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� <br /> t� e_l � <br /> �_ � D ° C=� �� ° D <br /> � � �, a <br />— Y 50078—I{�OPP ef BAF.TI.L'fT CO.,Printiny,LithoprapTainp and Count1�Supplies:O+naha. ' `°' _. ':���`-�'" --� -_—--- - , - -- <br /> FRO1Vi I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recor•d this__ _---- . 2a_ _ ---------_._day of__ .. ----------MBY--- ------- - <br /> - - <br /> :�. D., 19 11 , at - _____._ 4.�3Q _____o'clock___ __ - -- P...__M, <br /> __ .-------Ch�rllds__ L.Haux &_�ife _ . -- Warranty <br /> � �� � Deed. ���� <br /> - -- ' <br /> - - -- -- _----- <br /> Register of De s ��x�z <br /> ------ - Frances Y.Buxk.h��d- _ _- <br /> - --- - -_ - <br /> _ __ - --- --- -- -veput-y. - - <br /> I�now All 1VIen by �'l�ese I'r�esents: <br /> That. _ _- -4ha_r_les L.�isux__�and Alma---S_.Hauxs__hi.s-- �rifs_. - - --- ------- --------. ------- . ---- ------ <br /> - - - ;-- - --- - <br /> of the Couniy of__-- ----- -- �T�1�, ___- - -- _ ._._. <br /> and State of.._ _____Neb.T8�k8►-------- ------ ---- --- ----- ----- . . _--------Grantor--8---, in cnnsideration <br /> of the sum of__F1�'�8@ri_HtLridrQ$-= - -- _---- _.-- ----- —---"------_-"-=-— - - - -- --- ------------------------- ------ -"--------DOLI.AR , <br /> S <br /> iri hand paicl, �lo-- --- -_.__hereby CRA:�`T, B!�I��AIl�', SELL, AND CONVEY unto--- .FrST1.GSS ..V.BLtTkh3Td---------- --------------------- -.-- <br /> of the G`ounty of--- __.---- --H__8_11.- --- - - __--------------- -._�,nd State of------ -Ne:b�E�$k�t_ _----- -- - ---- ---------- ----- --- . . ------- -,-----, Gra,ntee_._.____,the following <br /> c�escribed prernises, situa�ed in tt�e Cozanty of___ _HRlI ____________. ._ ___________�,nd State of�'ebras�a, to wit: <br /> ------i.ot__Ten _(1Q_} _�.n -�3)-, ---qf_.E�m _P_lace- -Addi�_ion_ to___t�e--Gity_- -o� _G�r.and__ Island;----- --------- - <br /> -- --i�Tebrask.a, a�__sur�re�red,-_�lattsd and__xe�Qxde_d,- - _- -- - __ _ ._ - - - --- <br /> -- ------ - -- --- - --- - --- --- - - -- - - -- - ----- - ------- <br /> � Together witi�all the tene�nents, �ererlitarne�ts, and a,ppurtenanc�s thereunto belon�ing, �nd all the Est�,te, Pight, Title, Iriterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demard whatsoey�er of the sai�z Grarco�__S_ _ _, a.rid of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />' TO K.�VE AIvD TO HQI.I1 trie abc��e-described prer2ises,with the ap�urtenances, unto the said Grantee________arld to_______h9r________._.__________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. A�:rt__ __._._�ife ________.___hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_ ____.___that_.__�fQ________ _____hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that___.__�e______ _____1i�,_ YSgooci rigtii and lai��ful authorit,V to sell a,nd convey the same; that t11ey are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------- -- ---._ . -- -----_._- -- - - -- -_--- -------- -- --- ---- -- ---- ----- ---- --- - --------- ---- ----- ------- -- - <br /> - --------------------- <br /> - -._...--.. - ---- - ----- -__ -- --- - - --- - - -------- ----- ----- -- - -- --- - ------_ -- ---- - - - ----- --- ------ - ---------- ----- <br /> _ -- -- - And----- -- --- ---- -�e - - -- -- ---------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> defen-de4ffi said pr�mises against tlie la-wful clain_1s o�all persolis wl�omsoe��er, _____._ .___. ._________________.___________________ ___ _ ._ ' <br /> - - - --- ------ ------- --------- ------ ----- <br /> Ilated the----__ 22nd - - --- -_ - --daY of------ --�aY - ..--- -- - - -- - ___A, D., 19Z1-- - � <br /> � <br /> WITNESS -------------------Cih�lxl�-8---�r..���tL17c �------ ------------------ <br /> ��J.l��l--���AtiX-------- --- ------------------------------- <br /> --4u�r__Robinson - -- -- <br /> I - STATE OF NEBRASK!l, o <br /> }ss. <br /> Hall------------County, � On this----------------------2�Zld---------------day of_--------------MSy_--------------------------A. D., 191-7,----, before me, the <br /> andersi�ne�3, a i�otary Public_. ---------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --(�liarle�__L�Fiau.�- �tt�d--Al.m�t- -S,�_auu, -hi$ wif-�--------------------------- - --------- - ------------------------------------- <br />�'' to me personally known to be the identical person_.�_______whose name_�______�t�8________________________a�xed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL) me,n�as grantor___s_______, and______'�hey_________severally acknowledged the sarae io be__.__._their.________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> nam�e <br /> ITV tivITNFSS 'vVHERF.OF I have hereunto subscribed my and af�'ixed my of�cial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> �rand__I$l�it3�---I+TBbr-.---iT�--B�id---CL'�31r1tXs--on the date last above written. <br /> L.a.�a.� <br /> --------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires---------------------------------- -------���'�--��------------------------------19.�6----- <br />