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� <br /> �+ J�,_ �.� <br /> � <br /> ,�- I � (�, � Dl � � �� � � ' ° D <br /> � �� :� �� � � �� ` d <br /> _---�-:- - _ _ __ __ . ___ _ — <br /> _ __ . _ _ _ _ __..--_---_ — _ <br /> �b00�8—I:�iOc°P&SARTLETT CO.,f'�'inling,LiChograPdaing an�Cou7zty�SupPtzes,°�Omait� � �� ��� -- - -�" � -���- ��� -- -"-� ' <br /> � <br /> FRO:�I I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recc�rd this------- -5th_..-----------day of_._ __ Jtln__@---------..---------------- <br /> :�. D.., 1 q 11_ , at -- 1Q�3Q --o'clock - -_ -.. . A,M. <br /> --- ------------- -Eug_9ne-Beland__& wife. -- --- --� Warranty <br /> ' Deed. <br /> �'0 � � <br /> - __ .__ _ - - ---- - <br /> Register of Deeds �ma�ca�'�ta <br /> _ -- _ David__L.Hardy__ -- _ _ - <br /> -- -- - -___ - -- ---- - <br /> -- - - -Deputy. <br /> Ii�ow .�11 1Vle�. �y `I'h��e �.'r�esents: <br /> Tnat-- -- -- _ Eugen�_ .Be��nd- -and--Ar�edia- A_.B�l�nt�,--hus_b_and__and:--�rifQ- --- ------- ------- ----- -- - --.-- -- -- <br /> -- . - - -- ----- <br /> of the Countti� of_____�8�11__.___ _ _ ____ _______________ ___and Stat;e of_. _______Z��braSkB_ _____ ___ __ _ _ ___...____Grantor_B____, in consideration <br /> ' ------------- ----v DLLARS, <br /> of t1�e sum of Oxle__�iundr9d-- and- F1��y -t�15D.40) - ----- - - ------------- - - ----------------- - -------------- <br /> ilz hand paicl, cIo_ __ _ _--�iere�y CtRA�dT, F�1RG_1IT�', SELL, Al�'D CONT'EY unto_ _ _DaVi_d_ _ L.- y <br /> Fi$r�l -- - <br /> of the County of_--- -Fiall------- . -------__----_ _ --- ---- ------_ard State of---__N.fl�r3�ka---- -- -- ------- -.---- -- --.--- --------_ . . -- -, Grantee------,the following <br /> described prelnises, situated in the County of__________________x���________-____�.___________ and State of IVebraska, to wii: � � � <br /> ---__ . _. __--Lot _Fift-y �5D)_ of Hawthorr�� P�ace, -sa�d �iaw�hvrne F3aee being -a sub—c�iv�-s�cn o�- � pazt---of the <br /> --- -- - Noxth--�est -Quar�Q� -(�J.A .1/4} -�f SeG��an-�we�t3�—�wt� �22)- i-n---T-O�rnshi-g- E�.e-us-n--(11-)----�Ior-th,-- --- <br /> _of_ Ranga_ Nine- -(9)---3�es� af the Si-�� Pri�cinal-Me�idian. -- - - - -- - ----- ------------ <br /> Toget]�er wit11 all the tenemen�s, �eretlitan�ents, and appUrtenances thereunto belon�in�, �znd �,11 the Est�te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Derland whatsoever of the sa,id Grantor__.__ ______, ant? of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> 10 h 4VE AND TO HQLl? �he �bave-aescribed prert�ises,with the appurtenances, unto the sairl Grantee.___ ___and to___ __ ___.__hi$_._._____________heirs and <br />' a,ssigns forever. A_r.d______t}YQ____________________hereby covena.nt_______with the said Grantee____________that______we___________hold________said prernises by good and perfect <br /> title; that____.________9Pe_____� right and iativful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a�ll liens ancl incumbrances <br /> I .whatsoever-------_� -- -._ -- - ----- --- - - - - - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- -- --- - ----- ----------- - ---- --- - ---- - -- ------------------------------ <br /> -- - --- - ------ - - - - - -- - ---- --- - ------- - ----- - ----- - ---- ------- - - - ------ - ----- -- -- - - - ------- -- ---------------- - <br /> - --- - -- - - -- - ---- -- --- -- ----- -- --- -__- - -- - - ---- ------------- ------- - - _- - - -- -------- -- -- - ------- - - -- ------- -- - ---------- <br /> -And-------------------- --------------------�Ve----------------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend i�said premises against the lasvful claim.s of all persol�s tivhomsoever, ____________ _________.___.____.__.___.___ _ <br /> --- -- - -- -- --- ------- --- -- ----- - -- ---�---- ----- <br /> 1.lated the- ----__ - `��� th. ----._ ----daz� of--_.._ -- -- -��_Gh-- - - -- - ------ ---A. D., 19--�.7.---� <br /> WITNESS � <br /> ------------------_E_ug�n�__Ae.].an�I---------- -------- ------------------- <br /> - ------ ---A�m�dia__�s�e���----------------------------- <br /> T.0,C.Harri gon ' <br />' Minnie Seider�ann <br /> _ STATE OF NEBRASI�A, <br /> ss, <br /> _ ________H_�11________County, . Ori this________3_0_th_______________.________day of_________���h______ ________A. D., �9__11__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, �, TVotary Public__T.._0._C�I���iBQn_____.__withill and for said County, personally came____________________________________________ _________________________ <br /> ----------EugenQ---Bel_antl--and__Arme_dia_:A.Heland__hueband=._and-�rif e-------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me �ersonally known to be the identical person__B___.____whose name__S_______Rr8__________.__________aff'i�ed to the above instru- � <br /> lnent as grantors________, and________thBy-------severalty acknowledged the same to$ir--------------voluntary act and deed <br /> � <br /> for the pnr•pose therein expressed. <br /> S`�'`�''� IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my off'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> . f�rrand_I_s1anC1�____Nebraskd--_._--_._____-on the date last above written, <br /> ---- --------------- - ---- ----.�.O�C_,�H�rrieon------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires-----------�---------- - Fe��"ik��3r----��-"----A-.-�l-.-----------19�.�------ <br />