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<br /> � 500#8-1{ZOPP& BARTLZ:'fT CO.,Printin9,Lil'nographin�and Co�unty�Supplies;O^naha. � �
<br /> _._ - --- —=- _ _ _
<br />__ _- —_ —. . -_— -� _-- . -_.. _�_
<br /> FRO�'�� I hereby cei�tify that this i�lstrun�ent w�s entered an NurnericaI Index and
<br /> filed far recorcl this---. ._28�h--- -- -------------day of_.--------,I_t�ly--.-.------- ----------
<br /> A, D„ 19_11 , a,t_.. -- - -11.40 -- -- -o'ciock-- - -- - - A._�1.
<br /> �illiat�._SChn811__& _wife -- ---- _ _ - __- ��6larranty
<br /> -- --- _
<br /> �,o Deed.
<br /> ��� _ -
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<br /> �e�istex of Deecl ?c6���
<br /> _ .__ Ch_e__st�x___A.Pr_incQ . _ - - _ -_
<br /> - ---- - -- - - - - -- ---
<br /> _- - - - -- -
<br /> De�uEy.
<br /> r�ow All I�Ien by These Pr�sents:
<br /> Tnat__.;r$, �Yilliam-Schnell � - .Anna ���,nell- -- -- -- -- --- ---- - - - -- __. --- -- --- -----
<br /> -- _ - - -- __ - ____ -- _ - -- - _ _ - -- (__husi�and__c�_wif.e -)-- -- - -- -- - -- - - -
<br /> of the Co�nti,y of_____Ha11__----- - ------ ---------------_anrl State of . ___ --------- 2de�r�sk3-------____--- -.- ---- ------- -------------Grantor.8___, in consideration .
<br />� ot't�ie su1r� ef-- Thi°ee Hunclxacl--�__T__h�.-rty--&_ _no�1QQ----- -- ---------------------- -------------------------- - ------- ------------------ ----DDLLARS,
<br /> -------- ------
<br /> ir1 ilaud paicl, do_ __ ___ .--heraby (�R�1NT, h%�RG�a�N, SELi., A1�TD C0IVUEY unto_ _ . Ch68t_E3�---A,�.'r1r1C8. _.------- -------- -- .---
<br /> I
<br /> of the County of_--- -- -�t�_ll--- - - --- - - --and State of__- ------ .21e}�r_38ka-_.- ---- --- -_ _.---- - ---, Grantee------,the following
<br />� descrlbec�prelnises, szt�a�ed in the Coul�ty of __._ ___H2t11____ and State of Nebraska,, to wit; �
<br /> .L�t--Numhe-r'`F!ii�e--(3) in A�oE1�-�d�z�ber �evsn�;r-�a�� (74}- �heelaF �s-Be��e��'s T�irc�- -�dd��-io�- -�-a---- -
<br />� -- rrar�d--�s_lan.d_-i�Iebraska- as--suruQyec� �latt�d �'" re�-or-dsd, _ _ - -- --- - -- -- -- -- - -- -
<br /> ------ - - --
<br /> - - - - -- ---- - -- ---- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- ---- -
<br /> -- --- - -- ---- - - -- -
<br /> -- - - - -- - _ - - - - - - -- ---- - -- -- -- --- - - -- -- _ ---- - - ---------------
<br /> - --- ---- - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - _ -- --- - --- -- ---- --- -- ---- - - - ---------------
<br /> Together with all tlie tenements, hez�edizam_et�ts, and appurteuances thereunto belon�;ing, �,n,d all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />'' Delnand wliatsoever of the said Gz°antor__�____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> I
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO hTOL.� the above-describecl premises,with the appui°tenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__:______hi� heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_ _____W@__ _____________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee________.__that____.___�'7@__________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br />, title; that_______�C6_______.______.__haY�_gocd ri�,�ht and lawful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrauces
<br /> whatsoever------- - - - --- - --- --- - --- - - -- - -- - -- - ----- - ---- ---- - - --- -- - -- -- -- -------- --------------------------------------------
<br />' ----- -- - -- - --- -- -- -- - - -- - - --- - -- --_ ------- -- ---- - ---- --- ----- - -- ------ - - -------- ----- --- --- ------- - -- --------------------
<br /> I
<br /> -- --- --- _- - -- - -- - - - -And- - ----- - -- - - - --- -- -I�I�--------- ---- -------------covenant-------to warrantand
<br /> I defen��Desaid premises agains� the lawful claims of all persons ivhomsoever, ___._____________._._
<br /> Dated the--- -- --28th -- - - -- - - ----daY of_- --- July-- - - - .. - - -�---- ------A. D., 19_ll----�
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------�i_l l i ar:1---��hna 11----------------------------------
<br /> - ------------�r�a__.S�hne-].-�.--- --------------------------
<br /> ------ ----- - --.__S.C,Hu�t vn - - - - -- -- ---- ---
<br /> 5S.
<br /> - -Hall--- - ----County, On this-- -------28'�.n--------------------day of__------- ---July-----------------------A. D., 19--11---, before me, the
<br />, undersigned, � �v'otary Public---------------------------__--------------witliin and for said County, personally carne---------------------------------------------------,--------------,-------
<br /> I� ----------�i lli�m---Schne 11--&--A�a---Schna 11-------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------�-------------------------------•-------
<br />' -- ---- �- ---------- ------ ------ - ---- - -- -�--husb3nd--t�--ti�if e�---- ------------------ -
<br />� to rne personally l�notivn to be the identicaI person_s________Whose narne_.s___�T_�_______________________________af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> I inent as grar2tor__�______, and_________ they_______severally acknowledged the same to be__._.____�h@iT_______.voluntary act and deed
<br />' for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I� ��"�} IN �ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed r���and ali'ixed my o8'icial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> ________�r�nd_�813nc'�___S1_E�braska---__--_-------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------------------5..C_.Hus�Q n_--------------�---------
<br /> Nota,ry Public.
<br /> My comrnission expires------------------�-- --------------- ------J_Lt�.y_------��----------------------------------j9---z2---
<br />