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<br />�_.: ____. .-:- _� ��- ____ .__ ___ --__ __- _ - � � _ _ __ :. __-_ __-- __ _ _ _ -__—___- _ _ ___
<br /> 50048-SLOPP&BAftTL�TT CO.,Prxnling,Lilhographinp and Counly Siipplies;O�nahc. � v � � �
<br /> -_ _. :'.--. -�-�r=-._ ,,-,_ ----- ----.�_.�___ - __,-- _ --_ __._-_ _ _- --_ __.—__ .. .__-- ------.______�—._
<br />__ __.—.._. -- _. - - --_—=---_... .-_-- --___ -- --_. _.__�._ —.Y_,J__ -
<br /> . - - -- �--
<br /> , ,FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �,
<br /> ---------- -�..�_._�Iust.Ori__8e_�[_lf e - --- -- -- filed for record this- - 23 --- ----day of_ -_ --��y - -- - - -- - - -- !
<br /> i
<br /> A, D., 19 �11 , at- - . --14- --- - - ---o'clock-- - - ---A -,M,
<br /> - - -- --- - ---- ---- - - --- --- -- --- - - --- - Warranty
<br /> �p Deed. , �
<br /> - --�_ - - - - -� -- --- - - - -- - --- -- --- ---
<br /> Re g i st e r of Dee d i�oao���ea�
<br /> ---- - - -- -- -Fr�nk--��rift- - - - -- ---- - --
<br /> -- ----- ------------- - - - - - -- -
<br /> -- - - - --- -- - --- ;
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�now All 1VIen by Tl�ese Presents:
<br /> That- --- w�, -�_._C.Hus�_on__.and__Anna A.Hu�t-on, - -- - - _ --- --- - ---- - - - - - -- ---- - -� ----- - --- ------- -- ---
<br /> - - --- - - - -- - -
<br /> { husband and wife �___ ___
<br /> i
<br /> of the County of--------.--Ha11---------------------,--- -------and State of-------N6bx3�88�.--,--------------------------------------------------------._Grantor--$---, in consideratioz�
<br /> of the sum of -- - -Qne___Thous_and ansi_nS��1QQ--- - ---- ------- ------- - --�--------- -- --------- ------------------------------------ -------------�-------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------hereby GRA�TT, BARGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto- ------- _F__r$nk---$'�t_i_f'C----------------------- - - ------ -------------------__,
<br /> of the County of_,__---Je__ffe_r�0�'1._._____________ ____-_
<br /> ----------anrl State of---_-------__rleb_T��k�,.-----. .__---_ --------------.--------------------------- Grantee-------,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of___.____ _. _______..___ ____Ha►11_ _____________________and State of Nebraska-, to witr
<br /> ____L__ot___Numb_e_r__One___�1�___i_n___ Blo�k___1�lta.mber___Siztp_.T�vo___(62)___�fhe_e_ler__&___Bennetts__$econd__Addit_ion __ _ ________ ___
<br /> ---�o_.Grand _I�l -Ne_hra�1� as -�urvB__ s lat-�_a_d__and_x_ecQrde_d.-- - - -- -- - ---- - - - --- - - ------- ------
<br /> �� �ir - y �r- �
<br /> ------- --- ----- - - - --- ---- - -- - - -- - - ----- - ----- - -- - ---- - -- ---- - -- ----- - I
<br /> --- - - - ----- - ----- ----
<br /> -------- -- ---------------
<br />' Together with all the tenenlents, heredita,ments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all trie Est�,te, R.i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and i
<br /> I Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, �
<br /> ' TO R�VE AND TO HOLI) the a,bove-described premises, with the appurtenaiices, unto the said Grantee_______._.and to___________hi$_______________________heirs and
<br /> I
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_________________vlte_________hereby covenant_._____with the said Grantee__________that__.___We______.____hold__________said premises by good and perfect ;
<br /> title; that______W@__________.__.___ha_v_'egood right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------sub�e_ct.._to---taxes-- for_1910--and_ subaequent----tsa ------ - - ---------- ---------- -- ----------- -------- ---- ---- ------------ -------•-------..
<br /> ----- ----------- --- -- ------ - - --- - - - -- ----- - --- ---- - -- ---- - --� - - --- --- -----�- -- ---- ---------- - - -------- -----------------�-------------- ----
<br /> i --- ---- - ------ ------------ - -------- -- - - - ----- -------- --- --- ---- -- -- ----------- ------ - - ---- - ---- - --- ------- -------------- -------- - ---------- -------------------
<br /> we
<br /> nd---- - ------ --- - -- ---- - -- ---------------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> ------- ----- --- --- - ----- --- - - - - ----- ---------- -- --- - --- ---A -
<br /> I defendt�seaid premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____eXGs9gt___38___abOV9___Bta��_d________---_______----______________-_.____________--______
<br /> Dated the--- Thir�_eQntY�- ----- - ------day of---- ?d�y-- - ---- ------ - -- ---- ----- ------A. D., 19--11---�
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------�-.C-.-HUe�-011------- ---------------------------------------
<br /> i
<br /> - ------ ----,�'1X1�--�.�t�l_@��tl-------------------------------------
<br /> , ----- ---- - --------- -----�08c�_�..��Il@@23------ ---- --- '
<br /> �ss. '
<br /> ------- H37�1---- ---- ---County, On this-- ----- 1$'��1--------------------day of_---�-- - �dEly---- - -- ----------------A. D,, i9---11-, before me, the
<br />� undersi�ned, a Notary Public-----------------------,-------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-----------------------------------------------------------------------.------
<br />� S.C.Huston and Anna A.Huston
<br /> -- ----- -- ------ --------- ---------------- -------- ---- ----- --- ----- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------
<br /> --------- -------- ----- ---------------------- ------------ --------- - --�- (husband__and_wife_)----------------- ------------�-----._ ;.
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___8_____whose name___s____aT@_____________________.____af�aed to the above instru-
<br /> I (SEAL} ment as grantor____�____�_, and________�_�lQy_________severally acknowledged the same to be_______'�t19ir_________voluntary act and deed '
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my t�]tD¢D�a,nd afl3xed my ofi'icial seal at________________._______________.________._..
<br /> __,________�r3nd__I81a2id�_.__N6brs$ka____________________on the date last above written,
<br /> i ' ------------------------------Rose__E_,Ii�nsen------------------------- :
<br /> Notary Public. i
<br /> ' My commission expires------------------------- -------------------------�'�$Y---�O•-------------------------------19_.]C-----
<br /> i
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br />. , ___�:.�.,_�.__�
<br />