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�� � �� <br /> ,.�. � �--- � `D o � � � D <br /> � � � ��� o <br />� -.__. _:._ __ _ --- _: <br /> 50018—K.LOPP&73AXTLL'TT CO.,Prz'ntin2,Zitho�;ra�lain�and Coun!i�Suppl%es;O�nah�. "- "- � --` "-- = <br /> �'Ra�� I hez°e�y certify that �his in_sirurlent was entered on Numerical Index arrd �� � <br /> filed for record tliis- -_._ . - --18t11_.--- -----elay of--------�3t-._---- --- --___-------- <br /> A, D., .19 1,1 � at--- _ -- - - _- �� __dclock-- - - _ .__A_.IVl, <br /> A.�'.Tt�qloT_ & ..wife_-- -- __ Warranty <br /> _ _ <br /> T� Deed. - <br /> __-- - - � <br /> - - -- - - --- _ <br /> Register of Deed �� <br /> -- - �f i�l.�at�_R,Burk� ---. _ . __ <br /> - -- --- - - ---- <br /> -. -- - -- - -- <br /> - - - - <br /> � De,pu�,�, <br /> �no�v �-111 �en b� �'�es� Prese�t� : �� <br /> �nat _ . A_._�P.Tay1Qr and Rosa_H,T�ylox, -husband and-wife -._ --_- - --- -- -- - -- - - -: - - - - <br /> of the Cotznty of_.___. __ -- ----HSl7.------ ---and State o�' ____NQbTc'�6��1_.__. __---_ -- --------- - --- ------ ----------Grantor_8---, in co�isideratiou <br /> cf tr� sum of-'� F�L1Yit�r@�1__&__2'�0�.-- -- __ - - ---- - ------ --------- --- ----------------------------- ------ - ------- ---------DOLLARS, . <br /> in hand paicl, do. __ ___ _--___he��eb�� (xRA'vT, B_�P��`�IN, SLLL, AivD CONVEY urlto. �illiam_ R:AtirkB _ _ _ _ <br /> of the County of----- ___._ _---HAll_ __ _------- -------.__.___a71d ,St�,ie of---- --NBbT�BkB_---- - -- _ --- ----- __ _---- _____------ --- - -_, Grantee-------,the following <br /> deseribed premises, situated in �re Gounty of -_ _--- --__-------Ha��------------_-----_--------anr1 State of Nebraska, t�n uit r <br /> - -- -.Lot_ _1�mbQresi__�en__(14� in _Block._Numbereci__Thix_ty_-nine__(._39�-- in._Rus�el__i�hee�.ar_'�t�o�--�o-------- <br /> Gran�3 _�_�lans�- __Nebsaska,---as---��---glat.ted -and__re�orde_d.__- - ----- - - <br /> -. _.- - - -- -- -- ----- -- -- __ --- - ---- - - --- -. ---- - -- - --- - - -- -- ---- ------ ---- --- - - ------- <br /> Together witti all the teneme�its, �iereditar�ents, and appurten�rices ther°eunto belon�ing, anci all the Estate, R�ight, i itle, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Deniand whatsoevsr of�he said C.=raritor_8_ _____, a,nd of c-ither of tf�eln, of, in, or to the same, or a,ny part thereof, : <br /> TO �:�VE AT�TD TO HOLl� the aaoye-desr,rYbed prez7.ises,tivith the appurtena,nces, unto tlze said Grantee_______and to_____.____h�8________.__._____._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns foreti�er. And_.___�hgY -_ _____._nereby cover7ant_.______with the said Crantee.___________that___t_h_.By________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__._.__...they __ ______ha_V�_good ri�ht and 1a•yT✓ful authoriti,y �o sell and convey the same; that t1�ey are free a,nd clear of a,ll iiens and incumbrances <br /> tivhatsoei�er-------------------- - -____ _----- - - --- - ----- --- -- - ---- ----- -- ---- - - --- - -- - ---- - ---- -- <br /> -- - -- - - ---- -- - -- - --- -- - - -- ----- -- - - - --- - - --- ---- - -- - - - -- --- --- - - - --- ------ ------ --------- - <br />' - - --- - -- ---- -- ---- -- - - - --- - -- ----- --- -- - --- -------- -- - - - ----- - - ---- -- --- ---------------- - ------------- ------------------ � <br /> And----- - --- ----- - �YiBy- -- - -- - - ---------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend t�said premises agains� the lativful claims of'aIl per°scr�s u�homsoever, ____8_8C��3�__t8g�8--fOr_1�11___8�d_th�T�_Sf..�QT____________.____________ <br /> Dated the- ----- - - 13th. - -- - -- --day of_- �[ay - - - - -- --- --- -----� ------A. D,, 191�---- � , <br /> WITN.�SS _.---------------A.�.T ay lor_ <br /> ---- - ------Rosa___B._Taylor--- --------�------------------------------ <br /> ---- --- ----- ------L=R_,_Erinir�er_-- - _--- ----- - <br /> -- _ , ----- -- -------------- �--------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> I - -- - - - Ha11 -- ----County, On this----- --- _ 13th-- - --------------day of------- ------3�Ety- --- --------------------A, D., 19__11._, before me, the <br />'', undersigr�ed, a Notary 1'ublic--------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally.carne------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />', - --- ------ - --A.�_.23y_lor__and- Rosa A.Tay__lor-------- ---- <br /> ------------�------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- <br /> (SEAL} to me persoraliy knowll to be the identical person._8_______wllose name_. a_______E��@____.,_______._____affixed to the above instru- <br /> nie,nt as grantor_$______, a,nd_______t�Qy___._______severally acknowledged the same Go be__.____'�114�.�.._____voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> riam6 <br /> IN l�ITNESS WHEREQF I have hereunto subscribed my 17�7¢�tand afffxed lny of�icial seal at_________________________________________._ <br /> ___.___�r3rid__S31Sric�____NshY�-------------�-----------------ou the date last above written, <br /> -- ---------------- -----------L.R.Brinir�er------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br />�, My cominission expires--------------------- - -----------2d3rch---16--------------------�------1914------ <br /> . <br />'I _ <br />