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<br /> 50018—KLOt�I'd'B=1 RTLGTT CO.,Printin�,Lithoqronhinp and County Suppliv.s;Oma)ze. ,,- _— --. -:-- -- _.- _
<br /> - � ._._ —, --'-- « �..-- _ __- _--�- _ —- �..
<br /> FR.OiVI I hereby certiify tha�- tnis instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this__.______ _26__th. ._--------day of-- -------�T_uly-----------------__
<br /> �, D., 19 1_1.__, at- - - __._9,_3D - - -- - - _._o'clock-- - �� --M.
<br /> _._ ---Eltil�__�hr�s_�.ina ,.��ilbert. _ - Warraaty
<br /> Z,p • Deed. ���.�,�� �%u
<br /> _ - - - - -- - --
<br /> _ - - - -- --
<br /> Register o De ds xt����
<br /> 'r'.Raiph i�eui���yer ---
<br /> -. ._ --- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - -
<br /> �eputy. �
<br /> K�o�v All IVIen by 7['liese Presents: ����
<br /> That__Ir. E_lumla_Chr_istina--ri-1bErt- -_ --__ - - - - -- ----- - -- -- - --- - - - -- -
<br /> -- -- -- - -_ - - - _ _-- - - _ _��in�le� -- -- -__ _- --- - -- - - -- -----
<br /> of the Count.� of-----_ _.Hal�__---------------- _-- ---------and St��,te of--------Kek�r�.ska----- - . _-------- --------- - ------ - - --------Granior-,-----, in coiisideration
<br /> of the sum of- -F_�ur__Hunar_et�__ancl np�7..QQ - -__ ---- � ---- ------ ----- -- ------- - ------------------ ---------------�-------------,DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pai�l, cio._. --- --tiereby GR�1_vT, BARG_2I14', SELL, A����D C0IYVEY unto---_ P.._R�_1_ph Neum�.yer ---�----.------ - ----- ------- ------
<br /> ------ ---
<br /> of the CountY' o�-- -------- --F%�11- - --- ------__ _----------arzu State of_. ------I�Isl:�r_dskEl__---- ---_ ---- -------- -- --------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> described pre�isss,situtited in ths rc�zlit,y of----------------- ��11___------------ -------.---------and State of 1�Iebraska, to i�%if.:
<br /> -- --- F'r�c_�ional---Lot---Rzur�'as-r--r1_in�e----(-5� .--of--Frac_tior.,a.l--£lnc�--��umber_ --S-ix---(-�} _o.f--�talli_ch-t-s---Addit_it�n-------------
<br /> - -- - �o_�_r_an�.__Ialan�t,----i�e_�araska,- ard -its-- �orr}�le�r�r�t--b��.n�- -Fr-ac�ior�al----lo�_ _�umb�-r--�ir�e---�9-}--s�f- -----------
<br /> -
<br /> ----_-Frac_t__ion�l._�loc�__i��ut�l��r---T.v�s_nt_y _4ns -_(-�;_1_}._ _Qf- -Eairyiew__Park___Ad�Ii�_ion_-t-�--rxana-_i_�la.na,_--�?�_�x�_�i�r�,._
<br /> -_ _botn- a�__sur.YQy��I,_- �l�t_t�d--and__r�c.or�erl.- - - - - -- -- - --- - - -- - -
<br /> _ ----- --- -- --- - --- - - ------- --
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, �ereditan�ents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, asd all the �state, Right, Title, Znterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Dem_ and whatsoe�%er of the saici G'ran.tor_____.____; anci of either of them, of, in, or to the s�,me, or a,ny part thereof,
<br /> TO K.:4VE AItiD TO i�OI,�� the a.bave-described premises,with the appurtenan_ces, unto the said Grantee_______and to_____________�'L�_s____________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And________I__ __________hereby c�vena,nt_______with the said Grantee_________that______T___._..__..____hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> I title; �hat__________-__� ___________..lia_Y8_�oo�' rigl�t and I�,j��ful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear af�11 liei�s and illcumbrances
<br />, whatsoever---------- --- - _ _----- -- -- - - - - - - -- - --- ----- ---- - - --- ------ - - - -- ---
<br /> - --- --- - -- - - - -- ---- --------------------- -----------------
<br /> I
<br /> --�-- --- -- -- - - - - ---- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - --. _ - ----- -- - ---- - ----- ---- --- -- - --- ----- ------ - ----- -- ------ - -------------- -- -------------------_
<br /> --- - ------ - -- -- ----- - --- - --- - - - -- -._. - -- -- - _- -- -- - ---�- ---- -- - - ------------ - ------ --- -- - - -- ---- ---------- -------- ----- --
<br />�� - - - - -- And----- ------ -- ---- --I - - ------------covenant--- ---to warrant and .
<br /> t��e ,
<br />,' defen �said premises against the lawful claiins of all persons ti�homsoever, ___.__________. .____________________________________________________________
<br /> I ------- -- --- ----- ..- - -- - - - - --- - - - -- - ---- ---- - - -- -- - - ------ - --------- - -- --------- --- --- - --- -------
<br /> - - ----------- --- -------------
<br /> Dated the_ ----- --i9th- - - --- - - --da,V of_- - - - Jt}l�t_ - -- -- - - - -- --- ---------A. D,, i911-�--�
<br /> I� WIZ'NESS -------------------E1ula---Chr_is�ina__�i_l�e�t----------------
<br />' _ . .
<br />�I -- ------ -- --- -- ----�-ar:ie-s--�-.Dil.� - - - - ---- - --- �
<br /> ---- -- -- � - - ----------------------- -- ------- --- ------------------------------------
<br /> I STATE OF NEBRAS���,
<br /> ss.
<br /> H-�I-1----------County, On this---------------19th-----------------------day of--------------Jzzly------------------------.A, D., l9_11__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�r3ed, a ivoi�,ry Pub_iic-----------------------------------------withiil and for said County, personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------,-------
<br /> - - -Elu�a__Ch_�_�._�t�na_r_�1�1�ert----------- - --- --------- --------- �-
<br /> �--------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------- ------ -- -- --------- ------�s in.gie)---- ---�
<br />, - -- - - - - -- -- ----- -------�----------------------------------- -------------------------------
<br />,' (SEAL} to �ne personally known to be the identical persan_.____.____whose name________i8_______________._______________af�ixed to tl�e above instru-
<br /> rnent as grantor.__________, and._____ShQ__________severally acknowledged the same to be______h8r______.______._.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br />, Il'T ��IITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribednm��and affixed my of�'icial seal at.___._______________________________________
<br />; ____r x&�1�i__�_s_�_��dr___Tv'�bx_�BY�t______.�___________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ,
<br /> ---------------- --- ---------._�7,��.._Al_�.�,---------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires_------------ --------------��-ul-Y------18th------------------------------------------19�-3i------
<br />