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<br /> �� _ �� ' .
<br /> 5 ;.,� � `- U �� � D
<br /> D (� � D ( 0 (� �
<br /> � �� ��� o
<br />—' ' ' 500t8-f�L/JPI'&73A$7'LF.T7'CO.,Print2n�,Lith�graplairg ttnd Caun.ly Supplfes;O�iahc•,. `` - - "- --= _ "'� _- -— - ---
<br />—.... :
<br /> _. __ , � ,__.- _�_�_..__.,_
<br /> FR0��1 I hereby certify tr�at this instrument was entered on �'�umerical Index and
<br /> filed for recorc� this---- ------ --1-5�-,---- ---da,y of-------_�I11y-- ----- ------------ -
<br /> �, D., 191.1._- � �t- - - 4-.15 - - - -o'clock--- - _ --__._P_.__ __1�7.
<br /> ----J�ns _Andxea�_ Anderse_n &_�if_e ----� Warranty _
<br /> 1� ' Deed.
<br /> -- ��Z�
<br /> _ - -- - --
<br /> Registar of Deeds ����c
<br /> - -_A1.bert_ J_._Denrr�:�an_ - --- - -
<br /> _-- - - - - - - __-- __- - - -- - - -- - - -- ---
<br /> �eput,y.
<br /> �ow A�l 1VIe� by Z'he�e Presents o
<br />' r�at,------- - Jens_.A_ndreae__An�i�r��n__an�_ �ir�tin�_ An�iex��s-n,--hi-s--�rr.ife--- ---- - ----- --- --- ---. _ -----
<br /> ---- - - - -- -�
<br /> of the Courty of-- Hall---- - __arid State of--- -_.__Zts_bT_38_1�.5----_ _ -- --------- -------- ------- ---------.Grantor--s---, in col�sideration
<br /> of the sum of__ --_Thir�y-threa HuriCir9�i - - --- -_ ------ - ----- -------- -- - -----------------------------------------------------------------DOLI.ARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do__-----.__.__herehy GP��T, i?.1RGA1?ti`, SELL, AP,'D CO�v'VEY urto___ _ __Al'�?8rt.--�--•-I?8-riT�l- ----- ---
<br /> of the County of----- ---------- -- Hall-__ _ --------and State of_... _. A18bra�ka_--------. __ _.. -------- -------- --------- .-------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> described prelrises, sitnated iz� t��e Cotzrl�y cf._______ _____ __ _ .Hall____..__.______.____________and State oi Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Lot 4ne �1_� in__�1_ock-- Throe---(-3)---of--Elm__Placs--AddiL_i_�n t_o_ tho---Cit�t--.of _ rr_and_I_sland__.aa_c_or�lin�--t-�--the
<br />, rec�rcled _p_lat___th_erenf, ar��i__i_t_s__com�le�ent_ de_s_cri'�ad__as_._f�llga�s_:-_ _A___txiangular___�is�e_ _of__ground--in
<br /> _t�le Sout��vest___c__ornsr of__Lot -T,�e_lv�_--(12}--_in_-�l�e__ County-_�ub--_c1iT�_i.�ion-_Q�_-�hs___S_ou�heaet_-Qua�t�r_-_o�-_tne
<br /> Sout;n��e_st-- �u.�r�er---�f __Se.ct_ion_.Si�_e_Qn_ (l�j_ __in_Ts��rnahip -El-e-uen---(11�----�Tor-�h,---of--�an�e---�Tine----�9)---�e-st.--s�f
<br /> the 6th P.�.cle�cri�od a� followa, to-�it :- Co�,�encin� at the Iron pin in the Southwe�� carner of
<br /> s�ic�--Lot-- T�elve--��o:�ce �r��3r�$ :dorth-�long- �i�e F��es� -sz�l�- of tY�e -said--i,ot, -s��t��r� ant� s�vo�-teMthS
<br /> (1G.7) feet, tnQnce South on a line �a_alle2 :�ith the :�est 3ine of Block Three (3) in Elm Place
<br /> - --
<br /> - - - - --- -- - --
<br /> --- - -
<br /> - - --- - - -- --- -- - -- ---- -----
<br /> Additi�an to the City of �rand Island, Ninvteen and two tsnths (19.�} feet to the south side of said
<br /> Lat -�e��1ve;--�her�ce-=�9o-st �1ifle- ar�d f z�re -tQnths -(9,5}--faet--a�ong �az� south--�-tn� -�o -the -pia�e -of ------
<br /> beginning, being a right angle trian�le t,vit:n a base of Ninetaen and t;�o tenths (19.?) faet .
