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A�� �}��� � <br /> . �-D � D ° G �0 ° D <br /> � � J ���� � o <br />�__ _ __ <br /> _ � i_ �-�y <br /> 5004$—KLOPP&P�ARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Liltaographing and Count�Supplies;Omalzc,. ' °.�"- ` `_--"_==---__ _��_� — <br /> _ _. _ <br /> _ _ _.. _ _ <br /> _ _ _.. �,..___—,-- . ._,.�_��_ _ <br /> _ _ — - -- <br /> _. �___�� _�_�_�.�._�_ ._. . .. :-�_t ___ :_:- - __ <br /> �''RQ� I hereby ceriify that �his instrunient was entered on Nunlerical Izzdex and <br /> filed for �°ecor�l this___ _____ --2'5---- - ----day of----�3�y------.----------------------- <br /> �, D., 19_ 11_-, a,t- -_ . 3•34 _ -- o'clock- - _- P_�14Z <br /> ---- -------Atnmozl H..�ick8�__&_�i�e ---- -- ---- Warranty <br />� � TO � Deed. � <br /> ���_�.,,� � <br /> � -- - -- - - - - - - - - <br /> Re i�ter of De s Gi��c��enda�a <br /> --- .Ear1 C.._Brown__ _ -- -- -- <br /> -__ - __ -_ -- -- - - --- --- --- - - <br /> , l�epu�y. - <br /> I�now �11 1V�en b� �'�ese Pre�ents : <br /> That ___�e, __ ,At�tnox�_I�.�.icker-- and_.C.ar_Qlins__M.�'�r_,---husband--and--�rife------ -------- --- _ -- ------- .- - <br /> - - --- - - ------ <br /> of the Couni,y of_ _---------- HE�lI __7nd State of._ __ .1`38�.3�k�----___.--.-- ---- - .---- ------- ----------G�'ant,or_�__, in consideration <br /> of the sum of____._ ___�iXt@@2�__HLtriC�x�d &_Ylp� '— __,____DOLLARS, <br /> i�i hand paid, c�o---- -1-�erebj� GRA�^dT, �t�irAlN, SELL, ��'.D CONVEY unto. �E_�1_ C.BT-0�1------ --------------- <br /> of the County of___ _ ______________._H�11______-_ - __-___ -__ __ -._and State of___ ____NEb�218kS - __,Grantee_______,thefollowing <br /> described pre��iises, sitl�at�,�d it�t�e C,ou;�ty of_______ _______ _ _______x?21.____.__. _ .__ ___.___and State of Nebraska, t,o ���it: <br /> -- - Lo� -Num�l�e_r--Eour__(4_}_ in__Slock _Number_ _Ei��aen---(-7--5-)----in-.x.4-.-Clar-k'-s- -Acidi-t-ion- ts�---�r-and_Island---------- <br /> _Nsl�raska,--as--euruoyad� �l8►ttec� an�l recv�cl��i�- . _- - -- -_ _--- - - - --- - - - -- - __ <br /> - ---- - - -- _ -- -- --__ _ - -- - - - ------ -- - - - -- - - --- -- ._- - -- ---------------- <br /> Tc�ether wit�'� a11 the te�ements, herediia.?r!en�s, and ap�u.rtenances thereunto belon�ing, and aIl the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demand whatsoever of'the saici Gran±ar__�________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO �I.QVE AND TO HOLI) the above-described premises, �ti�it,h the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_______ ____hiH_._______________._heirs and <br /> a,ssibns forever, And___.i..______'�heY..___.hereb� covenar��_____with the said Grantee____________that______th8y_______ho?d________.said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that.___ ____�he_�t_ rig��t a-nd lativflil autl�ority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of ail liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----- -- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- - . --- --- - ---- --------- -- - - --- - --- --- -- -- -- <br /> ------ --- -- --- - --- - - - <br /> --- .. ---- - ---- - -- - -- - ---- - ---- -- -- ----- -- --- - ---------._..- --- - ---------- ------ ------- - -------------- <br /> - -- -- - - - ----- - -- - --- -- -------- — - --- ---- ------- - ------ -- - - - :----- - ------- ----- ---- --- - ---- ----------- <br /> - _ - - And---- - �h9y-- - - - --- - _ -----------covenant-------to warrarlt and <br /> the , <br /> defend t�sai� premises against tlle Iawful claims ofall persol�s whomsoeti�er, _eXCept,__�SX@�____ fOT__1911____�it,�___t_�,�T$af'���____________ __ <br /> Dated the-- - .._ ..._._.9th --- - ------ --day of-- -- Als1Y ---- - -- ---- - ---- - --,-._A, D., 1911._---• • <br /> \ <br /> u�IT�r��s � -------------------A�unQn---H.�[_i�ckar-- -------------------------------- <br /> � <br /> � C�_r__oline--I�_,�t icker-------------------------------- <br /> ----- ----�►_�R.._Bs_ininger_--- • <br /> STATE OI' NEBRASK_A, <br /> ss, <br /> -------- -- - Hs11-- -----County, On this_ 9th-- -- - ------------day of_- --- - -�aX------------------------A. D., 19._1:�__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Pu�lic------------------------------------------within and f"or said County, personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - _-- - Au�n�n._H_.�ick�r---�nd--C_�_Qlin�--�_��i�kes-- --- ----------------- -------------------------- --------------- <br /> ------------- <br /> (SEAL) <br /> -- ------- --- --- - --------- ------ - ----- - -- ------ ---------------------- ----------- ------- ----- �---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_g___.___whose name__�__g�B________________________._af�xerl to t�ie above instru- <br /> nient as grarltor__8_____, and____��i@y______.__severaliy acl�nowledged the sanle to ,�e________thB_is_______.voluntary act and deed <br />' for the pur•pose �fierein expressed. <br /> IN 1VITN�SS WHEREOF I have herzunto subscribed my �and affixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> __�3r�iild__I81a21d�___Nebr_____________________on the date last above written. <br /> _---------------------�.R.Hrininger---------------------------- <br /> ----- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> 14Ty cominission expires---------- ---- --- --------------- -- -------2��914------ <br /> G _ <br />