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<br /> 50Q�8—KLOYP&B KXTLETP CO..Printing,Litlaographing and L'ou�it��9uppiies,'Omal.�. _!— `^ � -
<br /> .�'h'��1 r �IBT@,�Y CBI'L`IfJ� t�lc2t t�11S 1125�1'U17]B17t Ii'aS BIIZBI'Pf� 011 L�JUYY18P1Ca1 rIlf�BX a12d
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<br /> filed for recorc� t1�is_ - -__.__18th------- __day of------------J111y----- ----------------
<br /> 3, L�., i�__1Z__, at- --- . --- - 9.�0 - --_a'clock.- - - _ - --- A.1l�.
<br /> ___ ._____I.►o'Lli� _SCh�11Clt--&-W1�9-_. --- -- -- -- - -� WarYanty
<br /> �,� � Deed. �' � ,, �, �
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<br /> Registar of ne as ����e�x
<br /> Chicago__l�urlin�ton �x �ui.ncy.. __ __
<br /> -- - - -- -__ --_.. -�--
<br /> _
<br /> - -R��._�.__.s'ioad Cg�manY -- -- -- Deputy.
<br /> �now AlI l�'Ie� by 'I'��se Presents:
<br /> Tl�at__ __LQuis--S�iimi_dt--anc1 �tilizelmina Schmidt --- - - - _ - - - - - - - - --- -- - ----- - ---- - - -- - --- --- --- -
<br /> _-- -husband_.and_GVif g - - - - -- - - . - -_ _____
<br /> I of the Courty of_ __ __- Hal�- _ __a,nd State of__. _ ilebr3sk3__ _______ _______ .______ _____... . _________Grantor_S___, in r,nnsideration
<br /> Four �iundred__and _no/lOQ__
<br /> of the surn of - - -__ _ - - - __ _ - --- - - ---- --- - - ---- --------- ------- - �------- --------DOLLARS,
<br />� � in 1�a�d paicl, do-- _----nereby G����i�iT, ��?�GAIN, S'�L�, 9ND COR'VEY unto------- - -------- ----------- - - - --- - � .
<br /> ---Chica�o_ _�ur�ingt�_n �n�i_Quincy_ Rail--Ro�d- �4m�an3r- - __ - - - - ---- --- - -- -- -- -----
<br /> I of the Count3' �f --- -- - - -- - -ar�d State of - -- -- --.. - - --- - -_ _ --- , Grantee____ .,thefollowing
<br />�� describe�l prenlises,situa�ted in t�ie C�ouli�y of____ _ __________________'�R].1___ and State of Nebra.ska, to w�it: �
<br /> - --- - -I,ot----�'Turab��--Eight _j8� and--�Tina --(-9)----in---Capi-t o-I H-�.II. Addi�iar�-to-�'r��d Is��nd-l�t�bra�I�a;- - -- ----- --
<br /> -- --said--Adclition_ �e_ing._� _r_s-nlat__af_ _Block -3-5--anci---Fr-��tianal- -Blo�l� -34----of--R�s�s-1--�f-Y��ee-le-r's-- ---------- --
<br /> - -Addit ion_.t_o_ �_�ar.�l _Isl_aridr--Ne_laraska, - --- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- -------
<br /> _ -- ---- - -- -
<br /> - - - - - .
<br /> - - - - -- -
<br /> - --- --
<br /> - - . - --- -_
<br /> _ - - ---- - ---- - - - - - - ------ ---- - - - --------- - ----
<br /> Together with alI the tenements, heredital7aei�is, and appurtena�crs tliereunto belon�in�, a,11d all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Delr�anc� whatsoever of the saicl Gr°art�r_s__._ __, a,nd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLI? the above-described premises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the s�,id Gralitee_______and toi'�s___suCC_6_S.S.OrB______�and
<br /> �ssigns forever, And___ ___________ __�'�!e___ ._____hereby covenant______with the said Crantee_________that_____47-e__.__..____hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat_______.____��e_ .. -_______-ha_v4_gcod rigt3t ar.d lav�ful authorit,y to sell ��,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,11 liens ancl incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----- ---- -- �- -- --- -------- -- --- - - -- -- - - - -- -- ---- ---------- - - ---- -
<br /> -- - - - - ---- -- - ----- - - - -- - - - - ------- - ------ -- - ---- --- --- - -- - -- - --- - - -- --- --- - -- --- ------------------------------ ----------------
<br /> I --- ----- - - ---
<br /> - - -- - _ - -_ -- -
<br /> - - - _- - And- -- --- -_. ----- t�i8 . - -- --------covenant-- ---to warrant and
<br /> t o ,
<br /> defend� said remises a �ainst ihe lawful clair��s of all ersol�s whomsoever, ___.________ ___.________.____ _
<br /> P g
<br /> P ----- - - - ------ -- ---- -- ------- ------------
<br /> --- - --- -----
<br />, Dated the--- --.. - - �Qth - - _ -daY of- - 1'1�X--- - ---- - ---- - ---A, D., i9__ll- -�
<br /> �
<br /> tivITNESS ------------------Louis---Sch�idt-- ---------------------------------
<br /> ---------------�P_i_l:ne lmins---.S_chmidt---------------------------
<br /> -------- --- -- - _xe=�rY �_._Cliff_Qrd- --- --- - -
<br /> I --------- ---- --- - -C.N..�r i ni nge r - - --- - -- - -- , .
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------ -Hall -- --- ---County, On this---- -- --- �9t�1 ---- ---------day of_- - -- --�-------r�i3y_--- -----------------A. D., 19----11, before me, the
<br /> undersi�r�ed, a Notary �'ublic--------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -- - - - -Loui-s--�chmid'�,_--�d--Nilh_e_lr.iine--S�hmidt------------ -- ----- -------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- - ---- ---- --------- - - --- ------------------ ---------------�- - ----------- ---hueband_.and__wife- ------------
<br /> to zne personally known to be the identical person s______.whose name__s.___are______________________afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_�_______, a.nd______tney._________severally acknowledged the sarne to be___.____��iQ1.�_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose ther°ein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> Ii1� WITIVESS W�IEREUF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af1'ixed my ofi'icial seal at__________________________________________.__
<br /> ______________rrand__I�laild�___.Nebr_,________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------Fi.E_._Clif f orcl-�-------------------------------------
<br /> Not�ry Public,
<br /> My commission expires------------------ --�--------------- -------Ja:�u��Y-----�-+�-----------------------jg--14-.._
<br />