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_ � <br /> � ���� <br /> � � [� � �' ' Sr� ° � � �� � � <br /> � � � �.� � <br /> k ., ...:: - _... . . .. . . .... .. .. . . . . . , . . _ . . . __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />— 500�5—KLUPP�B 1RTLETT CO.,Printin�,Lithopraphinp an,d County Supplies.'O^na!:c; . _.,-�:- _, _ . _:::-. -.-=`_-- _—=-,'- � _ <br /> —.-;; . _ _.. __ _ _ <br /> __,,, _, `_____,_ �._,._.._. �__. _ .. _, _-----...���--- __ <br /> �'R��'T I hereby certify ihat this instrument ti=✓as entered on Numerical lndex and <br /> i fle�for r°ecord tnis__. __._�Ild - -.----------�lay of---- ----J_Liri@_-------___ _---------- <br /> :�. 1�,, 19 11 , at - - -_ __. 1�.r10-- --o'clock_..__ - -- A.1�T, <br /> - _ _ <br /> -----__BQ�tha_ -Lerv_o1d- _ __- _ _- ---- V�/arranty ,_ <br /> ��� Beed. ' <br /> _�����_�� <br /> - -- - <br /> Re ister of Deeds ��c�o�c�'x� <br />� -- -Z.E_.Dil1-& S.C.��s�or� -- g <br /> -- --- - --- - - <br /> -- ------ --- -- -- <br /> lle��uty, <br /> now A�1 I�en b� Tih�se Pr�serits: <br /> �ha�- I, -Bsrtha .Ler_v__old-- _ _ ._ ____ . _ _- -- - <br /> -- -- ------ __ _- - _ _( single_woman_ )__ _ _- . ____- -- - -- - - <br /> of the Count,y- of' --------_H�11- __ ___ _---- - -.-.------and ��tate of--- ---- -Neb�_8.Sk3---- ------ --_----- - -------- ---...----Grantor----._, in consideration <br /> of the sun� of T�tQ Hundred-T��nt�r. and no_!_lOQ - ------------ - ---- --- --------- - ----------------------------- --------- -------------DOLLARS, , <br /> / <br /> in h�,nd pwid, �o__._ ---- ---iiereby- GR,A�1', PA�iG��TN, SELL, 9I��D CONVEY unto------S.E.Dill_..&---$_._C.Ht�$�_O__T� ,------ ---- -------- -------- . -- ----- <br /> of tlie Coui2ty of__ F�81__1__---- --- --- ---- --__ _ _ __ --- --and ,State of___Nei7r�8.ka-- --__ ____ -------- ---__- -------------------- -------_, Grantee__$...,the following <br /> descrii�ed prernises,situat.ed in tne C�itni�y of_____________ Hall________ ______ ___ __.___________an�i S�ate of Nebraska, to wit, <br /> -- ------F�t_--of__1Qt_ _.Numbez_-Qne-- -(1-)---nf---Se_e-t-i.on-Nine-t-een---(19-)-- -in-Town.shi�--Ele_ven--(11�--North,---of _Rar.g@_ <br /> -- --- --Ni.x�e .(9-}-r---��s_t_.of . Sixth--Princi-�al- -Mer_idi�n -being- -that- -?�ar�--of__said---lot about---Seu$n__Hundre�t--- <br /> -- -----Fifteen---�7__1__5}- feet - in--�.engt2�- nor_�h-- and __southr----and---ths__ full_ width_ ths.r�o�,- --lying---rzorth--of---and <br /> _______boundec�__ on_the__ south__by_ �he_ north-- line___of___the_..xight----of---�ay._of__�hs__main_lins___of_.ths__Uni_on_______ <br /> _ ..._--Pac�.�ic___Railway_and- -containing-T��--(-2) - acras-mor-e- or--le$s-.-- -------- -- - <br /> - _ _- - - - - -_ --- -- - -- - - --- ---- ------ --- ---_ __-- - ---- - - - --- ----- ----- --------- -------- <br /> To�ether�ith �,11 the tenements, 1�iereriitar�letzts, and ap�urtetla��;es tl�eretzzlto belon��ing�, at�d a11 the Est�te,Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clainl �nd <br /> Delnand wtlatsoever of the said Grantot� , ancl of eitlisr of the2n, of, in, or to the sarne, or any part thei°eof. <br /> TO K_4ti'E AND 7'0 HOLI1 t1�E al�ove-elescribed premises, tivith the appurtenancea, unto t,he said Grantee8-______and to_____th�ir_____________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And____ _____I________ _ _____heref��� covenant___ _._.with the said Grantee_S.-._____that___________Z__._______hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; bhat__________ __I.__._._ __ ____1.a-__Vp_goo�i right and lawful authority to sell �,nd con�%ey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumhrances <br /> whatsoever----- ------------ ------ --- - - -- - - - - - -- -_ --- -------- --- ----- -- --- - ------ -- -- - ---- - ------- --- --- -------------------• <br /> - - - _ - ----- - - - - -..___--- _ - __- -- -- --_ - -_ -- - - - - --- ----- ---- ------ -- - -- - -------- - -- ---- -------- ------- ------- ---------------- <br /> - -- the - --- -- - <br /> - - - -- _ -- --- - -- - ----.And-------- - I - -- ---- - --- - --- --- - -------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> ciefend t�¢said premises against the lativful claims of all persolis whomsoeve�°, ___..__..__________________________________________._ <br /> - -- -- --- -. - --- - -- ---- ---- --------------- , <br /> 1lated the- -- 2�_th. - -- -- - -- --day of-- MS- -_. . --- - - -- - --------- -------A, D., 19],],----- • <br /> Y <br />� wITNESS ------------------Ber_tha--LerYOld- ------------ ---------------------- <br /> � ----------_----------------------------------------------- <br /> --- --- ---- - ---- --F�.yar_d__H_.P_aine - - --- - <br /> STATE OF PIEBRASKA, � <br /> �ss, <br /> ------ H811--- -- ---County, On this-- ---- 26t�i_- -- --------------_day of----------}��y-- -----------------------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the <br />' undersigned, a iVotary �'ubli_r,______._______________________________________within and for saia ounty, persona y came <br /> - ---- -- -Be_rth�_L�r_v41ci------ -- -- - ---------- - --------- -- <br /> --- <br /> -- - --- - -- - -------- - - -- -------(--a---�3ingle___4roman�------- - ----- <br /> - ------ ---------- ---- ----- --- --- -------------- <br /> (SEAL) to ane personally known to be the identical person._______whase name________��___________ ___.__________aP'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as�rantor__________, and______BhH._________xs�� acknowledged the same to be____.___hBr____________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for tlie purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto su�scribed my A�ip�tand aflixecl my ofI'icial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> _ �-arid.-I818r1,d�,----NBbr-aska.----------on the date last above written. <br /> ------ ----------------- ���ar_d�_�i.P_ain�--------------------------- <br />;. . Notary Public. <br /> My comrnission expires--------------------------- -----------------------NOV--1�----------------------------j916------ <br />