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� _ <br />'i � F,�� <br /> ' � �rw <br /> D D ° 0 � D � ::.. <br /> 0 <br /> � �� __� � _- �.__ _ __ _ _ - --_ _ __ _ <br /> 5bOlQ—��01'1'&BARTLL'1 T CO.,Prxntxng,.Lzthographxng¢nd County 3uppZaes Omaha. ` � � __._ <br /> ---- _—____..- _ _,.—. _ �-- _ _-��__-- _ —_�___ .,.--_ ` -,_ _"_— ---= - --_.. ___--- ---� «.------ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ' <br /> filed for record this----_ --.___3------_------------day of-- -------J11I18._----- ------- ---------- <br /> ---- - --------- --- --- - -- -- - -- - ------ -- - , <br /> :�, D„ 19_11_ _ � at- - _ - _ 9..30- -- _o'clock__. -- - - --A•_M, ; <br /> ' - --- ----. -Seyr�OUr_ -Cunninghatn, singl� .-- --- Warranty <br /> - -U/�'���2,-� - - <br /> T0 Deed. <br /> - - -- --- -- <br /> Register of Deed ���t�c <br /> ---- - -----C�x�- G.Ba�h---- - - - --- <br /> - - - ------ -- ---- - - --- - - --- ------ - - - - - ----- <br /> Depuiy�. ' <br /> ' I�now All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> T.hat--------SBatmQLlr--CU.ririirighAnl-----------------------------,- - <br /> -- - --- -- - -- - -- --- - -- - - -- --- - --- - - -- - - - --- - - ---- ---- <br /> -- - -- -- - - ---- (a ei_ngle_ man- ) - of - Chi_�,�.�.cothe - - - -- - --- -- _ . _ __ <br /> -------- <br /> of the County of--- ��RfJB�.,-_: . --, ------and State of-----------_ . C�1�;0_ ------ .------- ------ ----- -------- - ---------Grantor-------, in consideration , <br /> of the sum of______TNfo__Hun�ir_e_d__T�eBnty-_&_no_!_14Q ,______.___________________DOLLARS, ' <br /> / - - -- -- ----- -- ----------------- ----- - ------------------------ - <br /> in hand paid, do----- --.------hereby GRANT, BARGAIl�', SELL, AND CONVEY unto. -------C��l---r.._A3CY1------__ ------------------ __ ---- ------- : <br /> of the County af_----Hall-------------------------- ---- ------- _----------and State of- -__Dte_br-36k3------ ---_ -- ------- --------------------- --------------, Grantee------,the following ' <br /> described premises, situated in the County of______.__ ___ Hall __ _______________________ ________and State of Nebraska, to w�it: <br /> --------LQts---Numb_er---Si�---(�� a�ci �eyen- -(7}---in__Blo�ck--I�umber--Thrse --(�) -ir�-P�e�s�r��- H-��1 �4d�i�t-�o� -------- --- � <br /> -- -to 4rand_,Island, Nebr3sk�_._- _ _--- - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -- ------ --- -- -- <br /> - - - --- ---.__ - -- -- ----- - --- --- - -- --- - -- -- ------ - --- - - -- -- -- ----- - - - ---- --- - - - -------- - - ----�----------- � <br /> - --------- - -- ---- - ------ ---- ------ -- ------ -- -- ---- - - - ------- -- - - --- -- --- - - ---- ------- ----- -- - - _------ --- - - - ------- ------- ------- <br /> -- ------ -------..- - ----- ----- - ---- --- -- ---- - -- - -- --- -- -- -- ---- ---- ------ ----- ---- -- - ------ - --- - �------------ - --- <br /> -------- -------------- <br /> Tc�gether wit�i alI the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonhin�, and a,ll the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ; <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , ancl of either of them, of,, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ; <br /> TO KqVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______.and to__________h_�S____________________heirs and '; <br /> �ssigns forever, And______.___._._I_______._________hereby covenant__.__with the said Grantee__..._______that________I_____..______hoId__________said premises by good and perfect � <br /> title; tihat__________�_______________hav9___good right and lau�ful authorit.v to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever---------- -- ---------- --------------- - <br /> - --------- ---- -- - -- ---------- -- - -- ----- ----------- ----------- -- -- -- ---------- - --- ----------- - --------------------- I <br /> ; <br /> - - ----- --- -- ----- ----------- --- - - -------- -- - - -- ---- - -- - -- Ancl----------- - - -- I-- ------ - ------- - - ------------covenant-------to warrant and ' <br /> t�he , <br /> defen t,�said premises against the lawful claims of all persotzs whomsoever, ___-_.___...______ _________________________._.__________________.________.________________.________________,_________.____ <br /> , --- --------- --- - -------- --- - - ---- -- ------ --- - ---------- - -- --- - ------ � <br /> � <br /> Dated the----�_1�51_erith- -------day of_-----F6b�'t��y----------------------------------A. D., 19_1�.-----. ; <br /> WITNESS ---------------------Se-�cmoi�r---Cunningham <br /> ------L.H.-Qe�lge- ; <br /> ------ -------- ----Thoa--B_.8�osiwater------- --------- ----- - -- --------- ---------------------------- - ------------------------------------------- i <br /> i <br /> STATE OI' �ElO��T�i:c13, �, <br /> �ss. ; <br /> --------Or3rig@----------------County, On this--------15th-----------------------day of--------Eeb_�"U.aT_�----------------------A, D., 19_ll---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public._____�}�IIiritB_d___..--_-------__._within and for said County, personally ca,me ___------------_-_--------------------------------------------------- ! <br /> - ---- --Sey_�o�r__�unningham------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- � <br /> - ------ --- -- <br /> ---- ------------- (---a--�in�le---man).------------- ----------------------------------------- --- ---------- <br /> ------- ---------------- �I <br /> (SEAL� to me personally known to be the identical person_________whose name___________iB___________________afl'ixed to the above instru- '; <br /> ment as grantor_____________ and____________hB___________�acknowledged the same to �e__________hi8___________._voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed rrny�and af�xed my ofl'icial seal at_____________________________________________ j <br /> _________OYlandO_______FlOr___________________________._.______on the date last above written. � <br /> , <br /> -----�r----�------------------ <br /> . Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-----------Nouer•tbes--15--1914--------------------------------------------------���at8---of F1oTida ',, <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> i <br />