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<br />' � �� 50038—KLOPP&BARTI.F.4'T CD.,Frintinp,T itiao�raP�a7ag and Co��crtty Su pglies;Ornahc,. � � �
<br /> FR0�1� I 1�ereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for r�cord this---- --...__��h_----------day of-----------JLtly----- .------------
<br /> �, D,, 19 11 , at- ---- - -- -- - - 9- o'clock- - - -,�.-lrl.
<br /> ------------�illiam_A.��lti�rell_ � v,ri-fe.. _ _� 6�larranty
<br /> T� Deed.
<br /> �-����y�� __ - __
<br /> ---- -- --
<br /> Register of Dee s [�x�c��e�x
<br /> i - -- -_ �arl_P..�iller -- -- -
<br /> - - - - - �-- --- -- - - - ---- - --- - --- --
<br /> ll e�uty-,
<br /> �n�w A�l �en by Z'l�ese �.'resents : ,
<br /> That- �r.Q,- �Iillian__A.Col�t�ll__and_ Anna--J,-C.o1�u�11 ,--husband �nd 1•�cif Qf --- ----- --- - -- -- ---- ----
<br /> of the Couniv of-- _Hall_------ ------- __ _. ------and State c�f--__ -- ---_T�e'uraSka____ ----- -. ------_. ------- --- -- -----------Grantor--S_.--, in consideration
<br /> ot'the sun� ot' --F.9�zr Thou.sand ancl -no�10Q -- -- ---------- ------- -------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------�------------DOLLARS,
<br /> iri l�and paicl, r�o-- --- -- - --nereby i�RA%�'T, BA�ZG��iI�4', SELL, A�vD CO��VEY urlto--GSrl---P..Mi118r------- ------------------- -----._ _
<br /> of t1�e Courity' of_-- ------- - ---------_ --- IIa11----- --- - - -.-----ar�d Stare of_ __ ._1`JE3bz'38Iis�----- -- ----------_ _ _.-- -- ---------- -.___--- -------_, Grantee_.------,the fellowing
<br /> described pre��lises,siti:a,tad ir� the �ountY of-- --- ---- -- �i2t�1-.-- ---------,---------------and St�te of Nebraska, to i�°it:
<br /> --- -- Lat __Fou�--t4)- and__the uv�st ti�e-nty-f�va fse� E25' ) o� ba� Threa -�r� B�ock -Fa�r----{4)--�r�- ---------
<br /> -- --- -. - - Dodci and..��ar�l:ull_'_s---Adciit io_n_ .t o__the--Villaga---af _�ood._Riv�r,---Nebraska, ----- - --- -------------- --------- --
<br /> -� - - -- -- - -- - __- - - -
<br /> - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- - -- - ----- _ - - - --- - - -- -- -- - ----
<br /> Together with al? the tenernents, iieractit�,lnents, and appurtenances therennto belon�ing, an.d a11 tlie Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Dernard wha.tsoey�er of the saiEl Gr•antor_�_______�txl��il���, of, in, or to the same, or any pa.rt thereof.
<br /> T� NAVE AND TO HQL� the aboti�e-deseribed preinises,with the appurtenances, ur3to the said �r�,ntee_________and to____________ .__h_�,_�__________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And___. ______y`_T8 ______._____I;ereby cotiTenant_. ___with the said Grantee_____.__._that_____tRl�_ ________._hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; t,hat___._�r6.____.____ ______1�a_V�_gocd right and la��ful authority to sell a:nd contiey the salne; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- - -----_---- - ----- -- --- - - - _ -- . - - - ------- --- ----------- - - ------ - -- -
<br /> � -- - -- -- -- -- -- -_.- -- -- - - -- - - - -- -- ----- - - -- - - - -- - -And---------- - -- -- - We_._- -- ---- ------- --------------covenant-----to warrant and
<br /> ��g
<br />' defend said premises agairst the lati��ful clailns of all persolls whomsoever, -------.----------------------------------------------------.----------------------------_------------------
<br /> Dated the-- -. _2c�th --- - -- -- ----day of----- - Jul.y.------- --------�-- ---------A. D., 19--11---�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------�-]�-�-�-��t3IL--Aa C 0_7.I'���.�.------------------------------
<br /> ----- ---------Anna--J_.�flltaell_-----------------------------------
<br /> �---- - - ----- -- - __.____�V,L_,.��ar�.�uQ- - ._- -- -- - -- ---
<br />�
<br /> ---- --- ---- - ---- - -- ---- - --- - - --- ------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> T - Y, `'6th------------------------day of-- ------�Iu-1_y_-----------------------------A. D., 19__ll__, before me, the
<br /> -----------------h31�--------Count On this------------u.-
<br /> unrlersi�;�ned, a Notar,y �'ublic---------------,--------------------------------within and for said County, personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------�_illiatn___A.C_ol�r�ll-and---Anna__�-._C_o_].�c�ll,---hi-s---v�if a,--------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person_8______whose name__�__________�rB__.. ,____af�xed to the a�Love instru-
<br />'I Inent as grazitor_�_______�, and____.___tnoy__._____severally acknotivledged the san�e to be_..._:��16iT___._.___._voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br />' IN �VITNF,SS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribednmy�3d and afI'ixed my official seal at_________________________________.__________
<br />� {SEAL) ________._.___±� 90c1__BiYBr___iri__B�i�t__�IIitri'�-y--------on the date last above written.
<br />', , ------- -------- ----�V._L.Sprague----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> Mycommission expires----------- ---- ----:3ar ch__,�?-----1��.�----------------------------------------R�----------
<br />