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<br /> . , _ .: . _ :-. . _ .—_--— _°— --_-- — — ---�—---
<br /> . �'RQ�'i I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index atld
<br /> filed for record this--. _ __ 3�d_ _ _._ _-------day of----__Jt,i-�y-- ----------- ----------
<br /> �, D., 19_I1-__, at -__ _4,'2� - --._ - - a'clock -- P.. -M,
<br /> . _- - - AG.��.i�_F.00hE ___ _ _ . _ __.. Warranty
<br /> -- TQ IDeed. . �
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<br /> i'!_�r.P_�tr_idge - -- -- ---
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<br /> Ueputy.
<br /> now 1�11 I�Ien lay '��ese �'res�ents e
<br /> rh�,t Ade1i_a Focher -�idor,r.- - - - -- -- -- - - -._ -------- - - - -- -- ---
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<br />' _ - - - -_ _ __ --- -_ - _ - __ -- - _- _- -- - -
<br /> -- - - - -_ --- ---. -_ _ ___ _-
<br /> .,.
<br /> of the GountY of_------- - ---- ----hiTl�,t--- --__ -------and State of----- ------�aSh_.1T1g�U21 -------------- ___--_ ---- ----- ------------Grantor-------, in collsideration
<br /> ,.• ----------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> of tne su?tl c,t'- - -�ti_�nety-f�ve and ns� _1�� _ __ ��rg�-.Q4}----- - ------- ------ --
<br /> ----------------------------------
<br /> in ha;nd pa,id, dc-- ------ ---hereby GR��'T, ��1I�G-�iN, S�;LL, A�:'D CONVEY u11to- ----�l.r..P_.��triCt�,E3---- ---------- -------..
<br /> of the County of__- --------- ------��a21-------- --- ----- _------._a�ld Sta�e of_-------I`�_e_�r_�.�k� _-------- -- .___.- --------- ------- --- -------------__, Grantee ------,the following
<br />' describerl premise,s, situatecl in i�ie G'ounty of____ _____________ _ __$a11. ._____ _..___-- ----___ -__and State of Nebraska, to s��itr
<br /> -- ---Loys ti:irt_een --�1�� -an.cii--fQtKrte��-"-�7.4)-- -in---BlnEl�-��x (6) -in- �a��s-�-�Ii11-'-�---Add-itinn--to_rxand---------
<br /> island,--Ne�raska, �s__surve-y_ed,---��latt.esi__ ar�u _re_cc�r�.eci,_-- --- - --------- _-. ___--_ - --- --- --- -
<br /> -- - -- - - - -- ---- -- ---------- - - -- - - -- --- - - - ---- - - - - - -- ---- -------
<br /> Togethez°wit�aIl the teneme3lts, h.erec�italnents, and appurtenances thereunto beloriging, �,�.ci alI the .Estat,e, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wnatsoever of t;he said Grantor_____________ and of eif,her of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO _T-I_�VE AND TO HOL.D the a�ove-describecl prenlises, uith the appurVenan.r,es, unto the said Grantee_________and to________h3.6_________________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigrs forever, And___I_. d0____ ______ _____nereby coveriant______with the said Grantee__ ._______ihat______�______________hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____.__S ______.__-.-,--h�4___g�ood ri;ht and lawfi�l authority to sell and cofzvey the same; that t11ey are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> i, whatsoeyer--e$enpt--�ha-.��xas--f-ar---1Q14 -:�h���- �G�v- �r-a.�.��4-'�a�a�� as st��ie s-a��d---�g�ee s--�0--��3t,---------------------------
<br /> --- - - ------ ---- --- ---- - - - ----- --- - - -- - ------ -- -- - ---- ------ - - - - - - -- ---- ----- - --------- -- ------------------------------
<br /> I, -- -- - -- ----- ---- -
<br /> ---- - ---- -- - ---- - ---- - -- -- ---- - ------ -- ------- ---- ------------------- ---- - --------------- ----- -------------------
<br /> -- - - ---- -_ - - -- -- - - -_ ----- _- - - - - -And----- -- -I--d� --------- ------ -- -----------------covenant--- ----to warrant and
<br /> defend-�said�remises against tl�e latij�firl cla,ims of all persons tivhomsoever, _________��G9�t___�8__.�.k�OYQ___S.t_�t_@_d_._.________________.___._________-______________.__
<br /> -- --- -- ..-- --- -------_ - - - - - - -- - -_ _- - --- -- --- ----- - -- ---- -- --------------- ------ ---------------------------- -- -- -----------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the- - - -- ;6t-�1 --- -- - -day of_- --- -d-un8- - - - - ----- - -- ---__A. D., 1911--- •
<br /> WITN�SS -------------------A�ie_li�.__ROChe---- -------------- ------------
<br /> � - --- - ---------------------------------------------------
<br />' - - -- - - ---- ------- --L.J.._1`Jh��_�e --- - ---- - �
<br /> STATE OF _'�:�h�:�'�o
<br /> ss.
<br /> _I�iirig_--- ---County, . Qn this-- -- - 2�ath- -- -- - -------..day of_---------��.1118-- ------ -------------------A. D., 19---11-, before me, the
<br /> undersi�necl, a I�otary Publi�-------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - Acle_lia._R�r,hey-- �id�.�r.-- ---------- ----------- ------------------ - --------------------------------- -----------------------------------
<br /> to me persozlally known to be the identical person_________whose name______________i_F________________________affixed to �he above instru-
<br /> �SEAL} rnent as grantor___________, and_.._____uY'�8____________severally acknowledged the same to ue______h_@_T_______________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�1 ti�jITNF,SS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed mA��tand aflixed my ofI'icial seal at________________________________.____________
<br /> -F�r�-��8�----�-�sh-1-��t��i��----------- -----------�----------on the date last above written.
<br /> ----- -------------- -----�_�.�_,_Rendal,l---------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------ -- -------- ��1ay_-----8----------------------------------------------------j914------
<br />�_
<br /> _ ;
<br />