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<br /> � �� � U� �
<br /> _. , 500k8—Iii.OPP&BAhTLEi'T CO.�Prinlinr,Litha!/r¢Phing a7id County Supplies,°Omahe. _ _ _._ __-:-= —_-- — — .--`_ _ ....__ --__
<br /> , FR��%� I hereby certify that this instr•unlen� was entered on Num�rical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- __.5__ -----._-------day of-------.--Al1�uB�-.--__..--------
<br /> :�. D,, 19 1I_-, at- - - - �_.4�_.. - - - ---dclock-- - - - ----P.- --yl,
<br /> _ _----------fieT_th�i._ .I,B�'_vUlci-- -_ _- - __ __ _ Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. - ,�/ , ' %
<br /> -- /--����!�-r,� ��l-e:___
<br /> ----- -- - -..- T
<br /> �egister af nevds G����e�c�.
<br /> - --- 2ia.ry. _P_hi11ipe __- -- -- -_ -__
<br /> - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - ---
<br /> llepucy,
<br /> I�now 1-�11 1VIen. by T�ese P�esents : �
<br /> That_ _- - I, Bsrtha _Ler_vnld,- __sing1e _ __ -- -_. .- -- --- ----- _
<br /> of the Caunt,y of__ _ _------ ,-F3311 --- -- --- - and State of_.. 21eUTa�ka __---- --------_-- __ _----- ---- ------- ----------Gl�a,rtor--------, in cnzlsideration
<br /> of t��e sun� �f-- E.�.gri��-Fi.va__ 3n$-no __1D9 - - -- --------- --------- ------------ ------- - --- --------- -- ----------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paicl, do-- - -.- ------rerebv �'RA�dT, Z�A�,C�IN, SELL, A�TD CONvEY unto- --M3ry--P��.l�ip-8----------- --- -- -
<br /> of the County of_-- .------ -F.all, ___ ___- -_- ---- -----._--aud State of---- -____ATs_k�_r��ka -- ---- -------- ------ ---------, Grantee------, the followitlg
<br /> clescribed prem.ises, sitllated ii� tre Ceur7ty of___ _. _ __________. _-_ ___ xal_l._______ .___________and State of Nebr�,sl�a,, to u�it:
<br /> --- ----- ____ Lot_ T�uMbe_r Fiva-- (5}--in_.F1,ock-21wri'►�e�--Thi.rty----�3�� --Packer--&---�arra--Ss�ond_ _Aa�it_ion------ ---
<br /> - -- - - to _rranci--IslandJ - i:de_bra�ka_as -surveyaci� - �latte�- a�d �e�arded - - - -- - _- -- - --------
<br /> -------- - -- - --- - _- - - -- -- - - -- - -_ - - - -- ---- --- - - - --- - - - ---- ---- - - -- - ---- - --- -- - - --- -- - - -- ,.
<br /> _ - - -- - -- - - --- --- - --- -- --- --- -- - - -- - -------- -_-------- - - - ----- ---------------
<br /> Together tivith alI the tenements, �e�°edita,menf;s, and apput��enances thereun�o belonging, and all the Fstate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoey�er of the said Grantor___________, and ot'either of them, of, in, or to the sa,nie, or any part thereof. �
<br /> TO K!�VE AND TO HOLT fhe �,hove-describecl pren7ises,i�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___..___and to___ __.______h��C_________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_______�_____ ___________nereby covenant________u�ith the said Grantee___._ ___that_______I______________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____._.________.?______ ______ha_V�_goad right and ?awful authority to sell a,nd convey t�ie same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> Whatsoever___sul?je_�t___to___��x�_s_ _#Qr__1°11__�r_�__subj�ct�___t_o__all___as�e�snlent_s__of____ev�xX _nature___fron_ th_i�__dat_e.
<br /> ------ --- -- --- -- ---- --- - ---- - -- -- -- --- __ .--- -------- ---- ---------------- --� -------- -------- ----------------- - -------------------
<br /> ----- -- - - - ---- - -- - - -- - -- --- -- -- - --- - -- ----- - - --- --- - --------- ---- - --- ----- ---- --- -- ------- ------ -------------------------------
<br /> - --- -- - - - - --- - - ---- --.. --- - -- - And------ ---- I -- - --- ---- - - -----------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> �he
<br /> defenc� t�said pi°emises against the lativful claims of all persoris wliomscever, ____._ .as___�b0_V_B___St_2.t_8_d,_____________________________________ , __
<br /> --- -- - -- --- --- -__ ----- ----- - - - - ------ - ----- - --- -- -- ------------- ----------=- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------- ------- - -
<br /> Fifth-- - ---- ---- -._dav of_-- ___-- Decerr�be�-- -- -- --------A. D., i9�Q_-----�
<br /> Dated the----------.---
<br /> WITRTESS --------------------Fs_e�t$3 Lervol�
<br /> ------- ----- ---- ------5_.C_.Hus�.�n_- - - -- -- ----- -----
<br /> �ss,
<br /> - -- - ----�all--------County, On this--------------5-th------ -----------day of---------De_CE3mbeT--------------------A. D., 19�Q----, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary PubIic-----al?I?a�--�1�-�-Cl--.---------------within and for° said County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- -B�r_tha__I.�ervold --------- ----- - ----- ------------ -------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------
<br /> -- -------- - --.sin�le---- -------- -
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person________wtiose name__._____��_____.______________________afl'ixed to ttie above instru-
<br /> �SEAL) ment as grantor___________, and______she.___________severally acknowledged the same to �e______he_?�'_______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> name
<br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have liereunto subscribed my�d and afTixed n1y ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _________r;�_�Tid__��12tn�____N��r,______________.___________.___on the date last above written.
<br /> ------------------------- --- ----ry-•-C_,Hu st On------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My comrnission expires------------------------------ ---------�7uly_---�-�---------------------------------------19_12------
<br />