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<br /> ����'� I hereby certify that this instruznent was entered on Num_erical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-----3- - - --- _---------day o£. - ----�T13II8------- ------ -
<br /> A, D,, 19_ 11 _, at- - -- -- --_ -�2---- -o'clock--- --- - -I�V7.
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<br /> Gh�T1e_s_ YPhi�_nah-- s�_-t�tife_ __---_ ._ Warrranty
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<br /> Ttia�.._ - -v�e� -�11aT18s--�Phi.tsla2l -& �8.3t E.R,3Phitnah.. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- ---- ---- ------
<br /> -� husband__& _r�vife_�_- -- - -- - _ __
<br /> of the Cou:�ty of__ _ H811______ _ __ ._ _______ ____ __ _ _ _ __and State of________IJ8br�8ka____ __ __..,-___-____ _______,____Grantor___8__, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sum of__ TZi�_8��sn__Hun�Irsd___&_T�rsnt-y-&--nOl1QQ--------------------------------- -----------DOLLARS,
<br /> ---- ------- ----------------- -------
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<br /> in hand pa,id, do- -- ------- ---hereby t�R�1�IT, i;��C��IN, �ELL�, AI�TD CONVEY unto_. _._�d�{.Ty- F��-�--__ _.__.__
<br /> _ - __- --- ---- ---- - -- -- --- - - - - -- - -- -- ------ - .
<br /> of the County of----------Hall._ -------- --- --------arid State of_---- - _N2'OraBk� ------- -------- ---------- - -----._ _.---------.---__, Grantee-- -----,the following
<br /> described premises, siti�a�ed in the Courity of___________. _Hall ____ _.___ .____________._______and Stata of Nebraska, to �vit;
<br /> - - -----Lot Number__�ev�_n _�7). . in _BlQ�k_.�unlber..Sixt-�r--Eigh�____j_68)----in__�heelsr_ &_ Bennett'_s__S_�_cQnd--Acid.��iQn
<br /> __.t_o__�r_ana_Ialand, _ 2dshraska, --as--aurveyad,-- -p-latted �`- r.e-c-�rded.----- -------- -------- -------- -------_ _-----------
<br /> -- --- -- --- -- -- --- - - -- -- ----_ -- --- --- --- - - ---- -- -- ----- - ----- - --
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<br /> --- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- --- - ---. - -- - - - -- - - - ------ ------- - - ----- -----------
<br /> T�gether u�it� aIl the te�emer�ts�, heret�ita,�nelits, ar�d appurtenar�ces thereunto belon�ing, �,na all the Estate, Right, Title; In�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand u�hatsoeti�er of the sa:� Gra.ntorg________, azlcl of eit,her of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO ��VE AND TO I�OLD i�he abcve-�eseribed prefnises,with the appurtena.nces, unto the said Grantee_ ____.__and to___.______h8r_________________________heirs a,nd
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____ ________W_8_______________hereby rovenant______u�ith �he said Grantee________that__..._._W_Q__________hold..________s�,id pre�nises by good and perfect
<br /> title; bhat____.______?�'7�____.____ha_Y@__bood r•ight a,nd 1au�iul a�uthority to sell and convey the same; that they are free �,nd clear of a�ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------Sub�_e-ct--t o--thQ 19�.i � -su��equent -�axsa-- - ------- ---- - ----- - ----- - -- ---- ----- - - ----- -- ---
<br /> -- ----------------------
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<br /> --- - -- -- --- _- - -- --- - -- -- - - ---- - --- - --- -- - -- - ---------------- -- --- _---- --------- -------- ----------------
<br /> ---- --And------- ----- -W_s--- -- - -- ----- -- ----- ------------covenant-- ----to warrant and
<br /> t ile
<br /> defend l�said�remises agairst t.1'�e I�,ti��ful claims of all persolls whomsoever, .----@X.CBpt_._�S__._�bC1[�8------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- --- -- - - --- - ----- -- --- -- ------- ------ - -- --- -- ------ -------------------------------------- - --------
<br /> Dated the- --- - - 3i"S� - - - --- - - - �da,y of_---- .Tt1218 - -- -- - - -- -- - - -----A. D., 1�--11- •
<br />' WITNESS -----------------�----�h�le�__�hi�nah-----------------------------------
<br /> � --- -----�Y---�•-8.__S�hitnah-------------------------------
<br /> ---- --- ----5.C�Hu_s�on -- - - ..- ---- -- -- - -- - -
<br />'', -- --- - - ---- ---- --- - .- - -- --- --- -- .__ _ -
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --- - - - ----Hall --- - ---County, On this--- 3rS� -- ----- -- ---- ---------day of - ---- --�TU.�1�---- --------------------A, D., 19--1-1---, before me, the
<br /> unclersi�ne�t, a Iyotary t�u�ilic------------------------------
<br /> _____________within and for said County, personally came_______________________________________
<br /> - - -�h�le.s _�itn�.h---�--MaY-E_._R.�hitnah------ ---------------------------- -- ----------------------- -----------
<br /> --- --- - - ----- ----- ----- --- ----------------- ---- -- ----(- hu�t�a�nd-&-wif-a----)----- ----------- ----------------_�--------------
<br /> �SEr1L) to me personally known to be t11e identical person 8______whose na�ne_g__________�g_______________________afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> �nent as grantor_B______,_, aiid__-__--------th�.-y_--_severally acknowled�ed the same to Le_____their____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, �
<br /> IN ��IITN�SS WHEREOF I have heraunto subscribed my� and afl"'ixed my ofl'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> ___..___rr_3rid__IBl.�trid____bT6-bT�SkB----------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------S.C_.xuston------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------- --------------------------------J_ixl.y_-----���Y,t--------------�9--��----
<br /> i
<br /> J
<br />