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���� <br /> ,;. D -_ _ D ° _ � � � , <br /> � �� o <br />= _ :_ _ _ . __.-_ _ _. <br /> 5b�J�8—.KL01'P&BAhTLLPT CO.,Prinlinp,LiUao�raplaingandCourt,j.Supplies,'dm¢fin.: __ _ _.- _�.�_;:_ �_- __�.-- — --� ---..-��-__-_ _ . �-� <br />_. _ : . _ <br /> __ _.. , ___-___- --.—�:, __�M� �__�.._,, <br /> _ .. . �::.- —_�-___.._ _'_�rt_ _ _.- <br /> �R���Z I hereby certify tha,t this instru�nent was entered on Num.erical IlzdeY and <br /> filed for record this--___ _._. 31_ ._-- _ _---day of-- ___--�a --- <br /> y - - - - --- -- - <br /> .1. D,, 19_11--., a,t- --. _ -- _ _- -_ -- -11 -o'clock-- - -- ---_ ..A_.__M, <br /> -- _- -_ - Theodore _P_,Boehm__ &_wife_-- V�arranty <br /> �,� - ' Deed. � � � <br /> �-����.�--�_- - - <br /> ------- -- <br /> L Regis�or of De s �o���h�xx <br /> - <br /> -.Mi_chaelnDolan _ _. .._---- - _ <br /> -- __ __ --- - _ - -- -- ..-- - <br /> - -- - -- - --- -- <br /> lieputy. <br /> -_ -- — -- --- --_—___-- -- —_ ----- <br /> Kn�w All 1Vlen b 'I'�iiese Pr�sents : <br /> Y <br /> That- - �ye,_ .The_QdQre_ P_.BQehin-ancl-Evalyn �o�Y�m� husba�d---and c�i�e. - ---------- - -- - - ----- - - -.. -- ------ - -- - <br /> of the County of___ ---- ---- --------- -HS11--- --- ------- ----arid State of_-----Nebr2�8kS-- ------ -._ _------------ --------- ------- -----------Grantor--�---, in consideration <br /> of the sum of__________�irty_-five.__Hundred__._(.�35QQ.0�_)____&__�o_�QO___._ <br /> --- - - --- --------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand p<�id, do_ __ _ . _______hereby 6�RA��T, B�iRC�IN, SELL, AI�TD CONVEY unto____�SiCht�Q_�___L___DO�,�IA_____ ___ ______________._ _. <br /> of the County� of__H811---------- ------and State of_ -----�+Tebrs�S_k.3_ _-------- ---------- - --------- -------- --.-------------._ _, Grantee ------_,the following <br /> _- - -_ _ <br /> desoribed premises,si�uated iv the Couniy of__________________ _ ______xall__..____-----__-___and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> ---- --Tha---Nor�_h__erl_y--one_-sixth----�- -l�fi --)---of--Lo.t- -E-igh�---�8�_ in__Bl�ck__�ixZy-f�ur---�C4�---in_the---T_o�rn--------------- <br /> -__- ---(nvw_ citY) - of _�rand Isl�ntl,-- Nebraska,- --as._ suZVeyad--pl��ed--and--�eco�ded-. --- --------- ------------- <br /> __ _ _ being_a_ rec�_angula�_g�,ece__of_ �xc�und_hav�.ng__T_wQnt_y-��Q__.��2�_,feet__fr_ont___on.__£pruce__5treet___and___Si�rty <br /> ----- six -(66) feet in_dQpth___�:�d_ �oun�l��i _on--the__._r1o_r_th by all.Q� in__�ai�l --Bloc�_.___----- ---- - -- - --------- -- <br /> - - _ - - - --- - - -- - -- ---- ---- - - - - -- -- - ---- - -- -------------- <br /> - - ---- --- ------ ---- -- -- --- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -=---- ------ ----- � <br /> Together with aIl the tenernFnts, �iereclita�re��ts, a1�d appurtenances thereulito belo�i�ing, and �,11 the .Estate, R,ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Dernand wha,tsoever of�he said G"rarltor__s._ ___, anci of either of them, of, in, or to the sarre, or any part thereof. � <br /> TO �d!�V�E �?IvD TO H�JLI) the above-descrit�ed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to______..________._____.his______heirs and <br /> assigns forever, And____________we_______ ._____hereby covenarit______u�ith the said Grantee__.__.____that_______ette_______hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__._._____�e ______ _ ____Ila__V_8good rignt and Iawful ar�thority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll lie�is and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------ - -----..------ ---- ---- ----- - - - - --- ----- ------ ------ - -- ------- ---- --------- -- -- ------- - - -- ------- <br /> --- ------ ---- - ----------------- <br /> -- -- ------- - -- - -- -- - --- -- -- - - --- - - - .- - - ---- -- ------- ---- --------- - - -- ------- ---- -- -- --------- -- ------------.--- - --- <br /> . <br /> - ----- - ------- -- - -- - - --------- - -- -- - - - -- - ------- ---- --------- - ---------- -�-- -------------- ---- ------- <br />� <br />�' - - --- ---- <br /> -- - - -- -_ -- - <br /> - - - - - ---- - -And -- - - - -- �!e _.--- - -- - --- -- --- ------_covenant--------to warrant and ` <br /> the <br />, defend i'� sai�l premises againsr: the lawf'ul claill�s of all perso�7s wliomsoever, ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />' --- - - - - --- - ---- ----- --- - -- ----- - -- -- --------- - - --- --------------------- ------ ----- - - -- -- - - -------- - -- -------------- -------------- � <br />,, D�ted the -- -- -- --221d- _ - - --__day of-- --- --�aY-- -- --- ------ - -- ------A, D., 1911------� � <br /> ti�ITNESS ------------------_T_h�odoxe---P__.�oshm---------- -------------- <br /> � - - - - - ----EVal�rn-Boahm--------------- ------ ; <br /> ---- ------- ------Jame_s__E_.Dill -- - --- - -- ; <br /> STATE OF NEBR9SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------- H-8t�,1 -----County, On this- ---- .2nd- - -. _ --- -- -----------day of_- --- - - - -�aY ----------�-----------A. D., 19---11-, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a IVotary Public--------------------------._---------------within aizd for said County, Aersonally came------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -----------The odore__P_.Boehm--�nd__Evalyn__Boehmi---hu$b�nd---�C�--wif e---------------------------------------------- ; <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�_____whose name s___._______�Q_______.___.________a�xed to the above instru- ° <br /> ment as grantor___S______, and_______�h8_y___._______severally acknowledged the same to �ie_._____�h�_i..r___________voluntary act and deed : <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, : - <br /> �SEAL name <br /> � Ilv' ti�'ITNESS ti�F�EREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�¢,�,nd affixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ : <br /> -----------._---!�r�ild--�81�.nd------------------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ----- --------------- ----------J,E_.Di 11---------------------------------- <br /> � Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires------------------------ --- - -----------�Lily_---1�6_th---------------------------19_1�----- ' <br />