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<br /> ; � � � �� a �
<br /> �� ���� D D � 0 (� D
<br /> � -��- � .� � � � �
<br />_ _ . ,_ �. _ __ _ _-__
<br /> 500�8—KLOPP&I3ARTL�'t'7'CO.,Pri�tling,Lilhogr¢phiv.g¢�ad County Su7�Pliea7 Omchc. � � � � `� � — � �
<br /> FR���r I hereby certify thaf- this instrum_ent was etitered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this_.___.__ __8�h
<br /> - ----- --day of - - ALigUS'� -- - - ---
<br /> 9, 1�., 1911 , at - --- --- - _--9---o'clock_- _ -- A• -�'�T.
<br /> ---__ ._ _
<br /> _ _D_av.id_B_._�ki_le s--&__lvif e- - .. --- Warranty �
<br /> T� Deed. •
<br /> - ___ _ - �-�_�
<br /> -- --- ---- - -_
<br /> Register of D eda �m��ea�x
<br /> B.R.Le:��ris
<br /> - - -- ---..___ - _- -- -- - -- -- -
<br /> DepuEy. -
<br /> �.�ow All 1V�en b� '�'hese Presents :
<br /> That David_.F3_.Skile_s__ and_ Luc_ile-Skilas �i� i�rif c� - -- - -- - -- - -- ----- -- --- --- - - -- - --- -
<br /> -- - ----- -
<br /> of t1a.e Cou��y of-- --------- -- --HaIJ,, ____--. - - -and b'tate of___- _ -. __NebxaSka.- -- - ---__ -------- ---------Grantor_�___, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of Fif'�88T1__iiLi:^;C1T��1__&._Q0�1�Q -_. - ---- ------ ----------- - - -- --------- --- ------------------------ -------- -------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-_- --- -------hereby �R.A��TT, B�1RG4?��', S�L1,, AND CONrIEY unto. __F�_,R:..T,,8�ft18--_-_ -__ -- -----_-- - .
<br /> of the Countv of_-- -------------F3�nn�3-r-------__ _ - _._aud St�te of.---------11�.brask-�------ ---------- ------- - ----------- - -.------ -----, Grantee-----,the following
<br /> describsd prerr?ises, sitiiated in the �'ou:rty of____________ H311-----------------------and Stata of Nebraska, to ccit: � �
<br /> Lot s_ One_ �_1)_ -and_Two-_(2}_- in Blocl�_ _�'our---�4.j_ _of--the_.Vi_�7._�,gQ__of Doni�han,_ _Hall---County, _--__-----_-
<br /> - Nabraska,__.as_aurv°_ye�- P-latteci and_ r_ecorded..- - - - - - - ----- - - - _--- --- ----
<br /> - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- _ - - -- - - - --- - - - - ------- -- -- -----
<br /> Taaether wii�, a�l the tenemerits, 1lereditaznerts, and appurtenances thereunto belor�h•ing, �,ncl all the Estate, R.ig�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the saicl Grantor_�._______, _ ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TD �I qti'E AND TO ��OLD +he above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___._ ..__and to_________hi�3________________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And___ __.__iv�_ _________ __hereby coi�enant_ ____with the sai�1 Grantee____.____that__.__We___________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that__________..�_'fQ_________.__ha_Ye_gcod ri�ht and 1a��fu1 author•ity to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all iiens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- - - ---- - - -- --- - -- -- --- -- -- -- - - - ----------- -- - -- ------
<br /> . --- --- - ------- ----- -- ---------- ----------------------
<br /> _ - - - --_.. -- __ - - -- -- ---- - -- - ---- - --- --- - -------- --- -- --- --- -------- ------------------------ ------------ -
<br /> ------ --- --- - ---
<br /> - - ------ - -- -- -- - ---._ - . - --- -- - --- - --- --- --------------------- -- --- ------- - ---------- -------------------- >
<br /> - ..And---- �e - ----- ------ --- - ---------covenant------to warrant and �
<br /> t�l @ ,
<br /> ctefen t�¢sald premises against the lativful claims of all persorls whomsoever, ---------..._---------.___-----------------------_ ---_.---------------------------------------------- �
<br /> I Dated the--.l8th --._.- - -- - -----day of_ - July - - ----- - -- - ------------A. D,, 19--11---•
<br /> ,
<br />� WITNESS ----------------------��Y�_�__A_,._��:ile_s_ ---------------------------------
<br />, . -- --- - -- -----Luc_i_1e--Skile-s-- -------- ---------------------------
<br />, _ _-- - - --_Jc�hn _Sch�,rYn -- ------ - --
<br /> �ss.
<br /> - -- - -Ha11�------------County, On this----------------18tn--------------------day of-------------�-u�.-y-----------------------A. D., 19__�.�._, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public______________________________.__.__________within and for said County, personally came
<br /> - �?avi_c�_R_,_�k��.�s--anc�--L�,c_i_�.�--�ki�esr- hi.� -�t�.�a---- -------- -------------------------- ------------ ---------------------
<br /> �t
<br /> to xne personally l�notivn to be the identical person_�______whose name�.__�xg___________..____._______a,f�'ixed to tne abvve instru-
<br /> ���} ment as grantor_�_______, and_________�hs_Y________severally acknowledged the same to be_____.___�h6ir_______.voluntary aet alid deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN WI�'NESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afI'ixed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ____Doni�YJ.�,Il3____�Ie_br�_____iri___H�1id__C_QuXl�_y�____on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------------------ --------.John---fl�h�ty_r�-------------------
<br /> i�4ar 19------------- 1�------ Notary Public,
<br /> Mycommission expires_------------------------------------------------------ - -----------------------------19--�
<br />, �
<br />