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`� a� . � <br /> ; D _" �� D D � �lU Q <br /> � � a <br />. .::. . _ _. , .,. _ _. : --. . .,-��_- _ --- - <br /> _ �=_ <br />— .Tib�f$-�L'OP"P c£I�EI7�?`LGTT�0.,PrinGing,Lithoaraphing arcd Cou.nty.Suppiies;Omnfie. ` — ' � —" ��" <br /> FRO,?�i - I herehy eertify that this instrrzment was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this__. _ __._.__.7t11---------day of--------JLtriB__----,---------- - <br /> :�, D., .i�_11 _ . at __._._- -- -__ _4_.14_ - dcloek - ---- ... - - -P. M� <br /> __--------------QsC�"--RDese� 8P-�►ife ____---- - ---- �Varranty <br /> T� Deede <br /> C�- . - -_ __ __._ _ _.._. . <br /> - - - - ---- . _- <br /> Register of Deeds �s� <br /> ------ ---------------J_ue.rgen -C-l.a.usen ____. _ -_ _ <br /> -- - -- --- - - - ._. - - - - - -- --- <br /> �e�u�y-, <br /> no� �11 l�eri �y T�iaese Pr�esent� : <br /> . <br />' Tnat Oscar -l�o�se� - and 2�inna.- Roe�er, �ii� �i.fe,__ - --- - -- ----- ---- --- -- --- --- -- - ---- <br /> - -- -- -- _ _ - - - -- ----- <br /> -- <br /> __ . - - - _ _ <br /> - - -- - - -- - ---- -- - - - <br />�� oi'the CountY of---- -- _ _ ---- --H&1�.-- -- -_..__�,ncl Sta.te oi--- --------IJ�b�aBkS------- ----------- ----- ----- -- ------ ---------Granto��--B--, in consideration <br /> -- <br /> of t�ie suln of_- - TwBrlt-�-foU.r HU.nC�rBd-- --__- -- . --- ----- ----- ---- - ------------------- -- -- ---------------------------------------- -----DOLLARS, <br /> in hancl �aici, do__ _ . ___-----hereby GRAivrT, �:1I�G_4Ii�', SELL,.A1i7D CONVEY unto---_-- ---JU@rg8Y1___C__1_Bt�iS�'t1 ----- __- - <br /> of the Countv of_-- -- --_-------HElll-,------------ -- ----------at�� Staie of---_ ---N81�r�Bk&�._ _ . _ -- ------------------- --_------ --------, Grantee -----,thefollowing <br /> c�escribed premisas,situated in the County of___ __________________ _�i�ll�.__ ____ ______.__ ____ _-_______and Sta.te of 1�'ebraska, to w�it; <br /> -_Lot--Five_. (5-)--- of__Roe$e��s.__Sub�iiy3�ion---of-_t�hs_-Ss�uth---half.__of- the---N_orth---�Pe_s_t._Q_uar�_er---and__LQt-�--T�ro-_ <br /> ---(2-�--Thx�_�_-���--F�ur__ �4} --and__Five - -(-5-� -all__in__HectiQn--Sizt-esn--(18�---in-T-o�n�hig-Tsn --(-1Q�---NQrth,--Qf <br /> --Range -Nine___�9�_ �est _of_�he _6th_ P_.�d. -- - - -- ---- - --- - --- - - - -- -- - -- - <br /> - --- -- ---- - ------- <br /> -- -- -- _-- -__ _ -- - - -- - - --- -- - -- -- -- - -- ------ ----- -- --- -- - -- - - -- - - -- ----- -- - ---------- ---------- <br /> Together tivit�z�aIl the tenements, hereditameu�s, and appurtanances thereunto belon�ing, an.d aIl the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dou�er, Curtesy, Clairn and <br /> Pemand whatsoever of tne said Gi�azi�org________,&�pff��iC]�f'C�, of, in, ar to the sam�, or any pa�t thereof, <br /> TO F�_4V"E AND TO HOLD the a,bov�e-c�escrihed premises, tivith the a,ppurtena�ices, unto the said Grantee__ _____and to___________h,�8____ _.._.____ ______heirs and <br /> I assigns forever, And_______.___t'�e______ _ ______hereby covenant__ .___with the said Grantee_.__._._____that____.__.�Ve_________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; tl�at_____W9____________________haYQ__goocl ri�ht and law°ful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Iiens and incumbra�ices <br /> whatsoever--------- ---- ---- ---...__, -- --- ------ ---- --- - ----------- - -- --- ------ -- --- --- --- - ----------- --�---------- - - - --------------- <br /> ------ --- --- - - - - <br />' -- -- ----- - - ---- ._- - - - - - - -- ---- - - -- - - - - ---- -- ----- - -------- -------- - -- - -------- ------- --- --- -------- - ------------------- <br /> - - - -- -- -- And----- l�Q -- - ---- ---- -- -- - - ----------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> he . <br /> ctefend said premises agarnst tlie lawful claims of a,ll persotis tivhomsoever, ____________ _ _ <br /> - -- ----- ---- -- ------------- -- -------------- ---------- <br /> `' ------ ----------A, D., 19_ll----� <br /> Dated the_._ __- -urid ---- ---- - --daY of- - -- Jui19- ---- - -- - <br /> WITNESS --------------------�B�Ax___R98.6Q� -------------------------------- <br /> -------------�+l�xl_z��--RO_�88�---------------------- ------- <br /> ----- _ - ---- ---L_,_4._All_an___ -- -- --- - � <br /> --- --- ----------------------------------- <br /> --� ----------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---- �I�i�1 - -----County, On this- -- --- 2nd- --------------------day of_----- .Ittrlg - ----------------------A. D., 19-�-1---, before me, the <br /> undersigneci, �, TVo�at�y Public----- ---------------------------within and for said County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ---- ----Oscar-- �iQes��__and__�inna__�io�sQ-r, --his_�rife ----- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> �o me personally knotivn to be the identical person__g______whose name_g_._______arg___..________________aff'ixed to the above instru- <br /> rnent as grantor&_________, and______they_____________severally acknowledged the same to be_'�hQir____._________._voluntary act and deed <br /> (SEAL� for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�ll�xand a�xed my oificial seal at_________________________________._______.___ <br /> r Tand--I$18�d,----Nsbx�-----i�---g�id---C4t�r�t��-----on the date last above written. <br /> - --------------- --- -----L.a.All�n----------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My colnmission expires-----------------------------------��P-�---�'�r----1916----------------------------.,X�---------- <br />