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1 <br /> � � � , <br /> �. D� r � � � ° � (�� J D <br /> I_ � _J �. �� o <br /> _ __ v_ . _ � _ _ __ <br /> 30D48—KLOPP�BARTLET4'CO.,Prinling,Lithogr¢p6inp and County Supplies;Omahc. ^ �^ � <br />_.. _ _ .. _ _. �,� —=-- ---- -- ,-- . -� --_ - <br /> �'��� I herary ce�°tify tha.t this instruinent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this_--____ _14th___-- ---------day of____...July------------- ------ <br /> _- - -- <br /> :�. D,, 19 11_-, at_ ._.__ _ 1_._3.Q.-- __ -- o'clocl�_ - - P•--M• <br /> ----- ------Char2e a- E.��y7,or &_tvif e ------- Warranty � " - , ;' <br /> TJ f Deed. /� � /� <br /> ._ �-c%ii� �,�-�= -- = <br /> _ . _ . _ . - - - <br /> - <br /> Register of Dee ���� <br /> - - t�ans- S_ie k _ __-- - _ _- - - <br /> --- --- - - - -- - .. ._ __ --_ _ <br /> � Depu��. � <br /> ��os� �11 �Ien b� Z'�iese Presea�ts: � <br /> That-- `Ne,___Charle_�---E_..�a,y_1Qr_ and_ I�illian---A._Taylnr-, -.husUa�d_ a„nr�-�rr-ife;------ ------- ------- --------- --- ------ --_._- -- __ .------- <br /> of the Countp of------- __-- -----Hall_ --- ------ -- _- -----and Sfate of-- --- --N9Y�r��ka ---_--- ----.- - -------- ------- -- --- ----..Grantor--8----, in consideration <br /> of the su�n of - -�i�t3�-f_our �iun�i�-at1- and--no�-1�4-- - -- ---- ----- - ----------- --------- -- ---------- -----DOLLARS, <br /> in ��and pa,id, do--- - ---------hereby G�ANT, I31���G�Il�1� SELL, AI�TD CONVEY unto_ __----- xanB S.iek------- <br /> of the Cour,ty �r___ _._?iall_________ __ __ __ar�d State of_.____2jek�ra�k3 .________. _ ___________, Grantee _______,the following <br /> described prerrlisas, sitizated ir� tlie County of__ ____.__ Hall___ _____ ____.__________�,lid State of Nebrauka, to w�it: <br /> T�ie---South_�lQ,-t---Quar_�e r- -��_.N.4)_ _Qf __Ss_ct_i_on__S ixt.e_en---�1-6-)---in__T_o��vnshi�--Ele_ven__�11_}__�1o�_th---of---R�nge------ <br /> t��v_e_lve._ �12)._ iVes� -�f_ tha_ eixth__Px_i*��-ip-al-- Trie_r_i.cii_an. -- - --- __- -- -- - --- <br /> -- - - --- -- - -- <br />'�� _._______Suk��ect___to__a _r�ort_�ag�._of__��., 1�Q�Q4___in _f�vor__of Frec�Qr_a,_�k__.T_.��i_ller__on__the _Ea�t___ _h_alf__of s_aid___ <br /> I <br /> - --c��uar_te_r .ancl--one- -o�_ �-2,_1_O.Q_.�Q__in_ f�vor_---�-f---Carl_.P.��ille-r--Qn__ths--7�est---half_-Q�--�aid ry�la�t�-r,---v�hi.�h <br /> - t._he_ grantae as�urles an�l--�gre�s �4-�aY•- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - <br /> -- - - -- - -- ---- - -- - -_ -- - - -- --- - -- -- ---- -- - -- ._. - -- - ---- -- ----- -- -- <br /> - -- - - -- --- -- ---- -- ------- - - -- --- - - -- - --- - ------ - ----- - --- ---- - -- - ---- - -- ----------- - ------------------- <br /> Te�gether wit� aII the tenements, rieredital�er�ts, and appurtenances tl�ereunto belon�i�ig, �,nd all the Est�te, Right, Title, Interest,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Lemand whatsoever of the said Grantor_S_____. , a��4��i�r�7�A�fi, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H_�VE AND TO ��OLP the aboti�e-described prenlises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______._and to_.________.___llis______________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, �nd____.__.___�1e________.hereby covenant_____yvith the said Grantee___________that_______.___�r�__ ___hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> titie; that____�tQ_.____ __________lia__y_�_goorl right a�1d lativful authority� to sell and convey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of all lielis and incumbrances <br />' whatsoever-----exca��t-- a�--statec�__above-� - -_- - -- -- --- ---- - - --------------------� <br /> ----------- ------ -- - ----------- - -- - --- -- ---- - ------------------- <br />, - ---- ------- --- -- - -- -- - --- - -- ---- - - ------------ --------------- - - <br /> II - - ----- - ------- - - - -- ------------ - --- -- ------ - -- __- ----- - - - -- -- --- ------ -- ------ --- -- -- ------ -- - ------ ------ <br /> - ---------------------- --- ---- <br /> ------- ---- ---- --- - Ancl-------- _We -- ---- -- -- -- --- ---------------covenant-- ----to warrantand <br /> the <br /> defend tYrsaid premises against the lau�ful claims af aIl persons whomsoever, ________ _____________________._________________________.____._________________ <br /> -- -- - - ---- - - ----- _ -- - - ---- -- --- ------ ---- - ----- ---- - -- - -- ------------- ------- -- - ----------------- -�_------------------------- <br /> I?ated the- - �9�Y�- -- - --- - --- ----day of_- -- - -��.2��h - ---- - ---- - --- - - -----A. D., i911-- --• <br /> WITNESS ---------------__��1��1�_t�__�_:_T_�y_�or--------------------------------- <br /> i _L-illian---A.Tay_l�r---------------------------------- <br /> ----- ±�-+-L-•S��r�Ue- ---- --- --- - - -- -- -- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A, ) <br /> r ss, <br /> -------------------fiall---County, � On this--_-------2.3C].--------------------------day of--------�l�y_-------------------------------A. D., 19_.11._, before me, the <br /> undprsi�ned, a I�otary Public-------------------------------------------------wit�iin and far said County, personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - Char_�._es__E_.T_�y_ior---and--Li�.��_an__A,_�_a�!lor�---h-i�-�-�r�.f_e------- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> - ----- -------------- ---- --- ----- -� - - ---------- ------- -------- --- .._----------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------- <br /> �o me personally known to be the identical person_�__.__whose name�.____.�Q___________________._____._af�ixed �o t1�e above irzstru- <br /> ment as grantor__�_______, and_______��7.8y..________severaliy acknowledged the same to be_..._____tl?Q�.�'____._.voluntary act and deed <br /> (�EAL} for trie purpose therein expressed, n�tie <br /> I1V' tiVITNESS WHE.REOF I have hereunto subscribed my�'�and af�ixed my ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ?�ood F.iva�' in said County_on the date last above written. <br /> ---------- -----------------�_,_L._Sprague------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------------- ---------- i�:larcil-27---1912---------------------------------------�9------------ <br />