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F 4 :Y' ff�� <br /> �� C :Y <br /> � "' <br /> � <br /> � .. �� � � (�� ' ° � �C i�� �` D <br /> �, �� �_� �� � �� ►� ❑ <br />_,_ � _ _ _ _ -- -- - <br /> ,. <br />— 50015-KLOPP efr BARTLIiTT CO..1'rinting.LiChagray7ain�anrl[j Supylies;t3^nr.7m,. ,__ _._ ,.. ,__,. _ :.-__ -_:_- -� _— — —_ ___ _ __= __—_— __ _ --_ <br /> FI�OM � I hereby certify that this izistrum_ent tivas entar�d on Numerical IZidex and � <br /> filed for°recorc( this_ _- - -17 _-----------day of___----- ------3S8,�t---.__------------.-- <br /> �, D., 1911 , at..- -- - - ----10.-1�- ---o'elock - -- -- A. -M, <br /> - -- -------- Jos_eph_ �t._Kaumans &._wif-e- ---- - 7 Warranty <br /> To � Deed. ' �� � <br /> _`��T�,� `�/���2 <br /> _ --- - -- <br /> Register of Deeds 6mwa� <br /> Eugene--Beland _ . _ _. __ _ <br /> - - _ - -- - <br /> - - - - - - �epu�y,..._ <br /> I���� �.11 1i�en by �'�e,�e 1'resents : <br /> That___--- - - Jose__ph_ _�P_.�aunan�. and.__Kate Kaumans,--hu�hand--and-�rife�------- ------ __ ---- ------- ------ - ------- ---_---- <br /> -- -- <br /> af ihe County of--- ----- ---------H8�11-- ------- -- --------and State of_ _N8br.86k-�►- --- --_ _ _ ...---.- ------ ----.__:_Grantor•---�--, ir� consideration <br /> of the sum of--------- --ToYent�-s�X_hundred___�1C1._.110/�.QQ ------- ------ ------ -----.-- -,----- ------- ------- -------DOLLARS, <br /> --------- ------ ------ <br /> izi hand paid, do--------_ _ __hereby GR,a��T, Ti�RG_�IT�, SELL, A11'D CONVEY unto_ _-- EUge11�----$@_1_821d--- ---- --------_ - <br /> af ths Coui�ty of___ _..------- __ __ __---------anc� State of___ __.__NSbrBBke� _ _--------- -- -__ _--- -._--------__---__----, Grantee-----,the following <br /> Hal�._ <br /> cleseribed pren��ses, sitl�atec�in tl�e vc�i�n�5�of___ ______-____ _�i81I--__-_-____ ----_-_-_-__-------and State of Nebraska,, to u�it: <br /> -------------Lo_t_s_ Nu�r►be_r_S_evan _�7}-_and. Eight--- {-8-)--B1QCk__nuzaber---Thirtee_n- (13)__in__Lambsr�-'--s---AdditiQn---t-s�----- <br /> ----- ------�rand _IBland NBbr�ska, -as st�r��yed, platted-a�d-racorded;_ --- -- -___ - -- -- - - <br /> -- ----- ---8tib�_ecx-- h�e4ez t a_ .a-mort gage--t�_t-he-- N�bra�ka-State-_Suilding- and--I,Qan_�_AsBQ,ciat.i�n_9f__._Fr_emon� <br /> -__ NeUraska�-_-in. the_ Pr_i,n�inal _sum_9f-_T�rQ_lye__Hundr_s�----(�1�00-,-�---_2�d._z�o��.4Q---�o11�rt�__which_.t.ogether wi�h <br /> the inter�st thereon the_ grantee herein assumes____a__r�d_a,grees to pay,_ _ <br /> - . --_ __ -- - -- -- ---- - -- ------ - - - -- -- -- - ---- ---- --- - ---------- ----- <br /> Te�etrier wit� aIl the te�eznen�s, iiererlitan�er�ts, and appurtenances t�hereurito belonding, arid all the .Est�,te, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clairti and <br /> Demand wliatsoever of the saici Grant,or___8____, �,nd of eithe.� of them, of, i�, or to the same, or any part thereof, � � <br /> TO K:4tiE AND TO �IOL.P �he �,ho��e-described prerrises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________ancl to___________h_��__________.____,__heirs and <br /> assigl7s forever. �lnd_____.___�te_____________hereby covenant__ ___with the said Grantee_..________that___.__ _W�_____.___hold____.____said premises by good and perfect � <br /> title; that___.w�_______ __-______ha_Y8__bood ri�;ht and lad��ful authority to sell a,nd convey trie same; that they a�re free and clear of �,11 lieus and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever_---- e�_�8� abCtvQ___stat�d._._. -- -- -- - ---._ - --- ---- - - - <br /> _ - - -- -- -- --- ---- --- _ -- ------- -------- --------- <br /> --- -- -- -- - -- - -_ -- --_ -__- ------ - - _- -- ----- -. ---------------- - . - - ------ ----------- ------- - ----- ----------------------------------- <br /> _.-- --.And ------ --- VP9 - -- - - - --------------covenant--- ----to warrant and <br /> Q . . <br />��, defend 7�sai"d premzses against tre lau�ful clainzs of all persozis wliomsoever, ___9�CAp�__�8__s��?OV8___8��'�9d_________________________.__._____._______.________.___ <br /> I)ated the__ --- - 16th - - -- _da;y of- -- - ��Y - ---- -- .._-- ------- - -_A. D,, 19__11---� <br /> FJITNESS <br /> ------------------Jps��ah---�_�Ra1am��------------------------------- <br />', ------ - -----��te---K�uma�ns-------------------------------------- <br /> J.T.StsaPard � <br />� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> - - <br /> H�11 ------County, Qn this- -- 16th- - ---------------day of_----- - �aY -- ---------------------A. D,, 19__11__, before me, the <br /> undersi�r�ed, a lvotary Public------- -------..---------------within and for said County, Aersonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> _ Joseph__�I_._Kaumane__and__Kate___Raumans�____husband. and__�i_f_e <br /> -- -- -- - - - - - ---- --- -- ----- ----------------------- - --�--- ------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -- ----------------- ----------------- <br /> to rrle persona�ly kriown to be the iclentical person.8___.____whose name__S__.___8tT_�_____________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEA?�� ment as grantor__s______, and_______'�h�y_._____.__severally acknowledged the same to be__..____'�_Y�.4_l�________voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed, <br /> IIV WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribecl�Y�i��and afCixed my of�cial seal at_____________________________.______________ <br /> _____________xra2ld_I8_1_821d�____I?6br2tsk�_____________on the date last above written. - <br />'�' -------------------J.T__._�_�wasd---------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------------------------------- -- -Al�ril-----��-----------------------------------------j9---��--- � <br />� <br />� <br />