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<br /> CONSTRLTCTI�!OI LIE;�T 97'� �'��c"�m�� . • .'i
<br /> 1. 'l�he re�l eaizre aubject to tit�lien ia: --------.. _ .. _.--
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<br /> ,,• Z. 3he peison�nst a�cre inter�sts in ihe real estate the fien is cL3imed is: . :���:A`i-:
<br /> '�� �f7GV�R'f'f�'teE � ,�e.esFrs�r �aF r �- .°���--=-
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<br /> . ;`
<br />. ..� . ::�::�• .
<br /> 3. The nair�an�t asldness of the claint�it ss: � . -s�`•__--_
<br /> - Drywall SuPP1Y Inc. '�`!;�'��-u''�-
<br /> . 1610 Cornhusker Hwy. " Y, ^ �"�_•
<br /> `� _y�i=^--�eat.�. ---
<br /> � Lancoln, NE 68521 �'.w "``� .-
<br />� :+� :�� �, :;.�� ::
<br /> ' ; 4. 1'he name and address of the person with whom the claimant contracted is: �.: �:; .
<br /> . Rogea�Luft '` .��
<br />. 915 W.Sth treet • `�.
<br /> �
<br /> `� Grand Island,NE 68801 � . •.;� "�
<br /> •, �:
<br /> �:: .
<br /> .� .,
<br /> . F 5. A general description of the claimant's se�vices performed or Yo be performed or � �.:-�> ,;�;.;c; 1
<br /> ,:.� — , a
<br /> materials fumished or to be fiunised for tha improvement and the contract price is: •. .,f�t �
<br /> .x..:.
<br /> ., --- .
<br /> � Supply of drywall aad drywall rolated rnzteriz4a. ' � =?�'�.
<br /> .�'�
<br /> 6. {Complete one of the fo�awhtg:) �- -
<br /> 7� T6e amouat anpaid, whekher du:or no;to the claimaai ..,��<�.�:,
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