --... <br /> . ---And- ----- - - -- -- -- - I ------- - --- -------------covenant-- ---_to warrant and <br /> the <br /> ciefend 17�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsaever, _____________. _ . <br /> - -- - - ---- ---- -- - --- ------------- -- ------------------- ------- <br /> ----------- ------ - -------- - - - ---- - ----- ----- - -- - - -- ---- ------- --- ------ ------ -------- --- --- ----�----- ------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the- ---- -- - 1_2th - -- -- - - --day of---- Au$ - --------- -- - - - -- --___A. ll., 19--11---� . <br /> ,` <br /> I' WITNESS --------------------J ohn__F��st ot t-------------------------------- <br /> -------- - ------ -------------- ----------------------------------- <br /> ---- --- -- -------- ---I.�.Alt er� Jr - -- - __ - -- <br /> ------ --- ----- ------ -- _ - -- - - --- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> --------- - Hall ---- -�--County, On this-- -- 1�--- -- ----------------da,y of_----Au�uat----------------------------A. D., 19__11._, before me, the <br /> undersi�neu, a 7votary 1'ublic----------------------------------------------within and for s�,id County, Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> ----- ----�o��.__F.An�t_Q�t----- ------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------,-------------- <br /> - - -- -------- - - -- <br /> , to me personally l�nown to be the identical person_._______tivhose name__________i s____________._ af�xed to the above instru- <br />' (SEAI,} rnent as grantor.__________, and_____.______._._ l�eacknowledged the same to be_____h�.s_______________voluntary act and deed <br /> --------Y� <br /> � for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> ' IN tiVITNESS WI�EREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�7¢�and afI'ixed my oflicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> �r�ntl._I_slariCl� . _----------------_------on the date last above written. <br /> --------------------------I_.�?_,.Alt ers-Jr------- <br /> ----------�--------------- <br /> ' Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires--------------------A118-2�---�-----------------------------------------------------------------1913------ <br />