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� <br /> �".��_ � <br /> :i. �D � � �D ° � �0� � D <br /> � �� � �� �� � � o <br /> __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ - <br /> _ _ <br /> ._ _= __ __� __,�—_ <br />— � 500�$—KLflPP�&BII h'�E?'7'C13..Printing,LiChogr¢plainp�und�Coun1�Su�pties;b�r:aTt�. --. _. ____. ---�.. �..�.__ -. . —.-.-- <br /> FRQ�'�� � � I hereby cet�tify that this instrTZZner�t was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> , �. .. <br /> filed for record t17is--- ---- - -��h:.: __.__day of-----------JU.118-------- --------------- <br /> �. D., 1911 - , a,t_ _ --- -4 ._59-------- --o°clock-- -- --- .._ p._M, <br /> -_ -----_.Thomas _.D._Body. & wife _. . ---- Warrataty <br /> r� Deed. - <br /> _ _ - � <br /> - - <br /> Register of Deeds ��x� <br /> -- E1iae__F.S�a�r. _ _ - __ _ - <br /> -- - -- ----- - -- <br /> - - - ---_ ._- - - <br /> � llepu��y. <br /> I�n�w A�l 1VIe� by 'I'�ese Pr�esents : � <br /> Tnat-- Thomas_D.Body -and Eth�� -C.Body, - - - ---- - -- - - - . - -- ---;- - - --- -- <br /> -- ---- - <br /> ' - - -- _---- - - - <br /> - _ _ - -- � _husi�and an�s�_vr�.�'e} _- -- - - - --- ---- <br /> of the Couniy of�'ul'���'1------------- .__------ . ------ --and State of------ --�Org3 3-----------------. - --- - ------------Grantor-8---, in consideration <br /> of the si�m of -Threa__Tho.usazld -- - .-- - ------- --------- --- ---------------- ---------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paicl, 10__ _- __- __hereby GRa?�T, B�1F�<�IN, SELL, AIy'D CONVEY unto__Eli�$__F_._St_��"__---_- -___._-----___ . <br /> of the Cou��ty of--- .$�11- - __ - - - _ - -�I�d Siate of_ - ---I�QY�x38k8 -- _ - - - --- - - - _ , Grantee- - ,the follou�ing <br /> described prem.ises, situa�ed il� tlie County of__ _ _ ________Hall______ __ _______._ ______________antl Stata of Nebraska,, to ���it: <br /> --- --- --Lot---�umber- -Savan -(-7) --i�-_Flo-�k-�tumbe� T�enty ar�e- (2�.} -i�-��e- osigi�sEl-�aw�,--��v� G�ty- o� --------- <br /> -.G��n�l__Is_lan __��ebrsak ag s�zrue eri �a���d ar�d re�o�c�eti - --- - - - - ---- -- <br /> � as - 3t �- � <br /> T��et,her witn�,11 the te�emen�s, iiere��it�,l.�ents, and appurtena�lces thereunto belonging, a,n!i all ihe Estate, Right, Title, Interest,, Dowel�, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> �emand whatsoevez° of the said �rar.tor_s________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO .Fi4VE AND T� HOLI1 the above-ctescribed premises, ti��ith the appurtenances, unto t,he said Grantee_________and to_._____ _.hi8__.___._______________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And______..___._��.___________hereby coverzant______with the said Crantee__________that_.______y�9_________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_____________�Ce._ ______ha_vB__gooi� ri���i arid lai�rful authority to seIl and convey t17e same; that the,y are free and clear �f �zll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------- -- - ---.: ---- - - --- - - ._ - - - -- - ----- -- --- - - -- ----- - ----- - ---- -- - - - --------- --- ------ -- - -- ---------------- <br /> - - <br /> ---- ---- - - . --- --- - - - _ - - - ----- ------- - ---- - - - -- - - --- ---- ------- -- --------- --------- ------------- ------------ -- -- --------------- -- - --- <br /> - --- ------ -- -- - - __- - -- ___- ---- ---- _And------ - - --- --- �8- -- - -- -- - ---- --------------covenant------to warrantand <br /> the <br /> defend n6 said premises agai�ISt tlle lawfnl clainls of aIl persors whomsoever, ____.__.___._____._________________ .._____.______.___._______________________________ <br /> -- - - - ---- --- - ----- -- -__.. -------- - - -- ----- - --- -- --- ------ ----- - ------ ------------------ - - ----------------------------------------- -- <br /> Dated the-- -- Thlyd- - -- - ---- - ----da,y- of__--__.__Jti�IQ-- -- ---- - ... -- --- - -- --A, D,, 19--17--- � <br /> u'ITNESS _--------------------ThoD18�---D-•-B�?-�3�---------------- --------------- <br /> --- ----------E�hel- C.Body------ --------------- ------- <br /> ------ -- -- - - - _r'-:�_��n��_r_��an_ -- -- ----- -- <br />'� _- -- ------------------- ------- <br /> I -- - ---- - ---No�._and__Tu�peT ---- -- -- ------ <br /> STATE OF i.�gp�g�a, <br /> C ss, <br /> ---------------Eult Ori------County, S Qn t11is. 3Sd------------------------day of------------�Liri@----------------------------A. D., 19_1_l__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a li�otary Publi�______ ___________.._________.__within and for said County, personally came_____________________________________ ___________________________ <br /> ---�omas D..Aody_---ans1__E_�h_��--��_�o_dy_--------------- -- ------------------ <br /> - -- - - - - ---- - - ------------- - ------------------------�-husb.and--and__�cif e--�--------------------- ----------- <br /> �SEAL) to me personally known to be the identical person_�________whose name__H____2tTe________________.____.___af�ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor._S______, and_______th�X____._____severally acknowledged the same to be______thBiT_________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for Gne purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN 1�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed��and affixed my ofi'icial seal at_________________________________________.__ <br /> ---A�.1A21tA---_----__�'@_OSgiB---_-_-_---------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> - ------------ ----------�-:T��iurphy----------------------------- <br /> Notary Publlc. <br /> My commission expires-------------- - ------------ ----------- ---__�L7.118---2�-------------------------------191�z'------- <br />