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<br />_ � . 560�8--�ZOPP&BiIIZTLETT CO.,Printing,LitJtoprapTeinp and Coa�nty Supplie:�,`Oma1e��.. � �____ _
<br /> �'���i I here,by certify that �his instrunte,nt was entared on Nutnerical Index and
<br /> Nellle ��". �.n.d I,a.ur��. A. ti`JOOCI�v�ra_.. _ filed for record this-- _-- -----2D-tY1---- -----day of-------__�'tlx1�----__----__-----------
<br /> �. D„ 1�1.1. - ., at - - .-2 �30 -___ _ . .____ __o'clocl�-- -- _ P• -Nl,
<br /> - _ - _- -.__ Warranty , _
<br />' - _ - -- -- -_ _ - , -- .
<br /> �� Deed � " , �
<br /> - -- - ___.. __ __ - -- - -- ------ -- -
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<br /> - lleputiy.
<br /> Ii.�ow All 1Vlea� by �I'l�ese Presents.
<br /> �f��t- - -Vl�, Ne11i� F._.1�vo.ad�r��rcl (a�_in�,le_�roman_)_.aric�. La.ura,--A�- -YJQ_aclw�,r�. -�_a.__sin�;l�---w-oman-�-----__ _--------
<br /> . . I
<br /> of the Cou.ntY of -- ____ _ H311 ____and State of_ -- --- - _ . __N�br�,:�k�.____ --------_ _. --_- ---------Grantor_8___,_, in consideration
<br /> of ihe su�ri of___ ----- -_.___ TZFdo__�i`�ric�re_cl _�,�.d- -fift�---�,nc1__no�_100------ -------- ------ - --------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-- -----__ --�lereby CR?ilT, �.��RG�Ii�I, SFLI�, A14'D CONUEY unto- ----- ---- --------- -------- - .---- --
<br /> - - -Gr_��.e__Z_. __Rin� - __. ---_ - -- -- -- - --------- .
<br />�' --- -
<br /> -- - _ _ -_ _
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<br /> - -- - - -
<br /> of the Cou�ity of_--- -------- ------.�ia,��,--- --- ---__-- --- ---_arid Sta,te of_. --- ---------- -----------__._1��bz'�.Ska__. _____ _- - --------, Grantee----__,ihe following
<br /> descri�ecl prelnises, situated it� the Couritiy oi______ . _ _ _ _-____�i�,ll _______. ____ ____._ ___.__and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> --I�c�t- STumt�er- Thr_e_e__��_� __i.n Blo�k_ �Tumber_ 5_ev.ent_y _I'iue---(75�__4Vri��1��-?�- ��;�ne���--�'h-�rc�-Ac�c��-'��a� - - -- --
<br /> --to_Granc�-Isl�.ncl_, _�7ebra,ska,� �� Sur_�t�:���,_ Platted a.nd R�c��d�d._ --- -- _ _ _ _ .__ _ _
<br /> -- - ---
<br /> _ - _ - - - - -_ - -- - -- -- - - ._. -- -- -
<br /> ----- --_ _ -- -- _ - _ - - - - - - - -
<br />' -- - -- - -- - --
<br />'' - _ -- _ -- -
<br /> _- -- - -- -- - - -- ---- - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -------------
<br /> - - -
<br /> Tobether witli all the tenements, �areditam_ en�s, and appurtenances thereun�to belon�ing, ana a,ll the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Peinand wratsoeyer af the said Graritor__�._ ___-, �,nd of either of them., of, in, or to the sa,me, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H:4VE AIvD TO HOLD the above-described premises, tivith the a-ppurtenances, unto tlle said Grantea_________and to_____._______r?��'__.._.___.____._.__heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, Ancl_______ ___�'J�____________.__hereby� covenant_._____with the said Grantee____.___that_______t!'l�_________hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___tiV�__ _______________Iiau�___�ood right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----SLi�_a�c;t t-Q-��e� -f-Q;�' �.�11_�.rid c�.11--sllbB e�Lt�rit- �aX.- -------- --- -------- --- ------------ - -- -------------------
<br /> I --- --- ------ _ - ----- --
<br /> _ -- --- -- - - -- - - _-- -- - - - - - ---- - -------- --- --- -- -------- - - - ------------ ----- ----------------- -
<br /> -- --- ---- - _ - --- - -- - ._-- - -- --- ----- -- - ---- -------- ---- -- ----- - - -- - - - - ----- -------- - -- - --- ------------- --- ---
<br /> -- - -� - - - - -__ - -- - _
<br /> -- -- - .._ --And. -- ---- ti�e --- --_-- - -- ---------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> clefena'�e said premtses again�t t-he lawflll claims af all persozis �ihomsoever, _ __�XC_P,_p_t �„__�.�Q_V_�___St_�te_d_._ _.__ _______ _____ ___-___________ �
<br /> ------ -- - -- - - -- -_.. -- ------ -__ --- ----- - ---- - ------ - --------- ----- -- -------------- -- --------------------------- ..
<br /> I�ated the_ --- - -l7tY�, -_- -- - -da�� of._ _ --- ------- Jl�l'��-- ----- _.------------A, D., 1911--- �
<br />'', WITNEaS , �
<br /> ----------------------1'��ll-i-�---F-•---�_�_o_a�rar_d ------------
<br /> - ------------Laur�-A.- -"��o o ut��ra.x c�-----------------------------
<br /> -- -- ---- -- - - --- S_,_C_.H'�l_u t cn - - --
<br /> STATE 0� NEBRASK!�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> - H�,11-- -- ---County, On this-- ---l�t�l---- --- ----------day of_--- - --�a1.���------------------------A. D., 1911---._, before me, the
<br />' undersi�ned, a I�oiary Public___________________________..._____________within and for said County, personally came
<br />�
<br /> N e:11 i e--F._-�lo o c�ti�r�r-d--�-�,----�_�.n�;l�---x�ronarL�--�,nrl__I.aur_a---A.--�'o-o�.v�a�d---�a.--��:�g1-�---�t,om�r�-)
<br /> ---- - - - --- - ---- --- -- -- - -- ------------- -------- --------- .. -------- -- ------------------ ----------- -------------- ----------------
<br /> to me �ersonally known to Ue the identical person_�_______whose name__�___________�rG _affixed to the above instru-
<br /> rnent as granto��__�_______, and________�r?ey________severally acknowledged the same to �e_________th�1r_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> (u�AL)
<br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> ��-
<br /> 1�' TVITNESS �VHEREOI+' I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�xed my ofl'icial seal at___________________._________________________
<br /> GraY1C�___�51�.�1._C�_,___N�1?x'_�1.�_.__.________._____.___on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------- - -��._C_��u��Qn-------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-------- --- JUl�r--25 -----------------------------------------------------------------1912------
<br /> i
<br />. i
<br />