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<br />--` � 50038—KLOPP&BAI�TLETT CO.,Printing,Litaographing and Caunty S�applies,°O,mah�:. . �
<br /> F�Q�� I hereby certify that this instrument w�,s entered on Nurnerical Index and -
<br /> -- - --- - -_ - __ _.
<br /> filed for recorci this---. ---- 2� --__ ------ --day of------.It�1��------------------------
<br /> .�, D., 1911_- , at-- -- - -- - - --4 •- -�--o'�lock--- - --- -F..._--Itil. .
<br /> __-_Elula Christ_ina.-rilk�ert, sing�e� Warranty -
<br /> TO
<br /> Deed. „-c��,r�
<br /> - - - - -- - -- -- - -- -
<br /> - -
<br /> Re i�t e r o f De e - ����.7c
<br /> -- O,.A:_S.inki_e__. -- _ . -- __ �
<br /> - - -.._- -- - - - - - .- - - -- - ---- - -----
<br /> De�u�y�,
<br /> �a�ow 1!�1�. l�en by T�ese Pr�esents :
<br /> T17at - -Elu1a Christi�a r�lber�,-- { -s�r�gle wa�an� - --- --- ---- --- - --�-- - - -._. __
<br /> of tre County of_----__---- -- ___�iali---------- _anci State of------_._i�ek��'.aflka---- --------- __---------- -----,-- ------ ----------Gr°antor�-----, in co�isideration
<br /> ofrhe sum of -- F_ivQ--hundr6d . -_ -- -- - - -- ---- ------ ----- - ------------- - ----------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------DOLI.ARS,
<br /> ili hand paid, do. ----___---_-he��eby CR,ktiT, I3�?RG2Ila, SELL, AI�TD CONVEY unto---------_ __O.A�_S_irikig---_ __._--.-----
<br /> - -- - ---- - -
<br /> of the County of--------.- .-----Ha11__-------- ------- ----------- --and Sta,te of--------N8Ur�8_�'.a ------ ---- -------- -------- ---------- ----------- -----, Grantee______,the follot�ing
<br />�, described preinises,sitliaied in the G'otznty of_ Hali___________________and Sta��e of Nebl�aska, to ��%it;
<br /> _ ___.fracti�nal._I,ot---T'en- -(�0-) --in--fx_uct�_�!nal__�_ls�_ck--Six__-(-�-)--in__�P_allich_'_ s_ Additi�n__t_o__�ran�i--I_s_1_andr------
<br /> ,r .
<br /> _____��eUr�ska,_ __an�._ �.ts �_or��lemsrt_ _f_-r�cti�?n�l_ LQ�_Te_n__(_10.� --in--fr_ac_t-i-Qnal__fllo_ck__T_we_nty--ona____(_21_}__in__,
<br /> -------__F___a__i ry�ec� _P_ar� Au�.it iQn--t� _�r_and---Island,---- N�_hras�:�_. _hnth_ _a�--sur-uet,�ed,---?a-1_at ted--and_recnr_de_d.------.-
<br /> -- -- - - -_ _ -- -- -- -- _ ------ ---- - - -- ---- ----- - - ----------------- ------
<br />� Toaether wit;� aIl tl�e tenements, 1leredrtan�enis, and app�rtenances thereunto belon�ing�, �,nd aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Inter°est,, Dou�er, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand whatsoeti�er of't11e said Granior_ .___ ._,__, �nd of either of theln, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO jIAVE A�iD TO I�O�I) tl�e aboti°e-described pre3nises,�vith the appurtenarces, unto the said Grantee________and to________h1_�3_____.____.______________heirs and
<br />� a,ssigns forever. And____________3____ _____ _ ____hereby covenant_._____with the said Grantee___.__...___that_______�_._____.__.___nold_________.said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____Y__________._._______I�a_V9good rigl�t a.nd lawful authority to seli and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of�,11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--------------- -----------�--------- - - - - -- - ----- --- - - - ------- --------- -- -- ------ ---------------- - ---- - --------
<br /> - --- -- -------------
<br /> --- - ---- - -- - -- - - - - ---- ------ - --- - - - --- -- - -- ---------- ------------- ------ --- ------- ---- - --- - --------- - ---------------------------------
<br /> - ---- -- - - - - -
<br /> --- - - -- -- - --- -_ -- And----- - --- --- - -- S - -- -- --- - ---�-------covenant-------to warrarit and
<br /> the
<br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful ciain�s of a11 persons whomsoever, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�
<br /> ----_-- -- - --- --------- _ --- -- ------ -- - -------- ---- - - -- - - -- ------ ---- -- -- - -- ----------------------------- ------------�------- -----------�-
<br /> Dated the- Sixteen�h -- - - - - --daY of--- --- - JU,�16- ----- - - ------- �-------A, D,, 19�.�.----•
<br /> f WITNESS _--------_---_--E lu la__Chr i st_in�__r iibe-rt----------------
<br /> ---- - -- ---- ----J ame s--E-.-Di.11�-- - -- ----- ---------- - -
<br /> ss.
<br /> hall.-------------County, On this-----Sigt_�_�_nth-----------------day of_------------�IunB---------------------A, D., 19_._ll_, before me, the
<br /> undersi�necl, a lvotary Public_________________________________---_---_within and 1or said County, personally came_____________________
<br /> - ----Elul.a__�hr_iat_ina_:rilbert------�---s_ingle_�-- --- ----------------------- -- --------------------------------- -------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__________whose name__________.__i�___________________af�'ixed to the ab�ve instru-
<br /> �SEAL) �nent as grantor_____________ and____�e_..___..__._��acknowledged the same to be____________he r_________..voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN titiITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�¢pYand afi'ixed my ofTicial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ____�zr3nd__I�ia�d�___Ne}�raska_______________.___._____on the date last above written.
<br /> J.E.Dill
<br /> . ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires------------- ------------------�ul-Y-------16th------------------------------------------191.3------
<br /> i
<br />