<br /> Together�,vitii a11 the tenements, hereditalraer�t,s, and appurterances tllereunto belono�ing, ar�a all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />�
<br /> Demar�d whatsoeyer of tlie said Grantor_8.______,�n��t�C�t�G�of, in, or to the sanle, or a,ny part thereof,
<br /> I� TO H.4VE A�D TO F�OLI) t11e a,boti��-described prernises,with the appurtena.nces, unto the said Grantee_ _____._and to__________h�.t�___________________ _
<br /> ._heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns foreve�. And____._____�h��'_____.____here�y covenant______tivith the said Grantee__ ________that____�h8y.____.___hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____.th�Y______._. _.__ha_.Y8_good right and ia�x��f'tul authority to sell and convey the s�nle; that they are free and clear of a,ll liezls and incumbrances
<br /> whafsoever------------- - .._ -- --- - - - - - ------ -- - ------ --------- -- ----- -- --- - --------- - --- --- -- - - ---- ----------------- .
<br /> -- ----- --- - - - - --- --- - ---- -- - - --_- - ----- ---- ---- - - ------- - ---- ------ --- - - - ---- - --------- - - - - - ------------- -------------------
<br /> --- --- - - --- ------ ---- -- - - - --- ----- -- ---- --- --- ---- - ---- ---- ---- ------ -- ------- ---- -- ------ --- -- ------------ ---- ----------------
<br /> --- - - - - ------ - - __ - -- -- - - -
<br /> _ -- - ---And- -------- - --..__'Chey------_ ----------- ------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br />� - - -
<br />, defen�l��said premises against tlie Iawful cl��,ims of all persolls t�homsoever, __�___ . _.___ _
<br />'I
<br /> -- - - - -- --- - ---- - - - - -- -- - - --- ------- - --- - - ---- - -- --------------- --- --- --- - - - -- - ------------------ ---------------------- ---- �
<br /> Pated the--- - __15-... -__ - -- - -- - --day' of-- -JL�Ii$-- ---- - --- - --- - ----- ----A, D., 19--11----�
<br /> Z�ITNESS _Jens---Andrea$---ASlc�arsen--- -------------------
<br /> --Ki.�_s��.n�----Anc����Qn_-------------- --------
<br /> ----- _ - ------ - -L,�.Allan- -- -- -- - -- - -
<br /> ss,
<br /> - - Hall - ----County, Qn this--- - � 1� - ------- -- ----------------day of_---- --- �'-une -- --------------------A. D., 19_.11__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a IJotary Pu�lic------- ---------_.-----------�--within and for said County, Pet�sonally came------------------------------------------------------------------------.----
<br /> ----_J�ns---An�r_e_�.s---AndQ_r_s�n__�nci__Kir_st_i_ne---Anda_rs�n,_---his_�r�_i�a-------------------------------,--------
<br />, to me personally known to be the identical person_�________whose name__�__�xp____________.___ affiaed to the above in�tru-
<br /> I t�E�,� �nerit as grantor._a______-_, and_____y_i�.9-�__________severally acknowledged the same to be_____�11Qi�.________.__voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br /> Iltr i4ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�a,nd affixed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> xrand_islan�_____11�_�3�$___�_Q_unt�t______._._______on the date last above written.
<br /> L.r.Allan
<br /> � -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> 1Vly comtnission expires----------------------------�-��+�--�4r------1_�1F------------------------------------�------------
<br />