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<br /> D D ° 0 � Do � ��
<br /> __ _ ._ _ � . _ _�� _._ � _ __ __ _ ______- __ ______
<br /> 50045 KLOPP&BARTLL'TT CO.,Pranlxng,Lxlhographxnp and Coun(y Supplaes O�rahc
<br />�__�.__-_--__..-...___��___._—_ —.-. ,_— _— -- — _— - --_—_ _-- -_- --.._^ __— __---_--
<br /> � - --`�-__— _��-�— -- '
<br /> -- -- - -_ _ -- __ _ i
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this ins�rument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this--- -- ---.__.5�h---------day of____-----,�tiri8------ -------------
<br /> - ------- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - --- - --- - --- - '
<br /> �, D., 19___1-_ _.� at- -- - --- 9-.3Q --o'clock- - -- --- --A._M,
<br /> - --L..�P._Rol.li�8_ &-wif�- - - -- --- - Warranty '
<br /> TO Deed. ���
<br /> -- - - - --- --- - --- - -- --- --- -- - --
<br /> Regis�er of Deed �a���d�¢�xx
<br /> - - - ---- A�ary-J_,_CosgxovQ--- -
<br /> - - --- - --- --- ------ -- - - -- --- - - - - -- ------- ------- --------
<br /> �eputy.
<br /> Know A.11 1Vien by Tliese Presents:
<br /> That- -- - �[a,__ L.�.-13allins gn�i �'�s�ces �i.RQlli-ns, -Y�is-wffe---- - -- ---- ------------- - ---- - - ---- --- ---- - -- ------ �
<br /> ', of the County of----HSll------------------------------_ _--and State of-------NghT-2tSk8---- ------ --------- --- - - -- - -- -- -------Grantor--$__, in c�nsideration
<br /> af the sum of-- - F4uT__Iiul'�Cirei�_Q��10� - - -- ------- ---------- --------- -------- -------------------------- ------------- ---------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___.________hereby GRAVT, B�RGAIN, SELL, AR'D CONVEY unto____Mary___J.COBgrOVe_____ __________ _
<br /> ___ ____ - ------ -• --- ----
<br /> of the County of_------.-H�11-- -- ---._--- ---------- ----- ------and State of_ ___Isi9-hr3�k8---- --- - ---- ------ -- ------- - -----. .__-----------, Grantee----_._,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of________�i1�1__________.____________:__ . ._____________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -----Lots--One---(1-�----and__TT�to--- ��_)___iz�__B_lo�k--For_�_y__-e�gh�---(4_8�------�f -Russal -Wheeler-t-e---Addition---t-o_rrand---------
<br /> -- Zs_7.an�i, --�ebraska, -as- �ur-ve-�r-e�lj _plat tsci -and-�e Gar�ieci� - - - _ -- � - - - ---- -- -- - --------- --- --
<br /> --- - - -- - - - -- - -- --- ----- - - -- -- - - - - -- - --- --- - -- ------- - - -- - -- - - -- --- ----- -- - - ---- - - - --- ---
<br /> -- ------ ---- - -- -- --- - -- -- - - --- -- - -- -- --- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - - - - -- - -- --- -------- ----
<br /> - --
<br /> -- - ------ -_ - - - - -- - ---- -- - - ---- -- -- ----- - ---- - -- - ----- - - - - - - -- ---- -- ---- ---- -----
<br /> - --------- -- --- --- --- -- -------- - -- -- --- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- --- -------- - - - -- - - -- - --- --------- -------- -----
<br /> ----- - ---- - - - ----- - - --- - - --- -- - -------- - -- -- --- --- - ---- ----- ----------------------- --- - - -- -- - --- - ---- -------------- ------------------
<br /> - ------ -- ----- - ---- -- ---- ---- - ---- - - -- -- - - --- - --- - - ----- -- --- ----- ------------- --- ---- - ---- - -- -- - - ---- !
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarices thereunto belon�ing, and a.11 the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Dernand whatsoe�%er of the said Grantors________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HA�%E AND TO HOLD the above-clescribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__..__.and to__.___..__h@r_______________.____heirs and
<br /> �ssigns forever. And____ ____�t�________________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__._______that_________y�@____.__hold__________said premises by good and perfect �,
<br /> �
<br /> title,; that______._____�8____________haVO___good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; th_at they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_------------------- - ------------ -- ----------- -- ----- - ------ - -------- ----- --- ------------------ ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- '
<br /> -- ------- _
<br /> - - - -And__._ ------ - - - ��--- - ---------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend�e�Csaid premises against the lawful claims of all persous whomsoever, ___._____ ___________________.____._._________________________________________.__________._____
<br /> ' ------ -------- -- -- - -- - ----- - ------------ -- -- ------ -- - - --- -- ---------------------------------------- !
<br /> Dated the- - -- 1B'�- --- ------------- --day of_-- - _�p���. -- -- - - -- --- ----- ------A, D,, 19_Q�----� �
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------1!.�_��411�1�18---- --- --- --------------------------------
<br /> ----- ----- --Er_a��_e_�__H.._Rollins------------------------------
<br /> John Allan
<br /> ----- - ---------- --------- - ---------- - ----- - -- ----- - -- - - --
<br /> ------ - ----------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ; �ss,
<br /> ' --------------Ha��.----------County, On this-----------ls�------------------------day of_----------A�i231-------------------------A. D,, 19_fl-9---, before me, the !
<br /> i undersi�ned, a Notary Public----------------------,--------------------------within and f'or said County, Aersonally came- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ', --Lt7P_.Rollins---and__Francas__H_�Rol�.in�,---his__�rife--------------------------- --- ----------------- ;
<br /> to me personally I�nown to be the identical person___8.___whose name_B_________--�H_____________________a83xed to the above instru- ;
<br /> '' {SEAL) ment as grantor_s_________, and__________they_____severaliy acknowledged the same tc� be._______t21�iz_________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. ,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have �iereunto subscribed r��and afCixed my ofi"'icial seal at_____________________________________________ ;
<br /> _ __rr_321d__�8�.e�Yldy____Nflbr8�ska__________________on the date last above written. ;
<br /> John Allan
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> � Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires--------------------------------------------------------J�r-5-----------------------------j9--��----- '
<br /> � i
<br /> II _____ �
<br />