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<br /> 5 06�5-7{LOI'�&73ARTLETT CO.,Prxnting,Li[hopraphing and Counly Supplies;Omahe. � �
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<br /> I
<br /> FRO1Vl I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and !
<br /> filed for record this-------_....1_8_th------- -----day of___._.-------.Tl�ly_--.------ ---------- i
<br /> A, D„ 19_11 , at-- --9,2Q-- - . --o'clock-- - -- - - A:M. '
<br /> ____ Henry_ A,Gal_1_u�_ &- -v�rife__.___--- Warranty
<br /> - - TO
<br /> Deed. �
<br /> _
<br /> ,r��-� ��?�t�2-
<br /> --- - - -- -- - - - - -
<br /> Re g i s t or of D ds �a�aa�X�
<br /> Chic�go__�u�l�n�t_an--&--Quincy--------------- �
<br /> ---- --- - - ----- --- -- - - ---- -- ----- - -----_ -----------
<br /> � - llepuiy. ,
<br /> -Rai-l-Road Compar�y - - - -- ---- - - ,
<br /> I�now �l�l IdIen by Th�se Present�: ,
<br /> T.hat - -----Henry .A_�r��,�.up ancl--Harxiet--F_.rallu� h��bar�d a�d w�fe�- ---- - --- --- -- ------ ---- - ----- -- -- -- - --------
<br /> of the County of_____._ _.______ _ _ ______________. .___.__.____Grantor_�___, in consideration ,
<br /> - - H311 - - __ --and State of-- - -- ._1`18k�r���sst--
<br /> of the sum of -- S�x_Hundred and-no�lpp -- - ----------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_DOLLARS, ,
<br /> in hand pai�l, do_______._._____liereb3� GRANT, B�RGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY urto__ ___Chi�c'�g0__B11r�i:lgtQII___arid__�L1iriCy___________________________.___.___ . .
<br /> Rail .Road _Car��any -- - - - - ----- -- - - - - ---- - -- -- ----- '
<br /> of the County of__ --- - -- --- ---- - - - - -- -.and State of__ -__.. --- - -- _ , Grantee--_.--,the following ;
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of____.___._______ _�I311.__,__._ _____________________and Stat� of Nebra,ska, to wit:
<br /> ---------Lot_Number---_T_hres_--�3�---in__�_1QCk--�Iumb_er__Eight---($-)----in _�I_ohn--Vait-las Acidi-t-i-on-tA--�i-t-3r--------------------------
<br /> o�' ��_and__I�lan - Nebr_ask as -surve a lat�ed- anc� -re-�orded- - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - --- ----- --
<br /> -- - dr �s - y ci� }3
<br /> -- -- -- - -.__. - -- --- - - - -- --- -- - -- - -- - -- --- - - -- - - --- --- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- --- -- ---- ------ - --- -- ----------
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<br /> -- - __-- - - -- - - -- -- _ -- - -- -- --- ---- - - --- - - - ----- ----- -- ---- _-- ----- - -- --- --- - -------- -- _.-- - - ----- --------- �
<br /> - -- - - --- -..------ ._.--- -- ----- - -- - -- -.. -- - -- - - ---- - - - -- --- - -- --- ------- - -- -- --- -- -- - ---- - - --
<br /> ;
<br /> - - -- -- -----.._-- __ __ - ---- -- - - - - -- - _---------- -- - ---- - - - -- - - - --------- - -- ---- -- ----- --- -- - ----- ---------- ----- ;
<br /> Together wit11 aIl the tenements, hererlitaments, and appurteriances thereunto belon�ing, ai�d all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, ��ower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Derr�and wh�,tsoever of the said Grantor�__.____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sarlle, or any part thereof. i
<br /> TO ,��_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____ __.and to__i_t_S--SUCCe_s_SOrs___�� and !
<br /> assigns forever. And___..__._We__________.___hereby cavenant________with the said Grantee__________that_______��___._____hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that__________iRte____________hazle__good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the s�,me; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances ;
<br /> whatsoever----- - - - --- -- -------- --- - - -- - - ------- ---- -- - ---- ----------------------- - ------ ------- -------- --- ---------
<br /> --- - ---- -- -- ----- --- ----- ---- - --- ------ - -------------- -- ----- -- -------- ---- -------- - ------- ----------------------------- --- --- -------- -- -----------------------------
<br /> -------- - ----- - ------------- ---.. ---- - - - -- - And-- - -- - --w8------- -- ----- - ------------__covenant_..-----to warrant and �
<br /> defend�saed premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____._ _____ ___._______-__-________-----_-__--------------___-_-_--------_-_--__-_-----------------
<br /> �
<br /> Dated the-- ---------1-Q_�il- -------------.__day of_------ -�Iu�e - - --- - ----------------------A. D., 19_11----• �
<br /> WITNESS -------------------Fi@2��_y.._,A..C��111a.p --------------------------------------
<br /> -__ -- -----Har_rie�---E_._rallup----------------------------------- '
<br /> --- -- - --- --- - ------------------�'re d---�_._11sh�on----_- - -
<br /> �ss, !
<br /> FI?11�-------County, On this----------------1.�th-----------------day of-----...--------�Iun9-----------------------A. D., 19_�.1---, before me, the �
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public------------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally carne------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
<br /> - ---- ---Henry -A_._4allup---anc�_�_ax�is-t--F_._��llu�--------- - --- ----------------------------------------------- --- ------------------- �
<br /> �
<br /> ---- -- ---- ---- --- ----- -- -- - --------- ------------------- --�- - - - -- - ---- --------------------------- --------- --------------_
<br /> ;
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___�______whose name_B___are________________---_-_-__afl'ixed to the above instru- �;
<br /> (SEAL) '
<br /> lnent as grantor_s________, and ____t_h__@X___________severally acknowledged the same to be___._��1�_7.1" .___________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> n .e
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and affixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ______________G__r�rid_I813rid�___NHhr_____-----------------------on the date last above written. �
<br /> ---------------------------Fred_�P,_Ashton----------------�-------------- '
<br /> Notary Public. ;
<br /> My commission expires-------------------- --- ------Oct------1$------------------------_.._._----------�9_12-----
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br />